
It’s Time for Some Brainy Games for Children: How to Play Sudoku for Kids?

An easy Sudoku for kids may provide a lot of advantages in a child’s life. Furthermore, Sudoku helps children to have a better understanding of them while also having a good influence on their physical and mental health, whether consciously or unconsciously. Let’s find out more about the rules, a few simple Sudoku for kids, and their importance.

Basic Rules

A 9-by-9 grid is used in traditional Sudoku, and the aim is to arrange the numbers 1 through 9 in the correct order in each row, column, and box. Each of the nine digits must be used once, and none of them may be duplicated. Young players can discover Sudoku with 4 by 4 or 6 by 6 patterns in which just the numbers 1 through 4 or 1 through 6 are used.

Pick a row with some numbers already put in and a few numbers will already be in place in each grid, which will aid you in completing the puzzle. Concentrate on one row where one or two numbers have already been answered, and see what numbers could go in the empty boxes. For example, if a row includes the numbers 2 and3, the empty boxes will be 1 and4, but you’ll need more information to find out which number belongs in each box.

To arrange the proper numbers, use the hints from the columns. To arrange the proper numbers, use the hints from the columns. If one of the number possibilities is already in that column, that number is removed as it would be duplicated if typed in.

Observe the box in which the space is contained. This will also provide hints since any of the number choices for the space are already in the box; they cannot be repeated and are thus ruled out as an option.

For every row, repeat the method. Participants may not be able to fill in every row right once; it may be necessary to go on to another location and return to a row after some missing digits have been found.

After all of the rows have been filled, repeat the process by looking for missing numbers in the columns and using the rows and boxes as clues. Next, to decide number placement, look for missing numbers in boxes and use the numbers set in rows and columns as a guide.

Also read: Brain Teasers for Kids With Answers: Exercise Your Kids’ Brain with Fun Puzzles

Simple Sudoku for Kids

Sudoku is a puzzle that uses mind and logic equally. Kids get better at this unique puzzle the more they do it. If children play Sudoku regularly, you’ll notice that your child acquires a type of “sense memory” for the problem grid-you’ll notice patterns emerge and kids will be able to grasp changes more quickly.

Listed below are a few simple Sudoku puzzles for kids.

1. 3×3 Sudoku Grids

Sudoku puzzles teach problem-solving, critical thinking, and organizational abilities, and these simple Sudoku puzzles are an excellent method for kids to grasp the concept. Kids may learn how to play Sudoku and experiment with the location of the numbers without feeling frustrated by starting with the most basic 3×3 Sudoku grid and utilizing numbers that are readily rearranged. 3×3 is a simple Sudoku puzzle for kids.

2. 4×4 Sudoku Grids

They are an excellent and simple Sudoku for kids who want to learn more about the game. Parents or caretakers can use them to learn to play Sudoku before going to 9×9 grids.

4×4 Sudoku problems follow the same principles as regular Sudoku grids. The only difference is the number of cells and numbers to be entered. In each column, the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 must appear only once, and in each row, the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 must appear only once.

3. Picture Sudoku

Sudoku has nothing to do with arithmetic, although it puts numbers in the proper squares. Anything could be substituted for the common digits 1 to9, as long as each ‘square value’ is distinct from the others. A puzzle just requires nine different items of any sort, such as colours, letters, or picture fragments.

You can also play this wonderful game by replacing numbers with different pictures. If it employs picture fragments, one of the areas (typically the centre one) will display the entire picture; nevertheless, you’ll need a Sudoku with picture puzzles to play these Sudoku puzzles because you can’t readily pencil in sketches of possible answers!

Sudoku games for kids can be made a lot easier by using pictures of their favourite cartoon characters or any other animated pictures. If you don’t have one at home, you can simply find one on the internet. You can print out these puzzles and play them with your child.

4. Colour Sudoku

Sudoku puzzles for kids can also be played using colours, instead of numbers, as kids are more reactive to colours. Take the numbers you’re used to seeing and assigning a colour to each of them. Each Sudoku problem has the same basic premise, but the shift from numbers to colours adds an interesting twist.

You used to be able to write simple notes like “Possibly 1, 2, or3,” but now kids must keep track of colours. Because of this simple adjustment, more information must be processed, making the game more difficult to play.

Also read: Geometry Puzzles for Kids: Make Maths Easy for Kids with these Fun & Cool Puzzles

Benefits of Sudoku for Kids

Sudoku’s advantages are one of the reasons for its widespread appeal. Sudoku is a straightforward puzzle with a plain design and no hidden traps. The rewards that kids can experience personally, even if they do not think about them consciously, are the driving force behind their commitment to this numbers puzzle.

There are many easy Sudoku for Kids available online and offline. Playing this puzzle has so many benefits and some of them are listed below. 

1. Sharpens Concentration Skills

Sudoku puzzles require complete focus to solve. Because critical and logical thinking plays a crucial role in this puzzle and while playing kids have to repeat their analysis. The more puzzles kids complete, the more involved they will get in their activity, gradually strengthening their focus abilities.

2. Develops Problem-solving Skills

The need to think logically to complete the grid precisely, as well as the trial-and-error method kids, must use, will naturally and instinctively aid in the development of their problem-solving abilities. Additionally, the challenge of completing what appears to a child to be a simple and dull game encourages them to participate more strongly to complete it fast and enhances their focus abilities.

3. Improves Memory

During the initial days, you might find your youngsters struggling to play an easy Sudoku for kids. The more obstacles they experience, the faster they will forget these notes since their brain will naturally store the knowledge.

They will naturally be able to recall more complex methods and how to apply them without your assistance. Patterns from earlier games will be remembered as well, and youngsters will be seeking opportunities to use them again.

Also read: Math Puzzles for Kindergarten: Make Math Fun and Joyful for Kids

Summing Up

It is always a good idea to incorporate a puzzle game into your child’s daily routine because it is beneficial to their mental and emotional growth. Remember to participate in the game while playing Sudoku with your child, since this will inspire them to play more. So, considering Sudoku has no age limit, it can be regarded as a game that allows you to spend quality time with your family.

Alka Gopi

Alka Gopi is an aspiring content writer who is in love with words and flicks. Being a final year MA English Literature student, words have always been a part of her. She spends most of her free time writing poems and watching movies. Alka is the co-author of two poetry anthologies. Feminist literature and holocaust are her favourite genres. Writing was a side hobby until joining for her masters, but then she started discovering that writing allows her to explore different topic areas - some even outside her comfort zone. Her strength is her family and her friends. Apart from writing, she loves painting too.

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