
Interesting Facts About the Solar System For Kids: Amazing Facts About the Universe For Kids

Kids always instill excitement when learning about their planet, and the universe. Knowing our universe and all the interesting facts about it, is essential for all the kids.

As we all know children grab knowledge effortlessly through pictorial representation. In schools, the teachers make use of the models of all the planets, the sun and other bodies to explain to the children visually about the universe.

The children make a picture of the universe comprising the solar system and understand how the planets revolve around the sun in their elliptical orbits.

Concept For Kids

The concept of the solar system consisting of all the planets is very interesting to know. If taught in a joyful manner kids can understand the theory very well.

In this article, you get to know all the fascinating facts about the solar system for kids in detail. Read the article till the end to know all the amazing facts about the universe.

What is the Solar System for Kids?

facts about solar system for kidsfacts about solar system for kids

It is also known as the planetary system. Our planet Earth is a part of the planetary system. Like the sun, the moon, and the other planets are a part of it. There are stars, asteroids, comets and many other little objects also included.

It comprises the Sun and every object that revolves, or orbits around, the Sun. The solar system involves the eight planets and their respective moons, comets, dwarf planets, and countless asteroids, and other icy tiny objects.

However, including all these elements, the maximum space is. The solar system itself is only a minor part of a big system of stars and other elements called the Milky Way Galaxy.

Know in Detail

It revolves around the middle of the galaxy about only once every 225 million years. The Milky Way galaxy is only one of the billions of galaxies that in turn assemble the universe.

It is said to be formed about 4.6 billion years ago. It perhaps began as a loose cloud of dust and gas. Scientists believe that a force called gravity pulled portions of the cloud jointly into clumps.

The biggest clump was smashed together so hard that it got very heated. This clump ultimately became the Sun. Then, after millions of years, the other clumps formed the planets.

The Sun’s powerful gravity ultimately tightened the planets into their orbits. Over years later the remaining clumps formed comets, asteroids and other tiny, icy objects. And this was how the planetary system formed.

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The Planets

The second-largest objects, after the sun, are the planets. There are eight planets. In order from nearest to the Sun, these planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Most of them revolve around the Sun in circular shaped paths. The maximum of the planets has at least one moon. However, they differ greatly in temperature, makeup and size.

Scientists used to consider Pluto the ninth planet. But in 2006 scientists agreed that various objects in the planetary system, comprising Pluto, should be called dwarf planets.

The Stars

Stars are giant, shining balls of gases. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun. Most of the tiny objects of light that glow in the night sky are also considered stars. They are mostly made up of a gas called hydrogen.  The core of the star is really hot. High pressure smashes the core, causing some of the hydrogen to convert into a gas called helium. This process gives out great amounts of energy and makes the star glow.

Stars are countless. They are usually too far from Earth to be seen. Stars can be visible through a telescope. Most stars are very distant from the surface of the Earth.

Huge groups of stars appear together called galaxies. The solar system, including Earth, and the sun are part of the Milky Way Galaxy. This galaxy itself comprises hundreds of billions of stars. There are many billions of galaxies present in the universe.

The Moon

The Moon is a natural satellite. The maximum number of planets has at least one moon. Earth has one natural satellite. Moon is a huge natural object that revolves around the Earth.

The average distance between the Moon and Earth is about 384,400 kilometres which is less compared to the distance between Earth and other planets. Neil Armstrong was the first person from Earth to land on the Moon.

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Millions of tiny chunks of rock and metal called asteroids also revolve around the Sun. The maximum of asteroids are discovered in a ring between Mars and Jupiter. They are said to be debris, or little material, leftover from collisions between additional bodies present in the solar system. The biggest asteroids are hundreds of miles in diameter, but most are much tinier. Tiny asteroids on a regular basis, fall on to Earth or burn up in the sky as shining meteors.


Comets are small pieces of ice and dust. Billions of comets revolve around the Sun in very giant paths oval in shape. When they are nearest to the Sun, the Sun’s radiation causes them to shine. Most comets are too tiny or too far to be able to see from the Earth. Comets appear to be coming from two segments of the outer solar system, the Oort Cloud and the Kuiper Belt.

Interesting Facts about the Solar System

The solar system has numerous facts and features to be enlisted. Here are some of the interesting facts for kids about the solar system.

#1 It is found to be 4.6  billion years old.

#2 The Sun is a star which is present at the centre of the solar system. It is made up of hot gas. It provides us with an abundant amount of heat and light. The sun is the biggest body.

#3 In the Solar System, not every object revolves around the Sun. For instance, the moon orbits the Earth.

#4 There are eight planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune which revolve around the Sun.

More Interesting Facts

#1 The smallest planet is Mercury and the biggest planet is Jupiter.

#2 The Earth rotates on its axis as it revolves around the Sun. One complete rotation takes 24 hours which makes one day. One revolution takes 365 days to rotate which completes an entire year.

#3 Our Galaxy is known as the Milky Way and the Sun is one of the hundreds of billions of stars present in a milky way.

#4 Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have rings around them.

#5 Saturn’s ring is the largest and the brightest. Its ring particles are almost made completely of small water ice particles.

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Some More Facts

#1 Pluto which was before considered the ninth planet is now known as a dwarf planet.

#2 All planets have their characteristics. Like Jupiter is made up of gas and the Earth is made up of rock.

#3 The warmest planet is Venus with an average temperature of 460 degrees Celsius.

#4 The coldest planet is Uranus with an average temperature of -220 degree Celsius.

#5  Except for the Earth, all the planets were named Greek and roman God/Goddesses.

#6 Earth is the only planet  that supports life for human beings because of the presence of a great amount of water and oxygen.

Some More Facts

#1 Mercury and Venus have no moons. Earth has one moon. Mars has two small moons. The giant Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have dozens of moons.

#2 Jupiter has 79 moons, Saturn has 82 moons, Uranus has 27 moons and Neptune has 14 moons.

#3 It comprises 8 planets, 5 dwarf planets, 181 moons, 3,083 comets and 552,894 asteroids.

#4 A day on mercury is said to be more than its year. It orbits the sun faster than any other planet. One year on Mercury is equal to 88 Earth days and one day on mercury is equal to 176 days.

Some More Facts

#1 Comets are leftovers from the formation of the planetary system about 4.5 billion years ago they comprise carbon dioxide, ice and sand.

#2 Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are the only planets which have no solid surface to walk on.

#3 The tallest mountain is said to be located on an asteroid called Vesta. It measures 22 kilometres in height which is equal to three times the height of Mount Everest.

#4 The sunset on Mars appears to be blue.

Some More Facts

#1 The moon is the reason why waves and tides exist on Earth. Along with the sun, it moves billions of tonnes of water every day.

#2  The size of the sun is so big that one million of Earth can be fitted inside the sun.

#3  It was believed for years that there was only water on the Earth. Then, years later it was revealed by NASA that even Mars has water.

Amazing Facts about the Universe

The planetary system is part of the universe. Have a glance at the below given amazing facts about the universe for kids.

#1 The universe includes everything that is in space, including matter, time and energy.

#2 The universe comprises hundreds of billions of galaxies, and each galaxy has millions and trillions of stars. These stars possess planets, natural satellites (moons), comets, asteroids, dust and hundreds of millions of other astronomical elements around them.

#3 The huge vacant space in our universe that is between galaxies is known as the void.

#4 The actual size of the universe is not determined, and there could be an extent to its size, or it could be endless.

#5 The diameter of the universe is observed to be 93 billion light-years.

More Facts about the Universe

#1 The Big Bang theory is the most famous theory of how today’s universe is observed, was formed and has evolved.

#2 The Big Bang theory does not include the explanation of how space, time and energy were formed. The theory explains how the observable universe has developed and got to its current state, since the real Big Bang event.

#3 There are five historical phases of the universe. They comprise the very early universe, the early universe, dark ages or large-scale structure emergence, the universe today and the distant future of the universe.

#4 The composition of the universe is 68% dark energy, 27% dark matter and 5% normal matter.

#5 Big Bang theory says that the age of the universe is 13.8 billion years old.


Hoping that the above article included all interesting facts about the planetary system for kids. Do read the fascinating facts about the universe mentioned above.

Hunting for more facts about the sun, and the Earth ? Want good, proper study material for kids. Then, visit the website The Real School Of Montessori to find all solutions and best articles for kids in all aspects of studying.


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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