
Basic Maths for 5-Year-Olds Children: What Concepts to Teach to a 5 Year Old?

Many adults don’t just dislike mathematics, they are scared of it too. However, when we ask them whether there would have been any different if they received correct guidance and were properly trained in their basic years? The common response is that the proper guidance and interesting teaching method would have much improved the situation of their mathematical skills. If they had proper guidance and someone worked hard to strengthen their basis, they would certainly have been a mediocre mathematics student rather than a bad student. It has become critical that today’s parents learn from these cases to work harder to create the foundation of their child for any subject. It is important for the parents to make the child fear-free from maths.

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Basic Maths for 5-Year-Old Kids

Every age child has a different capability to retain things and especially the touch subjects like Math. it is advised to identify the pace of the child and then move on with the pace of the child. If the student is following the right pace according to their class and age, that is great, but if the child is slow and requires more time than usual to cope up with the concept then no need to fear, you just have to support the child and respect their space. Make sure that you don’t push the kid beyond the line, this will create fear in the child where they become underconfident with the subjects. If the child is moving faster than the usual pace makes sure that her/his concepts are being cleared.

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What Concepts to Cover in Maths for 5-Year-Olds?

We often get confused between what are the concepts that a 5-year-old kid must know in maths. But from this article, you will get pretty much clarity about what concepts of maths should be taught to kids and what they should know.

1. Counting

A 5-year-old kid should know counting to 20; ordering number cards; determining how many items are in a small collection without counting, and knowing that quantity does not alter regardless of how a set of items is organized. Cardinality is another skill that children would need to master. That is, they should realize that the number of items in the collection is represented by the last item counted.

Counting and cardinality are simple concepts that can be easily incorporated into everyday life. Children can count their toys as they clean them up, or they can count the steps from the kitchen to their bedroom. Numbers on a clock or phone may be pointed out by parents. Parents may ask their children to find numbers when shopping at the grocery store. In the vehicle, parents may make their children read license plate numbers or count passing vehicles.

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2. Addition and Subtraction

Kindergartners are required to resolve easy problems with object addition and subtraction. During daily work, parents may have children do basic math problems. For example, when you set your table for dinner, you might ask the children to take out the correct number of plates or utensils. Using the word problem to teach addition and subtraction is the right way of teaching the concept to a 5-year-old. These word problems are also called in addition to stories which is really interesting for kids to know. Kids retain and understand the concept of subtraction and addition for a longer period of time. This way kids are also able to relate the concept with the real-life scenario.

3. Shapes and Figures

Early geometry skills include the identification of 2D forms such as circles, squares, and triangles. Children must also be aware of identical shapes, orientations, and sizes. Children should be able to understand that the circle is like a sphere, and they should define three-dimensional structures with the use of informal names like “box” and “ball.”

The children will be drawn to the forms found in the world by their parents. On a stroll, parents may indicate that wheels are circles and have children in the area find other circles. Commercially accessible games such as Tangrams or Perfection will help kids learn basic and complex forms. Jigsaws, blocks, and legos are a good way to develop spatial skills.

Also Read: Math Puzzles for Kindergarten: Make Math Fun and Joyful for Kids

4. Measurement

Kindergartners should sort objects by their properties – such as form, colour, and size – or define the characteristics through which objects were sorted. Some observable features, such as from large to small, would also be expected to order objects. In the kitchen, kids will begin to use spoons or cups for measuring. When children set them out, they will pick out the utensils, washing machines, or toys.

The magnitude of numbers is useful in Cards and Dice games such as War. Moreover, many cheap sorting games are commercially available, such as Ready Sets Go or Ready Set Woof. Children should also be able to compare items and use more or less language than, long or short, and louder or lighter. Parents can help to emphasize comparisons by using these terms.

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Guidance for Parents

Parents have a great role to play in the life of their children. Since childhood parents are responsible for not only teaching them morals and values but they are also responsible for teaching them the academic concept and making them practice. At school, it is difficult for the child to practice one concept multiple times. But parents have to bring it into the practice of their child that the concepts being taught in school should be practiced at home thoroughly.

Here, parents have to help the child practice the concept in interesting ways. Use different activities to teach the subject and make sure that you give clear instructions of the activities you are planning to pay with the kids to teach them the concepts. Also, try to make the child play these activities with their friends, or if it is not possible then try to play along with the kids. This gives a competitive feeling to the child.

Also Read:- What is an Additional Story for Kids? Teach Math to Your Kid with Stories 


It is always advisable to the parents that they should first identify their kid’s pace of learning. Identifying this one can go forward with planning activities to teach the math subject to the child. When you are teaching the child try to use creative ways to make them learn. You have to design the activities, add personalization according to the child’s need and then implement the activity. This way your kids become more interested when they see their favourite character in the activity. Hopefully, in this article, you learnt about how to teach basic maths for 5-year-olds kids and guidance for parents to teach maths concepts to the kids. If you have any query or feedback, feel free to use the below box and in case if you are looking for a hand at making your kid future-ready, book a free demo class here with The Real School Of Montessori.

Kirti kumar

Kirti is a passionate content writer. With psychology and an MBA degree, she presents a complete persona of an empowered lady. She is an explorer who takes up a new journey, every time she takes a new turn. She has agility in her attitude with versatility in her action. She is a creative person who loves to unfurl the beauty of life through writing. She has a deep interest in dance and art & craft. She has developed a positive persona through her exciting and vast life voyage. Kirti is a person who is closely fused to her people and a hearty person open to building on new memories to cherish.

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