
Addition and Subtraction Activities for Kindergarten: Clearing Basic Concepts

Learning basic concepts and facts of subjects like maths is vital. These skills will be affecting their later education. Learning to add and subtract things, forms a large base of fundamentals of maths.

Introducing maths such as numbers, symbols, shapes and volumes can be done through rhyming poems and stories. But the introduction of using those symbols and numbers to gain some results is a bit of a difficult task.

As they are filled with enormous energy. Teaching them addition and subtraction take some time. But turning a boring maths class into activity time can aid more than learning.

Also Read – Teaching Critical Thinking to Children: Games, Activities, and Books

Simple Addition and Subtraction Activities for Kindergarten

The following list of hands-on activities, make your child’s learning creative, easy and effective.

Also, Read – How to Make Fractions Easy for Kids? Master the Creative Activities for Your Kids

1. Card Game

Early maths can be introduced using a deck of cards. Following the simple rules of the game, you can spend pleasing time with your toddler. Remove picture cards, such as king, queen, ace.

With the remaining number cards, mix them well. Each player gets two cards in hand add or subtract according to your teaching. For convenience get one coloured card, to avoid confusion. You can use a lot one colour for addition and another one for subtraction.

2. Maths machine

Using a simple shoebox, paper cups, dice and balls, you can build a math machine.

How to Build?

Cut the base of paper cups, larger than the ball size. Place them parallel inverted on the inside of the shoebox lid. Such that when the ball is thrown it should fall into the box. Place addition or subtraction signs in between two cups.

How to Play?

Let them scroll the dice. In addition, tell them to throw balls from inside the cups equal to the numbers that appeared on the dice, Let them count.

For subtraction do the same for large numbers, but get the balls out of the box equal to small numbers and let them count.

3. Maths with Jenga

Kids like to build and destroy things, Jenga is one of them. If your kid likes to play Jenga you can teach them maths with this activity. All you need is some stickers, sketch pens and Jenga blocks.

Using stickers and pens create short math challenges for your loved one. Stick those on each side of the block. To avoid confusion make two same stickers for two sides of the Jenga blocks.

Rules are the same as playing Jenga. But to remove the block from the pile they have to solve the sum first and then they are allowed to remove the block.

4. Beads and Cards

This activity can be varied according to the resources you are available with. Instead of cards, you can use dice or anything else that has numbers. Also, you can scale up or descale activity depending upon the skill level of your child.

Let them choose two number cards randomly. After choosing, tell them to transfer beads to an empty box according to cards. Let them count. Also for subtraction tell them to remove beads from the box and make them count.

5. Beetle Activity

Using dots of ladybug you can simply teach them how to add and subtract. All you need is a simple ladybug picture without black dots on his wings. You can draw one or simply download templates from the internet.

Roll two dice or pick two cards. Set them an answer for them to add dots on each side of the wing of the ladybug.

6 Flashcards

Many websites provide flashcards that you can edit, download and print. By simply matching activity of flashcards can teach them how to add and subtract basic numbers?.

For ease one of the cards should contain an answer of the addition or subtraction with the same colour. Your child can play snap, a memory game or simple matching activity to get to its answer card.

7. Playing Catch with Maths

Using simple beach balls to teach maths is a simple fun activity. Writing a variety of sums on the balls without answer or with answer according to the skill level of your child.

You can play catching games or play passing games with those balls. They have to solve the sum nearest to their hands only then they can let the ball go.

8. Falling Fruits Activity

Using tree templates you can create a falling fruit activity. Choose the fruit, most probably their favourite fruit. Print them in two different colours, one when ripened and another raw in colours.

You can tell them to use combinations that add up to or subtract up to the set answer. They can place fruits on the tree or collect them in a basket according to the sum.

9. With Board Games

Kids love to play board games. Traditional board games such as ludo or sneak and ladder can be used to learn maths. You also can create board games according to the level that suits your toddler.

All you need is a ruler, colour pens and cardboard. Some stickers to decorate it a bit. You can create adventurous board games for your child. Create a place where they can add steps and in some places they need to go back a few steps.

10 Pie Activity

Colouring pie activities can also be used to teach your kid addition and subtraction. For this simple activity, all you need is some coloured crayons and circles divided into pies.

The pizza pictures, cakes or even beach balls can serve as learning tools. Give them math problems and tell them to colour the number of pies equal to the answer.

11. Sugar Candies

Kids love food, especially sweets, you can use this activity to treat your child. Using candies and toffees you can teach them about addition and subtraction.

For ease, you can use a sectioned plate to add and subtract the candies. Involving treats into games makes them more engaging for kids.

12. Dice Double

For this game, you need drawing paper, crayons, and dice. To create this game draw the six columns on the paper and title them with doubles of numbers present on dice.

To play this game, tell your kid to roll dice. The number they obtain, tell them to fill a box of double of that number with colour.


Teaching early maths can be tricky and tiring. But the above activities and games can give you a view of the strategies you can apply. Several activities are available and can aid the learning of your child in a better way.

Also Read – 5 Most Innovative Kid’s Activities for a Productive Use of Their Time: Creative & Outdoor Activities

Many hands-on activities can be applied to teach them maths fundamentals. As they develop many of these skills, try to escalate the level and try more complex numbers. Above addition and subtraction activities for kindergarten children or younger.

Also Read –10 Activities to Raise Your Kids’ IQ: An Intellectual and Smart Approach

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Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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