
Improve Your Kid’s Grasp Over English Grammar: Here are 8 Simple Tricks

Over time, English has become a Global language. In a developing country like India, it is used as a second language, making it really important to learn the language. When grammar is inculcated in kids from a very young age, it can help them grasp the language quicker compared to teaching an adult.

The initial years are crucial for the child to learn and achieve excellence in the language. The most prominent way of teaching English to the child is by developing the habit of communication in English. But other than that, are there any more ways to do it?

We have listed several ways to put on a regular habit for the child to get a strong hold on grammar from a very young age.

1- Regular Reading

Inculcating a regular reading habit in a child can work miracles. This can help them learn new words, new phrases, and so much more. But it can only happen when you provide them with what they like to read.

First, you need to understand your child’s interests if it’s a fictional character or cartoons or motivational story books, etc. If your child is in primary school, make sure they have access to informational or story books with pictures to engage their mind.

It seems a simple task, but the attention level in young kids is around 10 seconds. With such a small attention span, it is difficult to keep them hooked. You need to sit with them while they read, so you can help them with the doubts.

Reading a bedtime story for the child can also be a good language developing habit, where coloured pictures and simple texts can help them learn better.

2- Playing Word Puzzles and Games

English puzzle games are one of the most effective methods of learning the Language. It is an engaging and exciting method that can help in developing vocabulary. Your kid will research new words every day through various mediums.

Moreover, it is not limited to vocabulary, there are also games that focus on making sentences and phrases that help in improving English Grammar.

3- Customise Their Screen Hours

Screen hours include watching TV, computers, and mobile phones. These play a pivotal role in a child’s life. What the children watch for enjoyment makes them learn faster.

For a change, you need to let your child watch TV shows and cartoons, but change the choice of language they are comfortable with to English. They need to see their favourite characters, and they need to see them in English.

This will help them improve their sense of grammar and sentence structurization. And this is suitable for children of every age group, whether they are in pre-school, primary, or secondary school.

Changing the language has become easier nowadays; the channels give options to select the language in which you watch TV. They might not get comfortable initially, but this is important so let them make it a habit to see cartoons and their favourite shows in the English Language.

4- Diary Writing

Some children love to keep memories and pen down everything interesting that happens to them. Guide your child to keep a diary and maintain it so they can read it years later.

Buy some Scribble books or use Google drive for them to type and keep their writings stored. Google’s inbuilt language sensor will correct their mistakes while writing and help them learn better. Over time, as they become better at this, you can guide them more about Google and Online Data Storage.

5- Motivate Kids to Speak In English

When your child sees you speaking and writing in English, they get motivated to speak in the same language. You should praise, support, and encourage your child to speak freely. It will help build their confidence.

Start slow, ask questions in English and let them answer in English. Simple English sentences and conversation are great confidence boosters.

When they make a mistake, correct it without making them feel bad about it. Let them repeat the same sentence in the corrected form and see significant development.

6- Listening to English Songs

The human mind is built in a way that it focuses on only one thing at a time when it is relaxed. Music is a great mood healer and has a significant impact on everyone.

When children listen to music or watch TV for music, encourage them to listen to English songs. It works just like English shows, but better, since songs have repetitive patterns, helping with the automatic memorisation of words. Mixed with soulful music, it gets engraved on the child’s mind.

It is also beneficial in learning and improving pronunciation.

7- Talking with Friends

Communication is the key, and children are most comfortable with each other. Ask your child to speak with their friends in English. There won’t be any pressure of being judged or making a mistake, which makes it even easier to speak the language.

It will help them two ways, both they will speak in English, and they will also get comfortable speaking the language publicly.

8- Singing Rhymes Out Loud

In many children books, there is also a section where there are interesting rhymes and poems. Ask your child to read it out loud and practise. These are different from the books that are usually preferred by the kids. There are many schools like The Real School Of Montessori, which keep a collection of rhymes for children to read. These schools also give them a chance to read the poems out loud for other students, which help them gain confidence in the language.

It will help them enjoy rhymes and develop language skill. With continuous repetition, it also becomes easy for the child to memorise the words.


Kids are quick with grasping new words, every year, they learn more than 1200 words on average, which is 10 times more than an average adult. Constantly repeating a few sentences can lead them to memorise the phrases and eventually get better in English Grammar.

With a similar approach, at The Real School Of Montessori, we teach the children to repeat words and pronounce them properly. It helps them to memorise the word rock solid into their brain and keep it for life. Check out our free trial classes, so you can understand our unique style of tutoring the child.

Also Read https://therealschool.in/blog/tricky-fun-gk-questions-most-indian-kids-wrong-ways-improve/


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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