
Is Vedic Maths Really Helpful for Kids? A Guide to Clear the Confusion

Being mentally concentrated is as important as living physically strong in a child’s upbringing. There would be nobody more reasonable than pierces to furnish the student with training in the right path. Many of the kids feel maths is a catastrophe and feel it is extremely problematic. Educate your intellect with great conditioning with the vedic maths over here. Assess yourselves and have joy with the vedic maths for kids one of several reasonable ways to tackle a problem.

Even wielding fun schemes when dealing with the topic facilitates parents and teachers to enforce some enthusiasm among children. Take the moment to understand these paradoxes and celebrate your day. We attempted to propose some of the tremendous articles here to help you out. Kids will quickly be able to understand and benefit if they pay some scrutiny, apply reasonable thought, and reasoning.

What is Vedic Maths for Kids?

Vedic arithmetic could be a book written by the Indian monk Bharati avatar Tirtha, and 1st printed in 1965. It contains merchandise of mathematical techniques, that the author claimed were retrieved from the Vedas and purportedly encompassed all mathematical knowledge.

These assertions are since dismissed in their completeness. avatar Tirtha did not manufacture the claimed sources and students nemine contradicente note it to be a mere compendium of tricks for boosting the speed of introductory mathematical calculations with no overlap with historical mathematical improvements throughout the regions text amount. However, there has been an accumulation of publications during this area and numerous attempts to incorporate the topic into thought education by right Hindu nationalist administrations.

Contents and History

The book comprises allegorical aphorisms in the form of sixteen sutras and thirteen sub-sutras, which Krishna Tirtha contended to attribute to important mathematical methods. The spectrum of their asserted entreaty spans from the theme as different as statics and pneumatics to astronomy and economic realms.

Tirtha contended that no part of developed mathematics lay beyond the domains of his book and propounded that researching it for a couple of hours every day for a year correlated to devouring about two decades in any systematic pedagogy system to become professionally acquainted in the domain of mathematics.

Contrary to the hyperbolic assertions of the author and publisher, the book is mainly a compendium of devices that can be pertained in introductory, intermediate and high school arithmetic and algebra, to gain quick outcomes. The sutras and sub-sutras are conceptual academic representations prone to imaginative understandings; Krishna Tirtha influenced this to the importance of altering the same shloka to develop widely numerous mathematical equivalencies across an abundance of contexts.

Benefits of Vedic Maths for Kids

These are the advantages of Vedic Maths

# It helps an individual to understand mathematical dilemmas many times instantly

# It helps in giving rise to rational judgments to both reasonable and problematic difficulties

# It decreases the responsibility of remembering impossible theories

# It improves the engagement of a child and his judgment to understand and formulate his/her abilities

# It helps in lessening silly blunders which are frequently done by children

Some Benefits

# Historically you are performing addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc. from left to right nevertheless in spiritual text maths, you’ll adore either implies left to right or right to left.

# The explanations are assessed completely and rapidly mistreat digital cores.

# You’ll notice the long multiplication, division and square roots, cubes and cube roots, reciprocals etc, barely and precisely.

# Accuracy is much more decent than calculators.

# Alternate strategies fair measure attainable to determine a journey.

# Spiritual text maths isn’t constrained to arithmetic, it’s conjointly acceptable for pure computations, geometry, pure mathematics, and calculus.

# Religious text arithmetic is exceptionally beneficial to the scholars, United Nations agency square criterion earning ready for recreational and entrance assessments.

Also Read: Is Vedic Math Really Helpful for Kids? Here’s How Vedic Maths will Benefit Your Kids?

Vedic Maths Tricks for Kids

Many tricks help in vedic maths and here are some that might be helpful


The addition is one of the most fundamental procedures of Vedic mathematics. It asserts that,

# State out the number which is nearest to the 10s multiple because it is simpler to add those quantities.

# Add the numbers which are the multiples of 10

# Add/Subtract the shortcoming of numbers

For instance,

Suppose we are given this question: 220 + 364 + 44 + 18 = ?

Vedic maths tells us to break the numbers as per their place values. So, we will break the addition into

200 + 300 = 500

20 + 60 +40 +10 = 130

4 + 4 +8 = 16

Repeat the process

500 + 100 = 600

30 + 10 = 40

And at the unit’s place we have 6.

Now perform, 600 + 40 + 6 = 646


It tells us to add one to the tens place to the last number and lessen the earlier number by 1 and then conduct subtraction.

For instance,

If we have to subtract 47 from 98, then,

# Reduce 9 by 1 which becomes 8 and add a tens place to 8 and make it 18.

# Now perform 18 – 7 = 9 and 8 – 4 = 4

# So the answer is 49

Yet another example can be, 896 – 239,

# Reduce 9 by 1 which becomes 8 and convert 6 into 16.

# Now perform 16 – 9 = 7 and 8 – 4 = 4 and 8 – 2 = 6

# So the answer is 647


For performing square roots, we will have to keep some facts in mind

# Squares of numbers from 1 to 9 are 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81.

# Square of a number cannot end with 2, 3, 7, and 8.

# We can say that numbers ending with 2, 3, 7, and 8 cannot have a perfect square root.

# The square root of a number ending with 1 (1, 81) ends with either 1 or 9

# The square root of a number ending with 4 (4, 64) ends with either 2 or 8

# The square root of a number ending with 9 (9, 49) ends with either 3 or 7

# The square root of a number ending with 6 (16, 36) ends with either 4 or 6

# If the number is of ‘n’ digits then the square root will be ‘n/2’ OR ‘(n+1)/2’ digits.

Also Read: Vedic Maths Tricks for Kids: An Innovative Way of Learning Mathematics


Vedic maths was helpful and till now it is the core part of mathematics. Children can build a strong foundation and The Real School Of Montessori always helps with it. We here make learning fun, knowledge easier to grab and education possible. Any doubts, comments, suggestions or questions feel free to drop them below in the comment section.

Also Read: Vedic Maths for Kids: What are the Benefits of Learning Vedic Maths for Children?


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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