
Which Food Item has Roughage? Types of Food & More

Roughage is the fibrous indigestible material present in food items that helps pass food and waste products through the guts. Some people are curious to know what is the other name of roughage, which is known as dietary fibre. Roughage plays an essential role in our body. A person should include 25 grams of fibre food items in their diet. Research has shown that proper intake of roughage is essential for the human body.

Types of Roughage

The dietary fibres or roughage are classified into two categories that are insoluble fibre and soluble fibre. Both fibres have different properties and have various benefits for the human body. So, let’s take a look at both the fibres in brief.

1. Soluble Roughage:

Soluble fibre is dissolved in water and other fluids when it enters the intestine. It has various health benefits such as lowering fat absorption, helps in weight management, lowering cholesterol, maintaining blood sugar level, feeding gut bacteria, and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Soluble fibres slow down the digestion process resulting in people feeling full longer after the fibre-rich meals.

2. Insoluble Roughage:

Insoluble fibre is not dissolved in fluids and is not a source of calories. It remains more or less unchanged while moving through the digestive tract. It has various health benefits, such as preventing constipation and lowering the risk of diverticular diseases. Insoluble fibre fills up space in the stomach and intestine, resulting in the sensation of being full.

These dietary fibres are equally crucial for the human body. The deficiency of these fibres is dangerous as it results in hazardous disease. These fibres are essential to the human body as they prevent various diseases and increase the immunity of human beings. Both have different functions of roughage and are essential in different ways.

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What is the Role of Roughage in Our Body?

The dietary fibres have different roles to play in the human body. Some people are curious to know what is the role of roughage in our body? So, they need to understand roughage and its function. Some functions of roughage are listed below:

1. Helps In Digestion Process:

One of the primary functions of roughage is that it helps in the digestion process. The insoluble fibre helps the food move along the digestive tract. The fibre absorbs water and swells into a gel that helps keep movement soft and easy to pass. Remember, a person needs to increase the intake of fluid with roughage not to become stiff.

2. Helps To Maintain Blood Sugar And Cholesterol:

Now, what is the other name of roughage? It is dietary roughage as it helps in maintaining blood sugar and cholesterol. The dietary fibre helps in converting cholesterol into acid bile and removes it from the body. The primary function of roughage is to slow down the absorption of sugar in the bloodstream resulting in maintaining blood sugar level in the body.

3. Helps In Weight Management:

Another function of roughage is that it helps in a person’s weight management. Roughage helps a person feel full while eating less food, and it contributes few calories. The dietary fibre requires more chewing and helps in reducing the habit of overeating. It provides the answer of what is the other name of roughage that is dietary fibre. It helps maintain fitness in the human body.

4. Helps To Prevent Diseases:

Another function of roughage is that it helps prevent diseases. A person should at least take 25 grams of fibre daily. It will help in reducing cancer of breast, colon, mouth, ovarian, stomach, and prostate cancer. Its gel-type bowels decrease the chances of constipation. It helps prevent harmful radicals in the human body. It is the perfect answer to what is the role of roughage in the human body.

Dietary fibre has various benefits for the human body. It is essential for the human body; These functions are beneficial and essential for the human body. All problems start due to digestion, so it is essential to keep the digestion excellent and healthy. The right amount of dietary fibres is essential in the human body.

Which Food Item has Roughage?

Roughage is an essential aspect of the digestion process. So, let’s see which food items have roughage. Some food items of high fibre are listed below:

  • Chia seeds
  • Lentils
  • Almonds
  • Chickpeas
  • Kidney beans
  • Avocado, apple, raspberries, pears, and other fruits
  • Corn
  • Green peas
  • Wheat bran

These are some of the food items which help in maintaining fibre in the human body. It is the perfect answer to which food item has roughage. A person can increase fibre intake by increasing more vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and more high-fibre food items in their diet. A person should consult a doctor to take the right amount of roughage, which will benefit the body.

Excessive intake of roughage may lead to bloating, gas, and constipation. A person can relieve these problems by increasing the intake of fluids, exercising, and making dietary changes. Usually, these problems occur when a person intake 70 grams of dietary fibres in a day. So, it is necessary to take the right amount of dietary fibres that are 25 grams in a day. Dietary fibres play an essential role and have various benefits when it is taken in the correct quantity.

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Roughage is essential for the human body and helps in the proper diet of a person. So, another name of roughage is dietary fibre. It is not fully digested and prevents heart diseases and two types of diabetes. In the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is essential to maintain the health and fitness of a person. So, the correct intake of dietary fibres is essential for the human body to reduce the risk of hazardous diseases such as covid-19. It is because all diseases originate from the stomach, and fibres help in the healthy condition of the stomach. So, it is crucial for the human body’s health and fitness in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.



Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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