
Basic Grammar for Children: Starting Early is the Key for a Strong Foundation

Young children are in the foundation years of their lives, and everything that they learn and see in these formative few years is what they carry all along. Hence, it is imperative to focus on quality education and learning from an early age. Basic grammar knowledge is important to further set the base for written communication.

With schools laying more emphasis on these lessons, parents must also consider lessons and activities at home to get them interested.

To know How to teach English grammar to the children? we would say that digitalisation has now led the way in education. With the advent of easy-to-use edutech platforms, this is the time to lay personal focus on grooming your child and engaging them in fun and interactive exercises to familiarise them with important lessons.

Basic Grammar Learning for Kids

Here are some tips that can help you with basic grammar learning for kids.

Also Read: Best Online Classes for Kids: A Guide to Choosing the Best Education for Your Little Ones

Textbooks can be Fun Too

Start with making simple lessons fun, get them to read a portion from textbooks and create an imaginative story of it. Now, this fun story can have its own twists and turns. Channel the creativity and imagination and see the difference. English chapters are great for these as beginners and make learning grammar for kids easy and seamless.

Get Creative

You must have noticed that children’s textbooks are colourful and laden with many images. This is to catch their attention, get them to look at the lessons, and channel their creativity and imagination. If you are planning a lesson on basic grammar for kids at home, then pull out their favourite colours and a chart paper and get them to write a speech for winning the Oscars.

Set Easy Patterns for Learning

For a subject like grammar, there are lessons out everywhere. Encourage them to read billboards, hoardings, labels on food items, and do this even when you are not really teaching.

You can easily slip in these short yet fun activities between their schedule—at the breakfast table, commuting to the grocery store, or even when they are watching TV or playing video games. This helps instil a curiosity in children, and that goes a long way in teaching them good grammar.

Online Games and Activities

The internet is your child’s learning tool if you choose to use it in the right way. Sign up for some online games and activities for a better understanding of basic grammar for children. Get them in the habit of creative thinking and understanding the importance of the language.

Explain to them why these classes and short courses will help them in the long run, and maybe even share stories of how you learned.

Dictionary Reading

Vocabulary is important too in setting a strong communication base, and is there any better way to do so without a dictionary? Perhaps not. Search for the best kids’ dictionary and get them to read it regularly. You could assign a few alphabets or pages from the dictionary and get them to give you a small fun test every few days.

Use Pictures

Children are inquisitive, and their memory to picture things is far better than memorising words. To aid their learning process, use picture grammar for children, and do so with great enthusiasm.

Speak with them in English more Often

Practice not only makes a man but even children perfect. Try to instil a habit by encouraging them to start speaking in English often. This helps set their confidence and realise that they can correct it the next time forward as they falter and make mistakes. This also keeps their fear of speaking in public or a bunch of people at bay.

Organise Group Activities

You could go the extra mile and arrange a fun grammar exercise and lesson for your child and their friends. Involving them will make your child excited and look forward to taking lessons, indulging in healthy competition, and setting rewards for the best performer as an incentive.

Download Grammar Apps or Sign up on Platforms

The advent of digitalisation has brought along quite a few options like apps, subscriptions, online storytelling, and grammar classes. Now, you can aid this learning by sitting right at the comfort of your home. Another benefit that it brings along is that you, as a parent, can check their growth and everyday learning.

As you see your child in front of you all the time, you can see the lessons working for them and assign them more if need be. Similarly, if you see a format not working for them, switch to the many other available sources, as there is plenty to use.

Podcasts can be the New Fun Way to Learn

Another great format to try is podcasts, inculcating this relatively new way to grasp knowledge. If your child likes to listen to classes and is attentive while at it, then introduce them to one or two insightful podcasts, and let them indulge in taking these lessons. Once it becomes a habit for them, you will see them discover new podcasts and similar formats that they can take in important lessons.

Also read: Best Online Learning Apps for Toddlers: Does Your Phone have these Best Educational Apps?


Please remember that grammar lessons can be a long process and can take up to a few years to set the basics in place. Be patient and continue to add new sets and learning formats to their schedule.

Explore from the wide range of content available on The Real School Of Montessori, and you will surely find what works for your child. The Real School Of Montessori ensures valuable learning for your child through project-based learning and personalised mentorship. We bet grammar lessons will be fun and easy to access now!



Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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