
Animal Yoga Poses for Kids: Give Your Child the Best Teaching Not a good introduction.

This article on basic yoga postures for children fulfils as an enthusiastic chart, but please motivate the children’s imaginativeness. Yoga postures for children often mimic our biological surroundings and may be comprehended in various directions. Some aspects to contemplate when you are exercising yoga with your youngsters.

The animal poses for kids to make it more entertaining with action, not on practising flawlessly aligned postures. A full guide for yoga asana sequence for kids and yoga animatedly poses for kids. Zoo animals are favourite for kids so why not make zoo animal poses for kids. Scroll down to create factual, significant knowledge.

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Also Read: How to Engage Kids in Summer Vacation? Here’s a Guide for All the Messy Parents out There!

Animal Yoga Poses for Kids

Here are some animal yoga poses for kids.

Camel Ride

A basic warm-up in Kundalini Yoga, sit in a simple posture, clench your ankles, inhale, raise your backbone forward and awake, exhale and loosen your backbone rear as if you were sprinting on a camel.

Elephant taking a Shower

Angle up and bring in a torso with your limbs, maintain your limbs straight and ladle your chest into the mythical watering gap in the guise of you, then hoist your chest and sprinkle the liquid-like rain.


Crouch and spread your limbs like a frog warming up and then bounce!

Cobra Pose

There is frivolity more pleasure in preschool yoga than chatting to each extra by swishing our dialects.

Downward Dog

There are so numerous alternatives with down dogs for people, spouses, and committees.

Butterfly Drinking Nectar

Squatting, put your soles jointly and knees bent broad apart. Thump your limbs up and sip like a butterfly. Then stride your trunk to your bottoms and taste the nectar from a blossom in the veil of you.


Walk quickly on all fours like a cheetah jogging across the earth.

Camel Pose

A developed pose, but a reasonable challenge in the favourable environment.

Yoga Asana Sequence for Kids

A yoga progression is a particular bunch of yoga masquerades performed in a row, in the identical decree every moment. Yoga progressions can be performed gradually with halts in between, but at a maximum of the period, they are performed rapidly, fitting roughly one posture per breath.


# Tadasana (standing mountain)

# Forward Fold

# High Plank

# Baby Cobra

# Up Dog

# Down Dog

# Low Lunge

# Dragon

# Monkey

# Warrior 1

# Warrior 2

# Triangle

# Warrior 3

# Dancer

# Eagle

# Tree Pose

Also Read: How to Inculcate the Habit of Yoga and Physical Exercise in Your Kids? Guide to a Healthy Life

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Yoga Poses for Kids Animated

Some poses for children are as below.

Bridge Pose

Lunges and loosens the shoulders, thighs, hips, and chest part, enhances the back and hamstrings, boosts the flexibility of the backbone.

Caution: If your child encounters complications in formulating the pelvis raise from the ground, slide a large augment under their sacrum to roost their pelvis. In case of any inlet or shoulder pain, take assistance from an experienced to sharpen the phases.

Tree Pose

Enhances equilibrium and attention, consolidates the thigh muscles, calves, and ankles while spreading the limbs and the trunk

Caution: If your child gets shaky in the onset while attempting to maintain their stance, you may prepare them to continue with their rear against an embankment.

Cobra Pose

Enhances the backbone, spreads the trunk, shoulders, gut, and buttocks facilitates the abdominal parts and discharges fatigue and anxiety, which might be nice for enduring inhaling and exhaling difficulties like asthma.

Caution: Ask your child to arch the buttocks as greatly as the trunk can take. Each child has unique flexibility, so let them carry it passively.

Cat Pose

Loosens and lengthens the backbone, neck, trunk, and parts of the belly

Caution: If your child encounters complications while rounding their upper posterior, put a hand above and between the shoulder edges for assistance.

Bow Pose

Spreads and enhances the buttocks, shoulders, trunk, and limbs, generate flexibility to the hip flexor process and rectifies the digestive system

Caution: The bow pose implicates an enormous contract of spreading, so if your child suffers heavily in the downward rear, keep the stance downward until it is satisfied to push to the limit. Assist them in clutching the ankles and heaving the trunk.

Easy Pose

Promising for the rear, thighs, and hips, provides an expanse to the knees and soles and enables contradicting tension and pressure.

Caution: If your child’s hips are rigid and they are learning it hard to settle flat, brace them up with a folded covering or comfortable pillow under the hips.

Zoo Animal Poses for Kids 

# Elephant wide-legged standing forward bend.

From continuing, stride your feet hip-width distant, stoop your upper trunk, clench your hands jointly, and swing your limbs like the trunk of an elephant.

# Crocodile plank bend.

Reach down to a shaft on your arms and legs like a crocodile.

# Bear walk or downward-facing dog pose.

Come around to arms and legs in an upside-down V shape then stroll like a bear.

# Tiger cat pose.

Reach down to all fours, crease your chin into your trunk, and round your rear like a barracuda.

# Hippo child’s pose.

Reach to crouch back on your heels, gradually take your forehead down to comfort in a veneer of your knees, lay your limbs down alongside your trunk, and hold a few intense breaths. Delude you are a hippo resting in the lake.


A daily exercise of these yoga postures will help develop the tradition of practising it perennial, all of which is ensured to support your child’s well-being.

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Also Read: Best Yoga Postures for Kids that are Sure to Help them in the Long Run


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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