If you want your kid to be fear-free from the math subject, then you have to make sure that you make the foundation of the student strong in math. In this rapidly changing world. Education curriculum and way of teaching are rapidly changing. Methodology of teaching is being shifted towards more long-term gain with fun activities. You can play your part as a parent in your child’s learning by making them practice a lot. Practice is the key to acquiring anything in this world. Parents have to make them practice each concept from addition to division. It is important for parents to be with the child at every step of their learning especially in a tough subject like math. In this article, you will get to know the additional definition for kids, additional techniques for kids, and how to teach addition for kids?

Additional for Kids

When you are teaching additional for kids you should take props like fruits, vegetables, small material like pencil, eraser, etc. Adding material may be seen as ‘connecting’ or in two or more volumes. The addition takes and adds two or three numbers. The add-on sign is + (plus). This is one of the four operations of arithmetic. For children, it is interesting to see how a larger group is produced when we assemble two quantities, ask children to add items like a plume, pencils, chocolates, marbles to their real lives. Making a child learn from real-life examples is a great way to keep the concept in their mind.

Also Read:- Math Concepts for Kindergarten: How to Teach Maths to Kindergarten Children?

How to Teach Addition for Kids?

The use of countable manipulations (physical objects) makes it much easier to grasp and concrete. It is necessary to use a variety so that students start to grasp the definition regardless of the facts. Finger counting is the most intuitive place to begin before you move to bottle caps or cutouts. If you want to have any movement, bring students into small groups and participate, the total number of participants is added again. Start moving paper supplements through the use of illustrated amounts or drawing items for students. The best way to foster association between the two is to include images alongside numbers. Take a graphical organizer with the sum written in the top and a drawing space under each number. There are many activities through which you can teach additions to children. See those activities below.

additional defenition for kids

 1. Coin Games

Every kid loves to play the coin game. Teaching kids addition through coins is really fun. And through the coin, kids learn faster and retain the concept for a longer period of time. You can also add some interesting turns to the game by making it a shopping game where the child can be a shopkeeper and you can bet the buyer. This way your kid will not only learn the addition but he/she will learn the real-life scenario. And how the buying process takes place, addition with coins is easy to learn and at the same time kids are very intrigued with the coins.

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2. Addition with Beads and Cards

You can use other materials than cards and beads also. But here we will explain this activity first with the help of beads and cards. We used a card deck, and you can use two dice depending on your students’ level of ability. Two card decks are being pulled by students. Then the beads are threaded over to the cleaner to reveal all numbers. The students have specific objects to count to find a response to the phrase number.

additional sums for kids

3. Addition with Animals

Kids just love animals. You can draw a huge animal on a sheet of A3 paper. You can draw a bug, a dob, a butterfly whichever animal your child loves. Then make a circle or square that can get fit into the animal shape that you have drawn. Ask your child to add a certain amount of circles or square shapes in the animal shape and then make them count. It is better if you make different shapes of the animal and make the child practice it on those different shapes. This way your kid learns addition in an interesting way.

 Also Read: – How to Make Fractions Easy for Kids? Master the Creative Activities for Your Kids

4. Catch the Addition

Your child loves playing with the ball right? Write the addition on the call and play catch and catch with your child. When one throws the other person catches it this way, add numbers that are closest to the child’s hand. Give them clear instructions and if they don’t understand make them understand them patiently. It is important that the child should understand the whole game. You can also involve your kid and her/his friends in the game to make it more fun and competitive.

how to do addition for kids

 5. Using Lego for Additions

This bricks game Lego is a great way to tie playing to learning for your child. Via the calculation technique of breaking down numbers, LEGOs can be used to add two or more digits, where we must split them up into tens, hundreds, etc. in order to resolve a multi-digit additional problem. Start with Lego to teach addition to kids. Your different colour legos for this activity. Ask your kid to add 2 green to 3 yellows. And then ask the kid to count them together and tell you the sum. This way you can start with small digits and go to higher digits.

Also Read: Teaching Critical Thinking to Children: Games, Activities, and Books  

6. Learning Additions with Clay

Clay is another great material through which kids can learn addition easily. Give a clay set to your kid. Start with giving the child two-colour clay. When you have given the clay ask your child to make 3 balls of one colour and make two balls of another colour. At the end ask your child to sum all the balls. You can ask the child to make different shapes of different sizes to add them up. For making it more interesting you can make them learn how to write countings as well from clay. Tell them to make the shape of 1, the shape of 2, the shape of 3, etc. you can use clay for different purposes. And clay is the material that you can use according to your idea. The more creative your idea the more fun it is to play with it.

how to teach addition for kids


Making your child learn the maths concepts like addition, subtraction, etc can be a tough task for many parents. But in this article, you will get additional sums for kids to help know “how to do addition for kids? Parents can get the ideas of designing and implementing activities to make the child learn addition. Parents can refer to the activities given above and improvise them accordingly. Try to make it more interesting so that the child is interested in learning addition and retain the concept for a long time. It is important for the parent to provide clear instruction to the kid for any activity that he/she is designing.

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About the Author

Kirti kumar

Kirti is a passionate content writer. With psychology and an MBA degree, she presents a complete persona of an empowered lady. She is an explorer who takes up a new journey, every time she takes a new turn. She has agility in her attitude with versatility in her action. She is a creative person who loves to unfurl the beauty of life through writing. She has a deep interest in dance and art & craft. She has developed a positive persona through her exciting and vast life voyage. Kirti is a person who is closely fused to her people and a hearty person open to building on new memories to cherish.

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