Ufaber Grievance Redressal Mechanism

This is the official page where you can raise any grievances that you may have about Ufaber’s learning programs.

We, at Ufaber, value the trust placed upon us and strive to offer the best experience to You. Our Grievance Redressal Mechanism has been designed to resolve customer grievances in a timely and efficient manner, while treating our customers fairly and courteously.

In order to meet the above objective, Ufaber has outlined a framework for redressal of customer grievances and documented it in the form of a policy for the reference of customer touch-points.

Ufaber shall ensure that the Customer Grievance Redressal Policy is also available in public domain (on its app, website, and at branches).

Scope and Objectives

The objective of the policy is to spell out the framework for Grievance Redressal in Ufaber to ensure that:

  1. All customers are treated fairly and in an unbiased manner at all times
  2. All issues raised by customers are dealt with courtesy and resolved on time
  3. Customers are made completely aware of avenues to escalate their grievance within Ufaber and their rights to alternate remedies if they are not fully satisfied with the response or resolution to their grievance
  4. The employees shall work in good faith and without prejudice towards the interest of the customer

Through this policy, Ufaber shall ensure that a suitable mechanism exists for receiving and addressing grievances from its customers, with specific emphasis on resolving such cases fairly and expeditiously regardless of the source of the case.

Tenets of grievance redressal:

Ufaber shall be guided by the following tenets in its approach to grievance redressal:

  1. Customer Awareness: Ufaber shall endeavor to make continuous efforts to educate its customers to enable them to make informed choices regarding banking products as well as channels to approach for grievance redressal.
  2. Fairness & transparency: The customer’s grievance shall be examined in all fairness and the Ufaber shall take a balanced approach to resolve the same. Ufaber shall ensure customer grievances are resolved in a timely and efficient manner.
  3. Escalation: All responses to customer grievances will provide an escalation matrix mentioning the details of the next level of grievance redressal for the customer.
  4. Review: Ufaber shall have a regular process of internal review of customer grievances at multiple hierarchies to enhance Quality and effectiveness of customer service.

Process of handling general customer grievances of Ufaber

Touch points to report customer grievances OR available for referring/seeking redressal of grievances are listed below:

Student can directly email their grievances to contact@ufaber.com OR may call on helpline no. 9321943330 to register their grievance

Under Student Portal Login:

There is an option to Raise a Complaint through which students can register their grievance.

Logging and tracking of customer grievances:

Any grievance received - either verbally, by email or in writing, if not resolved and responded the same day, shall be logged by Ufaber into the Internal CRM Tool - our customer grievance tracking system.

With this Ufaber shall not only ensure that all the issues are recorded and resolved, but shall also ensure effective monitoring /escalation mechanism to the senior functionary responsible in case of the grievance not being resolved within defined timelines.

Grievance resolution Turnaround time: Depending on the nature of the grievance, specific timelines have been set for different categories. Grievances shall be resolved in a proper and time bound manner with detailed advice to the customer. The customer is kept informed in case of any delay envisaged by Ufaber in resolution of the grievance beyond the stated timelines.

Resolution of Complaints

  1. We are committed to providing you with our first response within 24 hours of receiving the query / complaint.
  2. We aim to resolve all Your complaints/queries within 3 business days.
  3. Resolution of Your complaint may get delayed due to operational or technical reasons. In such a scenario, You will be proactively informed of the timelines during which Your complaint will be addressed.

Mode of response:

Ufaber shall ensure that the mode of response is as per the mode of customer intimation received e.g. cases received through email shall be responded through email.

Escalation of grievances:

Ufaber has a three-tier escalation mechanism for customer grievances, as given below:

Level 1 - Customer Support – Call us on or email at contact@ufaber.com

Level 2 - Customer Success Manager - Call us on +91 9321943330 or email at edwin.gf@ufaber.com / sameer@ufaber.com

Level 3 - Nodal Officer and Grievance Redressal Officer- Ufaber has appointed a Nodal Officer and Grievance Redressal Officer whose contact details are as below-

Nodal officer-
Name- Mr. Sameer Shah
Email ID - sameer@ufaber.com

Grievance Redressal Officer-
Name- Mr. Edwin fernandes
Email Id- edwin.gf@ufaber.com

At Ufaber, we strive to address and resolve issues in the shortest possible time and in the most seamless way. We aim to deliver the best learning experience and level of service to each and every student.