
10 Ideas to Boost Your Kids Creativity: Broaden Their Horizon of Imagination

With the advent of technology, kids have gravitated towards gadgets, which has diminished their creativity. Most of the children nowadays are spending their time on phones, tablets, or laptops, which is hampering their health and inculcating a lazy approach to life. With this article, let us dive into the most creative ways to boost your kids’ creativity. Do you also want your child to become creative and outshine others? This article provides you with 10 mind-blowing ideas to cultivate creativity in your kid.

1.Let Them Make Mistakes

Research has shown that children who are scared of their failures are less likely to think creatively.

Let your child make mistakes and learn from them. If he/she gets low after making a mistake, you can cheer them up by saying, “what can we do to change the outcome?” or  “how about let’s see together what went wrong?” This way, you can make them learn that mistakes are an opportunity to grow. We are sure that it would inspire them to be creative and learn new things.

2.Make them Visualise Through Examples

A blank page or a blank sheet can be quite intimidating to see and can block the ideas. You can ignite the imagination of creativity among your children by showing them relevant examples. This would strike creative ideas in their mind.

Remember how your teachers used to show you examples in school days to make you connect better with the content. This is what is needed for your child as well. Your children can improvise examples and bring new ideas. Sounds fun, right? Do try it with them.

ALSO READ https://therealschool.in/blog/5-most-interesting-puzzles-which-hooked-kids-under-15-years/

3. Do not Impose a Particular Skill on Them

Many parents link creativity with art and craft, but it’s not always the case. Let your kid explore what he/she likes. From as small as helping you with the household chores to building an electric circuit from scratch, creativity can be anything. Never impose your definition of creativity on them. Let them search for their driving force.

4. Embrace all Types of Creations

As discussed above, your child does not necessarily indulge in art or reading books. He/she might want to make his/her own game from scratch. Every child has his horizons of imagination. Make sure you embrace all of their interests. One might be interested in writing poems; others might want to do live game streaming. Being parents/guardians, you should always encourage them and provide them with the required raw materials.

5. Let Them be Free

Do you also sometimes feel guilty about not getting equally involved in your child’s creations? Well, you shouldn’t. Your less involvement would make room for more creativity. Your kids would learn, make mistakes and even mess things up sometimes, but it would eventually bloom their imagination.

So, the next time when your child is involved in some creative play that is annoying you, refrain from asking them, “what are you doing” or “why are you messing around?” Just let them enjoy their creative time.

6. Set a Designated Time for Creativity

This might be difficult for working parents, but they need to understand that children need a structured time to explore their creative minds and build something out of that. It could be sometime after dinner or before the evening snack. Let your child have his/her own time to paint their imaginations.

7. Praise Them for Their Efforts

We all feel demotivated sometimes and need a kick to get back on track, don’t we? Similarly, your child also needs your dose of motivation to move forward.

Some people believe that praising your child can hinder their inner motivation, but that’s not completely true. If you motivate your child by saying, “you are very potential” or “no matter the hardships, you will overcome them all and shine brighter”, these phrases can actually uplift them to work better.

8. Emphasise on Journey than Destination

Life’s best experiences happen in the process of making something. Your child would learn many life values and lessons during his/her journey. Focus on your child’s process rather than the final product. Ask them about their strategies, their inspiration to do the project.

Teach them that it’s not always about the final product; it’s what you learn in the process of making it. Give time to them during their initial stages of projects and discuss what they plan to do next.

9. Avoid Making Things for Them

Many parents misinterpret their involvement as a help in their child’s project. Suppose your child wants to make scenery but is struggling to draw a mountain. Don’t make it for them. This way, you would hamper their imaginations and how they perceive things. You can guide them, give them ideas and ask for their ideas but never do the work for them.

10. Let Your Kids take Their own Artistic Decisions

What colour shall I fill-in? What character shall I make to make this game interesting? You might have heard of such questions when your child is making something for themselves.

Parents/guardians often give them their required answers and block their child’s decision-making skills. You can tackle such situations by replying, “you are the creator of it; you get to decide what you want.” This would imbibe the confidence and decision-making powers in them.

Why Should Your Kid Start Creating Things at an Early Stage?

There is no age for being creative. However, if your child starts indulging in it from a young age, it comes into their routine. As they say, everything starts right from your childhood. Cultivating creativity in their naive minds would make them learn better and see things differently. We at The Real School Of Montessori emphasise project-based learnings and have interesting games/quizzes to make learning better. Do check our website to learn about it.


Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, learning, taking risks, making mistakes, falling, and rising. It’s not just about making a painting or writing a story. It’s about expanding your thoughts and giving an outline to them through your art. We hope that this article could give you a brief into the importance of creativity and how to cultivate it in your kids.

You can have a free trial class at The Real School Of Montessori and understand how it is beneficial for your kids overall growth.

ALSO READ https://therealschool.in/blog/five-art-ideas-creative-kids-mental-workout-kids/


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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