
What is Yoga for Kids? Its Role as a Natural Healer to the Soul-Mind and Body

One of the oldest techniques to keep your body, soul, and mind healthy is Yoga. However, in the generation of gym and exercise, it lost its glory. Several kinds of research conducted on yoga signify its values for kids. In the past decade, with events like international yoga day, people are again looking towards yoga poses for kids.

In recent years, more and more people are shifting to yoga. Still, it is an underrated technique. People are unaware of the vast benefit it provides. Most people confuse yoga with exercise. But they both are different from each other. Practising yoga from an early age works as insurance for a healthy life.

Yoga is an activity that involves postures to give physical, spiritual, and mental peace. If your kids practice it, they will get natural medicine for their minds. They will remain fit in all aspects. The subsequent paragraphs deal with what is yoga for kids? and yoga poses for kids.

What is Yoga for Kids?

Yoga is defined as the ‘unification of Atma with Paramatma. It is taken from the word ‘yuj’, a Sanskrit word meaning to join or to unite. Various great leaders or mythological books have given the answer to what yoga is for kids in their way. Some of their definition is:

  • “Checking the impulse of the mind is yoga.” – Patanjali
  • “Yoga is spiritual Kamdhenu.” – Swami Sampurnanand
  • “Yoga is attaining the pose.” – Maharishi Ved Vyas
  • “Oneness of man with God is known as Yoga.” – Shri Bharati Krishna Tirth
  • “The knowledge about Shiva and Shakti is Yoga.” – Agam

In Fact the holy book, Bhagavad Gita says, “Skill in actions or efficiency alone is Yoga.” There are various yoga poses for kids that would keep them healthy if they practice it through lifetimes. Some of the poses are:

  • Sukhasana: It is an amazing meditation position that helps calm the mind and increase concentration in kids.
  • Tadasana: This international yoga day, ask your kid to do tadasana for a better height and improved body posture.
  • Padmasana: It is a great asana to stimulate the spine and abdomen.
  • Shashankasana: It nourishes all brain functions and eyes by increasing the blood circulation in the brain.

So, these are some yoga poses for kids that will provide amazing results. On this international yoga Day, let your kids understand what yoga is and its Impacts of yoga on the soul, mind, and brain. The next sections describe each in detail.

Also Read: Online Yoga Classes for Kids: Yoga Poses for Kids to Practice for Perfect Mind-Body Balance

Impact of yoga postures on the Soul

1. Gives Positivity in Your Relationships

Your behaviour with others reflects your soul. If you carry happiness in your mind, you will give the same to others. Kids feel calm and happy after practising yoga. Thus, they will furnish positivity to everyone around them. Their relationship with people will improve to a great extent.

2. Positively Impact on Mood

You can compare your soul with a battery. With all the negativity around the world, the battery of your soul gets discharged. You will not feel good about anything. You will feel terrible. When you perform yoga postures, the battery of your soul again gets charged. Your soul receives positivity. Thus, your mood elevates.

3. Yoga Gives Inner Peace

The fundamental nature of the soul is love. The human soul craves peace. Peace not only means an environment where there is no sound. It means a place without any thoughts. You get inner peace when you sit ideally without thinking about anything. Meditation is a yoga technique that helps to attain inner peace.

Life is not a smooth journey. It is full of ups and downs. Yoga is an excellent practice to overcome the difficulties of life.

4. Impact of  Yoga Postures on the Mind

‘One who can control his/her mind controls the world.’ So, understand what yoga is for kids and let them become masters of their minds.

5. Yoga Helps with Depression and Anxiety

Yoga plays a significant role in coping-up with anxiety and depression. The suicide rates in the world are increasing at a high pace. One of the primary reasons is a failure to deal with anxiety and depression. The modern generation is more sensitive to changes. Yoga will help them to handle the stress of life.

6. Yoga Improves Concentration and Strengthens Memory

Concentration is one of the key elements every successful person holds. Concentration is the ability to remain physically and mentally present at a place. For kids, concentration is significant for their academic performance. Once you concentrate on something, it remains in your memory for a long time. Yoga helps to develop the art of concentration.

7. Yoga Reduces the Impacts of Trauma

Many people go through a traumatic experience. They face Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which is now a common disease. It is hard for them to overcome those experiences. They might get repeated flashbacks of the incident. It severely affects the functioning of the mind. However, yoga practise helps to overcome these flashbacks. It will help you to live the happy life you want.

Yoga boosts the stimulants of the brain. There are several asanas to elevate the functioning of the human mind.

Also Read: Why Yoga for Children? Is Yoga Good for Kids?

Impacts of yoga postures on the body

One of the visible benefits of yoga postures is on the body. Some of its impacts on the body are:

1. Yoga Helps to Get the Flexibility

The joints of the human body become stiff due to a lack of stretching activities. Performing yoga postures makes these joints flexible. The tendons and ligaments slowly open up to give a stretchy body. Initially, while performing asanas, you might not touch your toes with your hands but, with continuous practice, you will easily hold your feet with your palm while keeping your legs straight.

2. Yoga Lowers Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is a common issue in people of old age. It often ends in headaches, insomnia, unconsciousness, etc. People who face such problems should start practising yoga postures. It helps to bring the blood pressure to normal. Your artery and veins will start pumping the blood efficiently. It also elevates the functioning of the brain.

3. Yoga Builds Bone

There are many ways in which yoga postures help to build bones. Yoga is good for digestion. It promotes the absorption of many vital products like roughage and fibre that otherwise might go out of the body as waste. Hence, your bones will become strong. It also helps to overcome osteoporosis. There are also various poses for the proper functioning of the spinal cord like cobra pose and child pose.

Yoga makes your body fit by maintaining the functioning of every organ. It also elevates life processes like respiration and digestion.


Yoga is not new to the world. There is evidence of yoga practices in Indian mythology. Now, people are more aware of its impacts. It is now practised all around the world, regardless of any differences. Yoga for the soul, mind and body is a new trend accepted worldwide.

Janvi Khetan

For over two years, Janvi Khetan has been working in the field of blog-content writing. She had worked as a digital content writer for an established company for six months and a Business Development Manager in a reputed firm for a short time. As a blog content writer, her goals include creating content to help individuals to grow as a whole. Her field of expertise is writing on sustainable parenting. In addition to this, Janvi Khetan has earned recognition for her extraordinary commitment to the truth. She has been bringing the truth on various issues in front of the audience with facts, statistics, and candid writings.

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