
What is Algebra for Kids? The One-stop-shop to Introduce and Polishing Your Kid’s Algebra

Do you also get confused when you see letters in mathematics? This article will give you a simplified understanding of algebra and discuss some of the standard and effective algebra games for kids.

What is Algebra for Kids?

Algebra can seem to be a complex concept for the kids, but do not worry about it because here is the simple meaning you need to tell them. Arithmetic math uses addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to solve a mathematical question. The term algebra deals with arithmetic concepts only.

In algebra, a variable plays a significant role, and it is essential if you are starting with algebra. When there are not many things, we can use an object or a letter because it is unknown. These unknown values (letters) are called variables. The letter can be a small or capital letter of alphabets and also any roman symbol for the variable.

How to Introduce Algebra to Kids?

It has often been seen that kids struggle in learning the algebra basics. So, you are also one of the people who ask how to introduce algebra to kids. Then here are a few prompts that you can follow to teach kids algebra effectively and energetically.

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Start With the Most Straightforward Question

Taking small steps is always advisable so that you can implement this approach with algebra as well. You all need to tell the basic concepts of algebra by making a happy environment and then telling them how to solve one of its questions.

Here you require a simple equation, let’s say 4x+8=16. After writing this equation, you can say to the student that we need the value of x; let’s dig into it. So, in the first step, we can subtract eight from both sides to make it simple. And now, the equation will be 4x=8.

Then you can ask for the second step to divide both sides with four or transfer the 4 to the right-hand side to divide 8. Many of the students want to subtract four but explain the thumb rule of it; by doing this procedure, the answer will be two or x=2.

Simplify the Equation by Adding Like Terms

If the question is of standard level, kids may get confused, so to help them, you can explain how they can collect the like terms from simplifying it.

Let’s take an example of 6×2 + 2×4 – 2×2 + 7 + 3×2 – 3. Here, we need to combine the like, so how will you start. The answer is you will suggest some fruit names, and the expression will be six bananas + 2 apples-2 oranges + 7 pineapples – 2 bananas + 3 apples – 3 pineapples. And now you can calculate the number of fruits.

So, most of the students will figure out with four bananas+5 apples+4 pineapples and let them know in maths the name of the fruit is x.

Telling to Find LCM of Rational Expression

The question can be more challenging for the kids at this level, so you can tell them to use LCM and explain it wisely. You can demonstrate this as well with an example like the LCM of 12,18,15.

12= 2,2,3



So, the LCM will be 3 x 3 x 2 x 2 x 5 = 180.

To take it to algebraic form, you can give them a question as mentioned below:

x2- 4: (x + 2) (x – 2)

x2 + 4x + 4: (x + 2) (x + 2)

2x – 4: 2(x – 2)

Thus, the LCM will be 2(x + 2) (x +2) (x – 2)

This technique also helps students to learn algebra deeply.

What are Algebraic Identities for Kids?

Here you will understand what algebraic identities for kids are, and identity refers to the term equality. In simple words, it remains true even if you change the variables of the equations.

So, algebraic identities are the algebraic equations that always remain true for every value of the variable present in the equation.

Some key features of algebraic identities:

# It is used for the factoring of polynomials.

# It also contains variables and constants on both sides of the equation.

# In this identity, both sides remain equal from the right and left side.

List of Common Algebraic Identities for Kids

Identity Formula
Identity-1 (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
Identity-2 (a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2
Identity-3 a2 – b2= (a + b)(a – b)
Identity-4 (x + a)(x + b) = x2 + (a + b) x + ab
Identity-5 (a + b + c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2ab + 2bc + 2ca
Identity-6 (a + b)3 = a3 + b3 + 3ab (a + b)
Identity-7 (a – b)3 = a3 – b3 – 3ab (a – b)
Identity-8 a3 + b3 + c3 – 3abc = (a + b + c)(a2 + b2 + c2 – ab – bc – ca)

How can You Verify Algebraic Identity?

You can run the substitution method to verify algebraic identities. In this method, you need to substitute the values for the variables and use an arithmetic operation. Another method is called the activity method; you need a bit of knowledge of geometry and some material to prove the identity.

What is the Substitution Method?

Now, you may think about what a substitution method is as it requires verifying the algebraic identity. Substitution usually means putting numbers or values by replacing variables or letters.

Here are examples to make you understand how to use the substitution method. Suppose we have this algebraic equation and need to find the value of x, and the equation is x-2=4. To find x, we will substitute with x=6.

On the left-hand side, now we have x-2 = 6-2 = 4, so, x = 4, and we already had right-hand side with 4. Thus the left hand and right-hand side are equal, which means (x-2) is an identity.

What are Algebraic Expressions for Kids?

In this part, we will understand algebraic expressions for kids with their types. An algebraic expression can be defined as the mathematical collection of numbers, operations, and grouping symbols. This expression also includes addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

In simple words, an algebraic expression is an expression containing numbers and variables with algebraic operations. And this operation includes addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Now you have understood the algebraic expression, so let’s also look at the parts of it.

# Variable: As we discussed earlier, these are the unknown values denoted with alphabetical or roman symbols.

# Coefficient: In an algebraic expression, a number multiplying with a variable is called a coefficient.

# Constant: This term remains the same, so you can not change it.

# Terms: It is also an essential part of the algebraic expression. It gives the name to a number or variable or a combined number of variables.

Final expression: 7x-4, known as a binomial term, has two unlikely terms.

What are the Types of Algebraic Expressions?

An algebraic expression mainly has three common types called monomial, binomial, and polynomial.

Monomial expression: in this expression, there is only one term that takes place, for example. 5xy, 3x, 5y,12z2, and more.

Binomial expression is an algebraic interpretation that contains two terms, for example, 5xy+3x, 5y+12z2, etc.

Polynomial Expression: This is the algebraic expression that includes more than one term and no (-) integral exponents for the variables, for example, 5xy+3x+5y+12z2, etc.

List of Common Algebra Problems for Kids

If you want to teach to your kids or students, here are some algebra problems for extremely friendly kids as per their level. So, look at the list you will get the best algebraic questions for them to teach.

Problems Answers
1+x=2 x=1
x+5=10 x=5
2+x=6 x=4
14+x=15 x=1
X+19=27 x=8
5-x=10 x=15
7-x=1 x=6
5x-5=15 x=4
2x-4=8 x=6
X-12=0 x=12

What are the Engaging Algebra Games for Kids to Play During Class or at Home?

Teaching algebra can be a boring class for the students, especially young kids. Hence, it is essential to develop innovative games that grab their attention, and they love to play. If you develop such exciting games, the kids learn more effectively than the boring class you conduct without using any learning games.

Here are some best algebra games for kids that you need to know.

A Tradition Game, Simon Says, “Geometry!”

In this traditional game, you can illustrate some of the primary geometric terms and ask kids to create some angles using their arms only. Try to tell the algebraic terms to replace geometric terms with them and keep illustrating similar commands. It will help the student take action at a fast pace, and they will enjoy it.

Play Math Bingo at the Start of Class

It is an original and exciting educational game that will be very helpful during the algebraic class. Here you can draw a bingo with the list of different multiplication tables.

After doing this, you can call out to participants, and they will answer. When you finish with this step, you can replace values with some basic algebraic multiplication terms and ask the student to do the same. It is a game; therefore, they will not hesitate and try to answer.

Take Help of Hopscotch Math

Mixing maths concepts into physical activities can be fun, and hopscotch maths represents the same. This game also requires solving addition and subtraction problems while playing. You can start the simple number and take it to essential algebraic addition, subtraction, and other two terms.

What are the Best Algebra Books for Kids?

Books play significant roles for kids to learn about algebra from the ground level. So, here are some critical beginner level books that every kid should be reading and learning.

# Rozanne Lanczak Williams: Mr Noisy’s Book of Patterns

# Lily Toy Hong: Two of Everything

# Mitsumasa Anno’s: Anno’s Magic Seeds

# G Is for Googol by David M. Schwartz


At last, in this article, you learn algebra for kids, algebraic identities, and understand how to explain them. Besides this, you also gathered information about algebraic expression for kids, the best games to play and the best algebra books to suggest to kids.

So, we hope you have understood all this precious information and are ready to teach your kids or students efficiently without making them dull.

However, if you want to keep gaining such vital information with tips and tricks, stay connected with The Real School Of Montessori. You can also read its other blogs, articles, and best resources that will help you. The best thing about this platform is it provides well tested and easy to implementable information targeting to build up solid conceptual knowledge among the kids. The Real School Of Montessori also has a personalised, engaging and futuristic learning facility for you to take advantage of.

Also Read: Scratch Coding for Kids: Simplifying the Concepts of Coding for Super Kids


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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