
Addition and Subtraction for Kids: Addition & Subtraction Explained in an Easy Way

Children should be exposed to addition and subtraction techniques and practises on a regular basis. During the day, there are many ways to teach addition and subtraction techniques and solve a problem. This not only does occur in the classroom at school. These openings should be initiated when they emerge in our everyday lives, such as reading a novel, setting the table, putting away our clothing, and so on.

Addition and Subtraction for Kids

In the sections below, you will learn about addition and subtraction explained in detail along with examples. Also, try out the various fun activities given in this article.

What is Addition? Definition

The addition method of taking two or more numbers and adding them together, resulting in the complete value of two or more numbers.

For instance, there are seven apples in one basket and four apples in the other. As a result, we add 7 and 4 to get the total number of apples.

We will count forward 4 moves from 7 to add 7 and 4.

The addition is denoted by the symbol +

As a result, 7 and 4 can be expressed as 7 + 4.

What is Subtraction? Definition

Subtraction in math means taking something out from a category or a set of objects.

When we deduct, the number of items in the category decreases or becomes smaller.

A subtraction question includes the minuend, subtrahend, and difference.

In the subtraction question 7 – 3 = 4, for instance, the number 7 is the minuend, the number 3 is the subtrahend, and the number 4 is the difference.

Also Read: Vedic Maths Tricks for Kids: An Innovative Way of Learning Mathematics

When do Kids Learn to Add and Subtract?

Counting is the first step of learning to add and subtract. Any children begin learning to count in daycare or childcare. However, this does not imply that children would be able to add or deduct by then. This is how children usually learn to add and subtract:

In Kindergarten

Children count backwards and forwards, beginning and finishing with zero. Children also begin to learn how to enter single digits and measure numbers to see how they vary.

In Class 1

For addition, children combine single-digit and double-digit numbers. They also deduct single digits and tens.

In Class 2

Children practise more difficult addition and subtraction problems. They also get to learn to regroup, also known as “borrowing.”

By Class 4

Children usually learn how to add and subtract multi-digit numbers without the help of objects or images. They, too, are capable of regrouping.

When children reach fourth grade and are still unable to add and deduct without the use of symbols and images, this does not inherently indicate a concern. Children grow at varying speeds. However, if they are failing and falling behind, it is critical to determine why.

Kids Struggle with Addition and Subtraction

Math can be difficult for children for a variety of reasons. One particular one is difficulty with a collection of fundamental skills such as counting or addition and subtraction. These abilities are referred to as number sense.

Learning addition and subtraction can be difficult if you have difficulty focusing.

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Addition and Subtraction Easy Learning

Practising adding and subtracting will aid in the development of these abilities. However, it does not have to sound like work. Here are some enjoyable things to try:

Visualize it: For counting, use Cheerios or dried beans. Taking them around helps kids learn how math problems work.

Make it into sculpture. Allow children to use crayons or markers to depict the math process.

Play board games: Counting and sequencing are terms used in games such as Connect Four.

Addition Activities

Addition Card Game

This card game should be played with 2-4 players by using a deck of cards. Each player is dealt two cards, and their task is to add the two numbers together and provide the answer to the amount. They get to hold the cards if they get it correct. If they don’t, they must return their cards to the bottom of the table. The student who has the most cards at the end of the game wins!

Create an Addition Machine

Get an extension unit out of a shoebox and 2 cup bottoms split out.  Students roll 2 dice and then use the computer to calculate the result by passing balls or counters through the cups to connect the 2 numbers. A fantastic hands-on experience for reinforcing the idea of basic addition.

Play adding Jenga

Write easy addition sums on adhesive labels and attach a range of sums to the side of each Jenga block. Played similarly to Jenga, but students must first figure out the solution to the addition total before attempting to eliminate the cube.

Beads and Cards Adding Activity

This practice should be tailored to the services you have available. We used a stack of cards, but you could have used 2 dice, based on the students’ level of skill. Students choose 2 cards from a stack of 52. The beads are then threaded into a pipe cleaner to represent the 2 numbers. The students are then given measurable items to count in order to determine the answer to the number sentence.

Lady Beetle Addition Activity

Repaint and slice out the dark spots and numerical cards for a fun addition game using our lady beetle adding prototype. Students may make a number sentence by rolling two dice or selecting two number tokens. The dark dots are then placed on the lady beetle to represent the solution to the additional number sentence.

Subtraction Activities

Subtraction Bowling

This kindergarten subtraction practice is entertaining and enjoyable for students. You will play in large or small groups. Set up 10 disposable party cups or toilet roll tubes in the form of bowling balls to enjoy subtraction bowling. Scoot them in rows of four, then three, two, and one “bowling pin” at front. To bowl, choose a small ball.

Subtraction to 10 Boom Cards

This kindergarten subtraction practice is entertaining and enjoyable for students. You will play in large or small groups. Set up 10 disposable party cups or toilet roll tubes in the form of bowling balls to enjoy subtraction bowling. Scoot them in rows of four, then three, two, and one “bowling pin” at front. To bowl, choose a small ball.

Act It Out

Act out that is a hands-on and immersive subtraction exercise that promotes student cooperation and engagement. To begin, arrange students in a 10 shape. You can also make a giant 10 frame out of painters tape. Begin with the outside edge, then a long stretch down the centre and smaller stretches to create the ten lines.

Roll and Race

Roll and Race is a common kindergarten subtraction game. It adds a sense of enthusiasm and competitiveness to the subtraction classes, which is very motivating for them. There are 30 games in all, with 10 additional game modes, 10 subtraction game modes, and 10 mixed testing games.

Play Dough Smash

Doesn’t the term of this preschool subtraction practise sound like fun? Roll playdough into 10 little balls to enjoy this hands-on game. This is an excellent fine motor and height contrast exercise for your pupils. Then, in a 10 frame pattern, position the play dough.


Many different types of problems are represented and solved using addition and subtraction. Addition and subtraction can be used to describe a wide range of issues. It is critical to learn how to understand these conditions and represent them highly symbolic, expanding on whole number counting.

Learn more fun activities of Maths and Science in the blog section of The Real School Of Montessori.

Also Read: Kids Personality Development Classes: Help Them Transform Their Personalities For a Better Future

Madhurjya Chowdhury

Madhurjya Chowdhury, a web content writer in Ufaber EduTech has a very strong passion for writing and alluring the readers. You can find him writing articles for the betterment of exam aspirants and children. With immense interest in research-based content writing and copywriting, he likes to reach out to more and more people with his creative writing style. On the other side, he is an Electronics and Communication Engineer from LPU, Jalandhar. In his leisure time, he likes to play badminton or read about space discoveries. Apart from this, he is a pro gamer on PC, PS and Mobile gaming platforms.

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