
Unbelievable Facts about Outer Space for Kids: Facts Every Kid Must Know

Space is a magical place. Tons of things happen every second in it. If we don’t know the reasons behind it, it feels like magic! But those are scientific facts. And children love to know new facts. Finding the reasons is complex. Yet, humans have managed to do it and will continue doing it. The entire space is filled with zillions of planets, stars, galaxies, and other small particles yet to be discovered. With all of these present, many amazing things occur.

Your kids just know that earth is an extremely tiny part of space.

Then imagine the number of unbelievable facts about outer space for kids. It’s beyond counting.

Kudos to all the scientists and researchers for bringing it to us. It has taken years of trial and error. There are still many scientific facts to dig upon though.

Here are some 16 unbelievable facts every kid should know about outer space. Your kids will fall in love with these unbelievable science facts.

Starting with the craziest one:

Your Height can Extend up to 5 cm in the Space!

But how?

As you know, there is no gravity pulling us down there. Our spine feels relaxed in space and stretches itself. On earth, it gets compressed.

Although, it will become normal after some months of landing on earth.

Also Read 12 Amazing & Interesting Facts about Space: Facts Every Kid Should Know

Water Floats in Space

No gravity, no pulling down of water back to the surface. Water becomes a sphere in space and floats.

Astronauts, rather than drinking the water, swallow.

It is not easy to drain out the water by astronauts from things like clothes or towels.

Even when astronauts cry in space, tears float around their eyes.

Pretty astonishing science fact, right?

The next one is even more!

On Jupiter and Saturn, it Rains Diamonds

This is something very different. Diamonds are precious and not easy to find on earth.

But on Jupiter and Saturn, it’s pretty easy. You don’t have to do anything. Just sit back, and it will rain.

Carbon can be found everywhere on these two planets. Storms turn them into carbon particles (unburnt).

A Whole Planet is Made of Diamond

Having said that it rains diamonds on Saturn and Jupiter, believing that there is a planet made up of diamond will be less difficult now.

The planet’s name is 55 Cancrie. It is twice the size of the earth! The reason behind it again is carbon abundance.

Stars are not Solid

Stars are only made up of gases, mainly helium and hydrogen. There is no mass in it. The attraction between gas particles gives it a ball-like shape. The gases are burning continuously.

Although, the star “sun” contains plasma (the fourth state of matter).

Space is Filled with Silence

Space is huge. We can’t even picture it in our brains. It has tons of celestial bodies. Still, the voids between them are beyond large.

It has nothing, not even sounds and lights. Everything is dark around the surroundings (there is nothing to get the lights and sound reflected upon)

The Footprint on the Moon is Still Present

The first astronaut to reach the moon was Neil Armstrong. He left his footprint along with his partner’s footprint (Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr. and Michael Collins). The footprint is still present!

What’s more amazing is that it will be there for 100 million years!

The reason is the absence of wind.

Mercury is not the Hottest Planet

But wait, it’s closest to the sun. Probably everyone would have thought mercury is the hottest. But no… Venus is the hottest of all planets present in our solar system. It has a temperature of 450 degrees Celsius.

Venus’s atmosphere is very thick. It absorbs all the heat which comes from the sun, making the planet hotter.

Venus’ 1 Day is Equal to 243 Days on Earth

This is a unique yet unbelievable fact that every kid should know. The days in Venus are way too long. One thing which is also quite bewildering that its 1 year is equal to 225 earth days.

Venus is the second planet after mercury and does not have any moon. Also, its rotation is opposite of the earth.

Also Read Science Activities for 5 Years Old Kids: Make Science Fun For Kids

Mars Sky Turns Blue During Sunset

Mars is the fourth planet of our solar system after Earth.

Some of its features are similar to earth.

Due to its similarity, space companies are trying to grab everything about Mars.

Yet, it has some distinction. One of them is the colour of the sunset.

Unlike earth sunsets, the sky turns blue during sunset.

The Universe is Expanding

Yes, the universe is still expanding and will expand till eternity. Although it has been slowed down (the reason being gravitational force), scientists say it is a continuous process.

The universe was born 4.87 billion years ago, and it has never stopped growing.

We are a Tiny Dot in the Universe

Yes, we are only a tiny dot in the universe like the protons and neutrons present in atoms.

The universe is a very little part of the galaxy we are within. There might be another universe too present in our galaxy. The Milky Way is the galaxy where our whole universe resides.

United States is Larger than Pluto

Pluto is a very small planet. It was a part of our solar system some year before. But due to its size, it was removed from the planet list.

Even its moon is half of its size.

Light from the Sun Reaches the Earth in Only 8 Minutes

This is a science fact every kid should know.

Light travels the fastest, which makes it possible to travel every corner of space.

The human can only travel maximum with the speed of 1% of light without getting destroyed.

Mass starts burning when it speeds up in space.

Our Galaxy is not the Only Galaxy

There are millions of galaxies present out in space. Scientists have found that there are two trillion galaxies, but the number could be less than we think (around 100 billion).

Imagine how massive space is.

You Can’t Walk on Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, and Uranus

The surface of these planets is not hard. Gases surround these planets, and if a spaceship lands there, pressure will crush it. It will go deeper and deeper.


With all the 16 unbelievable facts about outer space for kids explained, it’s a wrap. No, not with the facts but with articles. There are plenty of more scientific facts present.

To make your kids learn more unbelievable facts, The Real School Of Montessori has come up with 101 classes for your kids!

What’s great about this school is, it sets real-world goals for your kids to learn and grow in a fun way. With the guidance of their expert teachers, your kid can excel in their studies. They have fun games and challenges which will avoid boredom from your child’s study routine.

The Real School Of Montessori ensures a good all-around exposure for your kids, including the topic explained in the blog article. They will get to know more unbelievable facts about outer space. To make your kid learn and grow more effectively, try out free trial classes organized by The Real School Of Montessori.


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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