While adding fractions the numerators are added and the denominator remains constant. Adding with the same denominators is not a difficult task. The trouble arises when the fractions are of…
Being physically strong is not enough for a child’s upbringing. One has to be mentally directed in order to enhance a child’s destiny. Children at a young age have a…
The term ‘mental math’ is pretty self-explanatory. You do math in your head. The insinuation may be easy to make but the application of the same is just as difficult….
If you are looking for a science project for kids at home, here is an article that got you covered. The article’s list covers all areas of science, ranging from…
Starting to read can be extremely fun and interactive for young kids, especially when they are just learning to read new words. Learning new words involves a perfect routine practice…
Technology surrounds us. We are in constant contact with technology in one form or the other, and that is not only the case with us but also with our kids….
Ever wondered why we put so much accentuation within the toddlers and preschool kids in teaching colours? And why do we put so much focus on colours instead of letters…
In this digitally paced world, coding and programming have become an integral part of a better future for the kids. Introducing your kids to coding and python programming for kids…
Kids are like water, they keep flowing but is our responsibility to shape them as water has no definite shape, it takes the shape of the container that it is…
As parents, we all know that our kids are obsessed with gaming. Perhaps, the worry to bring the best out of the kids seems quite hectic. When children indulge in…