
Story Writing for Kids: A Comprehensive Guide to Train Your Kids to Write Well

Kids are naturally curious, and as they learn new lessons through primary school, this image must be channelised through various methods. Writing is one of the key skills that kids could develop from an early age. Story writing is a creative writing format; and often, when made a habit, brings about further learning benefits, like better performance at school, and even conditions them to explore their interest areas.

These tips mentioned below will help inculcate story writing for kids and help you in teaching meaningful lessons on writing for your children-

Tips on Story Writing for Kids

Encourage Reading Habits-

The first step to writing for children is to inculcate a regular reading habit. Reading offers a multitude of benefits, like creating pictures and imagination in mind, better grammar, and also helps pick up new words and strengthens vocabulary.

A child who has a habit of reading will be able to transition smoothly into the habit of creative writing. Look for fiction books for kids and encourage them to read them, and while you are there, allow them the time to grasp new information and wonder on various subjects pertaining to life.

Also Read: How to Make a Math Game for Kids? A Complete Guide to Make Your Kid Shine in Maths

Spend Time Reading to Them-

Children love bedtime stories, and this is a fun way to initiate their imagination. While you bond with your child with stories, you are also helping them get inquisitive about things around them and foster creative thinking from a very young age. Find time to read and talk to them about stories to get them in a habit. Pick a few picture books, and get them to watch the pictures while they read the story out loud.

Set Tasks at Home for Creating Writing-

Story writing for children is another form of self-expression that helps them voice out their thoughts. Start with setting tasks at home, and conduct a simple activity. Give them a few hours to write their story, something that they have not read in any of the books. Let them take inspiration from all the reading and lessons at school to create stories. Cutting away from the academic procedure, you can offer them learning with a fun activity.

Create a Push in the Beginning-

Your support will make a huge difference here. Understand that the child is writing a story for the first time. Offer the initial push and help them think in a direction. You could help them with a topic, or ask them questions about what they enjoyed reading the most, or what was the lesson they learnt from the books they’ve been reading. Handhold them to start with a boost of confidence.

Participation Out of School-

School activities must be supplemented with extracurricular activities outside of school. Encourage your child to wonder about what story writing is for children? Get them to participate in writing competitions, as this boost in confidence will drive them to further explore their interests and perform at their best in competitions. This inquisitive nature will further help them become better writers and learn the art of self-expression in future.

Give Them Interesting Writing Prompts-

Writing for children is an essential activity that fosters overall growth and development. Use the following interesting writing prompts to initiate a fun and creative story writing test. Give them the topic and set a time for them to submit their story to you. A great way to engage them further is by offering them to read their story aloud and say it with expressions.

# A clown that performs at the circus

# A young student at the school playground

# The Tooth Fairy and her magic tricks

# About my favourite dream animal

# My best friend’s adventure trip

# At a birthday party

# The most beautiful island

# My dream character

# A family getaway at the beach

# A day at the amusement park

# Unicorns are the best animals

# Dream about a Chocolate Land

# My Christmas Dream

# My parents’ job

# My father’s hobby

# My neighbour’s car

# The pet I want

# Trip to the Galaxy

# Happiness on receiving a gift

# Dance auditions

# The day I dreamt about teddy bears and cars

# My day at the science fair

Enroll Them For an Online Course

Online classes have picked up prominence in the past few years, owing to the smart technology reaching every home. Now that things have moved online, this is a new domain with many options that you can explore for kids. Kids not only get access to the best teachers across the globe but also get a chance to participate in innovative classes and quizzes that challenge their inner creativity and imagination. If you have ever wondered how to write a story for kids, the answer is to let them find their own path.

Wrapping Up

With online classes, the child has the flexibility to learn at their own pace and take as many classes as they are comfortable doing. The customisable routines and classes help you plan their timetable better, and schedule classes for days when they may be free from classes at school. These classes offer an immersive experience that helps them maintain focus and become better at concentration. Classes like creative writing, art, drawing, and science experiments are often innovative and interesting enough to engage children in quality learning. Channelise their imagination in the best ways to aid learning.

The Real School Of Montessori  is one such platform that offers high quality, customisable, and result-driven classes on various learning categories for children from the age group of 3-15 years. Along with the multitude of benefits for kids, it becomes easier for you to gain guidance and consultation with teachers to track your child’s individual progress and learning. This exclusive platform for some kids is aimed to improve and enhance education quality for children. Join us today to ensure your child’s brighter tomorrow.

Also Read: E-learning Websites & Apps for Kids: The Hassle-free Learning Experience Your Kid Needs


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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