
How To Learn English Spelling For Small Children? Here’s the way to do it The Fun Way

Childhood is an age of fun and learning. During this period, instilling knowledge and confidence goes a long way in the life of your child. However, the process of learning spellings for kids could be a bit of a challenge, especially if not done the right way. Learning a new language boosts confidence among children. A successful accomplishment of some difficult task brings a sense in kids that even the most difficult tasks could be carried out with ease if done the right way.

English spelling for kidsEnglish spelling for kids


Sometimes, kids mix up letters or jumble with words, eventually getting frustrated by repetitive mistakes. Further, it could also make them unwilling to participate in any unknown activities. However, to counter this, the best way is to include fun ways to learn.

Are you wondering how to learn English spelling for children? Listed below are some fun ways to teach your kids the proper way. Read

Also Read: What is Parenting Style? Know How Important is Parenting Style for Your Kid further to find more.

How to Learn English Spelling for Small Children?

Small children often find learning things in small bits better than larger chunks of information. It helps them focus better, and also retain the information for a longer duration. For this, several games and practices for spelling could be used. It could improve their confidence drastically. Some of these ways are as below.

Teach Spellings with ‘Jump on Lily Pads’

As mentioned earlier, the question of how to learn English spelling for 1st class children could be a confusing task if not done the correct way. However, adding a bit of fun and some creative elements could easily help them engage better. An interesting game of Jump on Lily Pads could be the way out.

To play this game, take a few pieces of paper; cut them in Lily pad shape. You may even set up the mood of the kids by asking them to decorate it. Colours and decor are always an attractive way to engage kids. You could play the game in pairs with your kid. All you need to do is spell a word out aloud. Next, step on the alphabets of the word. If children commit a mistake by jumping on the wrong letter, you could easily point it out without intimidating them. This way, they will take it sportingly and also remember it for a much longer duration.

Practice the ‘Stair steps’ Way

The easiest way to memorise things is by going slowly. An alphabet-by-alphabet approach usually works quite well, especially if kids often end up mixing letters. Going one letter at a time, like a staircase, helps them to understand their mistakes and correct them. For instance, to grasp the word ‘Grammar’, you may go as below:








A stepwise manner of learning this spelling ensures that your child doesn’t jumble the letters. Practising this exercise 5 minutes per word could be an excellent way to catch their attention.

Play ‘Pass the Spelling ball’

Fun elements always help kids remember and grasp things better. One of the recognised games on how to learn English spelling for small children is the Spelling ball. The whole family could play this game. As parents, see to it that it is played during the family time so the child doesn’t feel it as a task. In this game, you have to stand in a circle.

Now the person who has the ball calls the word and passes the ball to the person on his right. This second person must spell the word correctly; if he/she fails, the ball is passed to the next person, who would attempt to spell the same word correctly. For spelling words correctly, you could keep some little rewards or surprises. Such games could be a great way for children to be competent, and to learn words in a better way.

Use Visual Memorisation and Scrambled Letters

The most effective technique to memorise is known to be visualisation. Kids easily understand things when they can see them. An apple could be spelt easily if you could instil some memory of an apple in a magazine, or a printed spelling on some magazine beside a picture. You may also ask them to fill in the spaces.

For this purpose, you may cut down letters from magazines and jumble them up. Set a time limit for your child to rearrange the letters after you give them a word. It could be a test of their concentration and help them recollect what they’ve learned.

Create a Spelling Train

Children often find toys amusing and play with them for hours. Most children love playing with trains. This game is designed just the same. You could spell out a letter, and kids could continue with the last word of the word. This word train could go on till one of the players spells wrong.







You can engage kids by showing them a toy or prop of the words if available. This exercise could help your kids increase their attention and observe their letters and spellings before speaking out.

You may even use the pronunciation technique and teach kids how to learn them. This exercise helps kids grasp faster and engage better.

For instance,












Play Online Spelling Games

Online games have become a trend in this era. Since kids nowadays are quite inclined towards digital media, a good way to benefit from the same could be by playing spelling games. Online spelling games could be a fun, effective way to grasp, memorise, and recollect spellings. It could be a unique way to catch their attention. Further, the in-built tools could help in better interaction due to the colours and designs. These exercises could help your child learn spellings by heart and retain them for longer durations.

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Practice is an essential step towards learning. It gradually goes on towards understanding and grasping, and usually ends up with memorisation by heart. By proper memorisation, the spelling for kids tends to retain for a long time. This could be only possible if the process of learning is carried out the correct way. To understand how to learn spellings for children, it is essential to include elements of fun and creativity. It helps to keep them attentive.

As mentioned above, there are several activities and games that could help in the purpose. Whatever the children find amusing of the options listed should be the way to go! The various options may include a spelling train or a spelling ball game. To involve creativity in the process, you may play the Lilypad game as well. Many of these games could amuse the children and bring a sense of thrill and excitement to the table.

The Real School Of Montessori is known for providing courses that prepare children for the future in fields of their interest. The Real School Of Montessori provides personal tutoring to children. Eventually, kids are made capable problem solvers and thinkers with high calibre. For more information, keep visiting our blogs and our courses on the website.


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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