
Good and Positive Parenting Tips: Take a Step Towards Positive Parenting

Positive parenting focuses on building a strong, mutually respectful relationship between parent and child. It focuses on telling children what they should do and why they should do it. Positive parenting entails instilling self-control in children.

There is an endless number of positive parenting tips on the internet, but a growing number of studies indicate that a certain parenting style consistently produces better results. The term “positive parenting” refers to this approach to parenting.

The goal of positive parenting and positive discipline is to teach good behaviour through the use of gentle and firm parenting techniques. Parents who set a good example for their children begin with positive parenting as adults. Sharing your feelings and values with your children is an important part of positive parenting.

Let’s look at some parenting tips for primary kids!

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What are Good Parenting Tips?

Parents and children have better relationships when they practice positive parenting. Parents become more receptive, attentive, and consistent in their interactions with their children as a result of this strategy, and children become happier, more confident, and more intrinsically driven to choose the behaviours that their parents prefer.

We are educating both our children and ourselves to be more empathetic through acknowledging emotions and causes, allowing us to better understand the world and those around us.

Here are a few parenting tips for middle school kids.

Pay Attention to the Reasons for the Behaviour

Even if the explanation seems silly to the parents, there is always a reason why children misbehave. And if the child does not get what they want, if parents will discuss the cause directly, the child may believe that their desires are remembered. It’s always more important to have emotional support from family than it is to have the request fulfilled.

Inquire about them and get to the bottom of the problem. Knowing what’s causing the problem behaviours will also help parents prevent them from occurring in the first place.

Be Kind and Resistant

Model how to be compassionate and respectful to others by being kind to your kids. Children learn by imitating others, and you are the most important role model for them. When a parent screams, humiliates, or calls a child names when they are angry, the child learns to do the same. Being kind will also help a child relax, be more open to logic, and cooperate.

You should be strict in establishing boundaries and imposing consequences so that your child knows what to expect and can make informed choices in the future. This method of decision-making helps children develop cognitive reasoning, which is an important skill for their future success.

Discipline with Gentleness

Punishment does not always work to discourage bad behaviour, and it does not always work to teach good behaviour. A non-punitive, constructive approach is much more successful in calming an overstimulated child and motivating them to develop a new behaviour.

The child is withdrawn from the overstimulating atmosphere that causes or aggravates misbehaviour and then placed in a non-reinforcing position to calm down and feel protected, according to the original design of time-out.

Remember that a constructive parenting method emphasizes teaching healthy behaviour rather than punishing undesirable behaviour.

Be Objective and Consistent

Before enforcing restrictions, decide on and illustrate the implications of breaking them. Parents must also be consistent and follow through with their promises. There will be uncertainty if a parent is inconsistent.

The child can continue and push the boundaries to see what else may happen. To follow through means saying something only if you mean it. If your child misbehaves, don’t make hollow threats about cancelling the game unless you’re able to follow through.

Age-Appropriate Brain Development and Behaviour

What we consider to be inappropriate behaviour is often simply age-appropriate behaviour. Tantrums are a common occurrence in toddlers. These young children are filled with strong feelings that they are unable to communicate verbally.

They cannot still self-regulate due to a lack of development in that part of the brain. Our child needs our assistance in learning to control his or her emotions. When it comes to choosing a constructive parenting approach, the stages of brain development play a role.

Toddlers and preschoolers (even a three-year-old) may not be aware of the repercussions of their behaviour. As a result, redirection should be used instead of justification or imposing penalties for them.

Also read: Nurturant Parenting vs Overparenting: An Insight View of Different Parenting Models

Take a Break and Relax

Parents are often simply overwhelmed and enraged by their children’s misbehaviour. Your child can learn to manage frustration and disappointment with grace if you will calm down and talk politely and firmly.

You want your child to be able to maintain self-control and dignity when things don’t go their way. Don’t ask your child to do it if you can’t do it yourself. You now have more time and space to consider solutions to the problem at hand.

Meditation is another excellent way to boost your self-control. Daily meditation can help you cope with stressful circumstances like this by reducing stress and encouraging conscientious parenting 8.

Make it a Learning Experience

Every misbehaving episode can be transformed into an invaluable lesson in problem-solving when children are mature enough to think (over three). If a child dislikes a toy, he should give it to a friend or donate it so that it can be enjoyed by other children.

Help them find other ways to vent their rage, such as hitting a pillow, if they break a toy out of frustration. Teach them how to think about other options for resolving a problem rather than acting out.

Rather than misbehaving, teach them the vocabulary to express their emotions. Assist kids in honing their communication skills. Temper tantrums and misbehaviour would be dramatically reduced if language learning is encouraged.

Be Patient and Do Not Give Up

Good parenting and discipline will not result in the behavioural improvements that parents want immediately. You may have to do a lot of explaining every day at first. Since children require repetitions to learn, it can take longer to see substantive results than conventional punishment.

But when that happens, the rewards will be enormous, and the advantages will last a lifetime.

Also read: What Do Child Development Specialists Say About School Starts? Early Education Tips For Parents


Positive parenting differs from conventional harsh parenting in many ways. It necessitates a particular attitude and parenting style. You can transform corrective moments into useful lessons for kids if you have patience, determination, and practice.

Having an open, fun, and peaceful relationship with your children will bring you happiness and fulfilment! Positive parenting tips are important for a child’s safe development as well as resolving behavioural problems with children at various stages of their lives!

The information presented above will provide you with the necessary information to assist you with a guide to the best parenting tips to follow.

Hopefully, you found this information useful, and if you have any more questions, please let us know in the comments section below. Also, look into our other blogs.

Nishtha Nagar

Nishtha Nagar has been working in the field of content writing for over 3 years. Among the readers, she has been praised for her unwavering dedication to the facts. She holds an engineering degree, and brings a tech perspective to whatever she writes. She aspires to continue her journey as a writer and add value to her reader's life, through quality and innovation. Her faith and family are the most important things to her. When she's not working, you'll almost always find her with her dog or reading one of her books or listening to some of her favourite pop songs.

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