Categories: Learning

How to Say the Thought of the Day in Assembly? Prepare Your Kid to Ace It

Worth remembering part of everybody’s childhood has been saying the thought of the day in assembly. There were many who were afraid to say it and they did blunder on the stage and some others were really confident students who confidently spoke the thought of the day in front of everybody. And then there is a population of students who never took up the chance to speak on the stage. Whether a child did blunder on the stage or spoke confidently, speaking in the assembly is one of the parts that they remember. Most of them look back and say it would have been better if they had spoken the thought of the day in the assembly with full confidence. To save your kid from regretting that moment, it is better to prepare them for this day and let them perform their best.

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How to Prepare for Thought of the Day for Students?

In this article, you will get a few thoughts of the day for kids that your child can practice. Practice is what makes us familiar with the examination, speaking, or understanding any subject. Thus it is important to practice. There are other mantras as well that have to be kept in mind when the child is selected for speaking the thought of the day for students. It is important to let them face the opportunity and learn from it. As a parent, you have to support them at each stage of their growth. You have to tell the tricks to be a better version of yourself each day. Parents should make their child follow the points given below to be able to speak the thought of the day in the assembly in front of teachers and their fellow students.

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Learning English From the Beginning

It is very important for today’s talent and for future talent to improve their communication skills. Individuals are being judged on the basis of their English communication and the ones with great talent but poor English communication skills are struggling in their career. If you don’t want your kid to have such failures then making them learn English is really important. It is the duty of the parent also to converse in English with the kid. Let the kid make mistakes while communicating and learning from it. But push your child to speak English most of the time.

Taking Initiatives

It is always good to initiate. when you take the initiatives your confidence boosts up. There are many adults who regret not taking initiative in their school life. They are scared of many things and thus they lose the chance to boost up their confidence. Taking initiatives also gives the other person like teachers or fellow mates a good impression. This additionally gives confidence to the child. Taking initiative should be a habit imbibed in the child from the beginning. If the parents see that the child is not doing the needful, then the parent has to push them to take initiative.

Practice is the Key

The key to improvement is practice, the more you practice the more you become good at that, whether it is an examination or any tough activity or skill. Before going on the stage to speak about the day in the assembly, it is important for the child to speak it in front of a mirror or in front of parents. The more a child practices the thought, the more his/her mind becomes familiar with it. There are fewer chances of making the mistake on the stage if the child practices it. Not only the child has to practice the thought of the day, but they also have to practice English speaking and English listening to have good communication skills.

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Check out the Easy Thought of the Day

 #1 It’s easy to stand with the crowd. It takes courage to stand alone.

Meaning:- it is always easy to do what others are doing, but it takes strength to do what your heart says.

 #2 Surround yourself with what you wish to end up being.

Your surroundings and your peer circle matter a lot. If you are with entrepreneurs you will become one, if you are with gamers you will become one. So choose your peers carefully.

 #3 A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.

A symbol of kindness is a smile. A smiley face always indicates positivity and helpfulness.

 #4 Never be scared to attempt something new.

Every experience gives us a lesson. If you are afraid of experimenting with new things then you will have restricted life experience. Hence, it is advised to be open to new experiences.

 #5 Your ideas shape us; we become what we believe.

The way you think will be the way you behave. Thus it is important to focus on your thinking and behaving accordingly.

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Some More Thought of the Day for Kids

 #6 If you break it down into small jobs, absolutely nothing is particularly hard.

Time management is the key to do even the hardest task. If you want to do any tedious task that just breaks it into parts and completes those parts.

 #7 If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies.

Change is constant, no individual can run away from change, so instead of resisting change, it is beneficial to cherish it.

 #8 Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Education is the most powerful thing in this world that can be used to bring about a change. Education is one thing that cannot be stolen, that cannot deteriorate, or can vanish.

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Here’re Some Easy Thought of the Day

 #9 Happiness is not the lack of problems; it’s the capability to deal with them.

Our perception of a problem determines how we tackle them. That is the reason this quote is really famous that indicates that the problems are not the real stressor, our thoughts are the cause.

 #10 Know your worth and come to the table completely prepared.

Many times we underestimate ourselves, and at that point, we become less prepared. Before anything else, you should know your worth and then continue your actions.

 #11The less you react to negative individuals, the more serene your life becomes.

It is not important to react to each and every situation. The less you react to negative scenarios and negative people the more passive you become. So first thing and then react.


There are small beautiful moments of one’s school life which we cherish for our whole life. There are some moments that we regret and we hope to make them better. Speaking thought of the day in the school is one such instance where most of the individuals think that they would have done better. If you are one such person then you definitely don’t want your child to face the same. Hence this article is for you where you can follow the points given in the article to prepare your child for this one day of speaking thought of the day in the assembly.


Kirti kumar

Kirti is a passionate content writer. With psychology and an MBA degree, she presents a complete persona of an empowered lady. She is an explorer who takes up a new journey, every time she takes a new turn. She has agility in her attitude with versatility in her action. She is a creative person who loves to unfurl the beauty of life through writing. She has a deep interest in dance and art & craft. She has developed a positive persona through her exciting and vast life voyage. Kirti is a person who is closely fused to her people and a hearty person open to building on new memories to cherish.

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