
Action words for kids: Help your kid learn with these amazing action words

Teaching basic action words to children in preschool through elementary school is beneficial because it lays the foundation for future relevant lessons. Children will be working with various sections of a speech by the second grade. Learning action verbs would be simpler if you believe that “action words” are a separate category of words.

We are constantly doing something from the moment we get out of bed in the morning. We need to use action verbs to put these behaviors into sentences. We may use these action verbs to inform people about what we’ve done or what we’re doing right now.

Action words are terms that explain our actions or what we do, and they are an integral part of our lexicon. We wouldn’t be able to make or use sentences without them because every sentence contains at least one verb.

When a child reaches class 2, he is expected to know a minimum of 100 action words in English. But how exactly do you teach about an action word to a class 1 kid?

Let’s see!

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What do You Mean by Action Words for Kids?

As you might imagine, action words are verbs, which are words that characterize actions. Non-action words, also known as non-action verbs, are words that define a state of being, a desire, an opinion, or a sense, as opposed to action words. You use action words if you write about something that has happened, is happening, or may happen. Examples of action words sentences for kids include:

  • I was running yesterday.
  • I am running now
  • I will run yesterday.

Action words come in a variety of formats and forms, and it’s crucial to understand how to use verb tenses correctly for them. They can be taught regarding the subject with the help of action words pictures for kids.

Non-action verbs refer to a state of being, a need, an opinion, or a feeling, whereas action verbs refer to a state of being, a need, an opinion, or a sense.

How to Teach Simple Action Words for Class 1?

Of course, there are many approaches to teaching any subject, and different classes require different paces. There are, however, a few general guidelines that will assist you in designing lessons of action words for kindergarten, nursery, and elementary school.

  1. Invite kids to the front of the class. Make them do the drawing, reading, chatting, and other things themselves. Then inquire as to what the rest of the class is doing. This approach is used to incorporate the principle of action words.
  2. Allow each kid to participate in an activity and then report back to you about what they are doing. By showing you what they’re doing, remind them that they’re using action terms.
  3. If you want to encourage reading and appreciation, use flashcards. Begin with picture flashcards and work your way up to words. Before asking kids to memorize the abstract concept of language, enable them to adapt the action to the concept.
  4. Kids should draw pictures of various acts. Ask them to share which behaviors they drew with the rest of the class.
  5. Kids can also learn about the senses by engaging in miniature science experiments. They could have a “sight” station (frog vs. tadpole) and a “touch” station, for example (starfish vs. shell). If you’re playing with your sense of taste, make sure no one in your family is allergic!

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5 Fun Activities to Teach Action Words to Class 1

These five exercises will make learning about verbs a lot of fun for your students, whether they are only beginning to learn about the parts of speech or are well on their way to being grammar gurus!

Use Action Words to Play “Simon Says”

Play a game of “Simon Says!” to introduce the idea of verbs as action words. To begin, have your students come up with a list of action words to use in the game. This activity fits well as part of a verb-related mini-lesson, and you can play it again during transitions

Instruct Students to Search for Verbs “in the Wild”

Students must make relations between grammar principles and actual text for grammar to be meaningful. We practice recognizing verbs in sentences as a class (as well as acting out the sentences!) Students should look for verbs in the books they’re reading as well.

Use Games to Broaden the Verb Vocabulary

It’s crucial to help students expand their verb vocabulary, both for learning verb shades of meaning and for learning to use a variety of verbs in their writing. Playing charades is a fun way to expand their vocabulary. You or a student act out a verb, and the rest of the class tries to figure out what verb they’re trying to convey.

Use Verbs to Exercise Various Shades of Language

Work on verb shades of meaning to teach students how to pick the correct verb for their writing. First, demonstrate how to order the verbs “jog,” “run,” and “sprint” from slowest to fastest. After that, split the students up into small classes. Give each group its deck of cards to sort through. Students will present their work to the class and receive input once they have arranged the verbs. Finally, adhere the verb groups to map paper with glue. This provides an anchor map for students to use during writing time!

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Play “Parts of Speech 4 Corners” on Your Computer

Get the students up and going with a few rounds of 4 Corners after they’ve heard about verbs and other parts of speech.

To play, mark your classroom corners with nouns, verbs, adjectives, and “WILD CARD.” Each child should be given a word card. There should be a combination of nouns, verbs, and adjectives on the cards. “WILD CARD” should be written on some of them. Students should read the word on their cards and then proceed to the appropriate classroom corner.

You or a student leader should close your eyes and stand in the center of the classroom. When the leader points to a corner, all students standing in that corner are kicked out of the game and must sit down.

The remaining players exchange cards and proceed to the appropriate corner. The game begins when the leader calls out “nouns,” “verbs,” “adjectives,” or “wild card.” Continue to play until just one student is left; that student will then become the next chief!

Also Read: Why do Kids Today have to Learn about Verbs, Adverbs, Pronouns etc? Why is Grammar Important?


As a parent of a child in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, or early elementary school, you have the power to instill a love of grammar and language learning in any child you encounter! Refer to any of these fun sight word game ideas for preschool through early elementary grades when you’re ready to explore sight words.

You will begin integrating even more action words into your lesson plans once your students are familiar with the basic action words discussed above.

The information presented above will provide you with the necessary information to assist you in helping your kid learn about action words.

Hopefully, you found this information helpful, and if you have any questions, please leave a comment below and let us know. Also, look into our other blogs.

Nishtha Nagar

Nishtha Nagar has been working in the field of content writing for over 3 years. Among the readers, she has been praised for her unwavering dedication to the facts. She holds an engineering degree, and brings a tech perspective to whatever she writes. She aspires to continue her journey as a writer and add value to her reader's life, through quality and innovation. Her faith and family are the most important things to her. When she's not working, you'll almost always find her with her dog or reading one of her books or listening to some of her favourite pop songs.

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