
What is a Noun Phrases for Kids? A Complete Guide to Teach Noun Phrases to Your Kids

Noun phrases are phrases that behave like a noun. But before getting started with what is a noun phrase for kids, we will see a couple of basic definitions that will help us understand noun phrases better.

What is a Noun for Kids?

what is a noun for kidswhat is a noun for kids

A noun is the name of a specific object, place, or living being. In other words, a noun is a word that is used to identify or specify a class of objects, places, people, or a name to a particular one of these.

Example: Your name, man, woman, teacher, India, home, office, city, state, country, car, pencil, banana, dog, monkey, and any object, place, or person that has a name of its own.

What is a Phrase?

A phrase is a small group of few words put together that forms a meaningful unit.

After reading the definition of the phrase, you might feel that phrases and sentences are both the same, but they are not.

A phrase in itself cannot convey the whole meaning as it lacks a verb or subject, but sentences are a long group of words that convey a complete thought. Phrases are a part of sentences.

What is a Noun Phrases for kids?

Noun Phrases are a group of words that contain a noun but don’t contain a verb. A noun phrase usually contains a noun and a group of words that describe the noun.

Noun Phrases Explained

Let us now look at a few noun phrase examples.

#1. That new black mobile is mine

In this sentence, “mobile” is the noun, whereas the other words describe the noun. ‘That new black mobile’ is a noun phrase.

#2. The truck on the road sells a variety of fresh fruits.

In this sentence, there are two noun phrases. The first one is “truck on the road,” and the noun phrase is “variety of fresh fruits.” Both these noun phrases contain nouns and the words that describe them.

Structure of Noun Phrases

The basic structure of Noun Phrases are divided into two types:

#1. Premodifiers

#2. Postmodifiers


As the word “pre” suggests, when the explanation of the noun comes before the actual noun word in the noun phrases, they are called premodifiers.

Noun Phrases with premodifiers include:

#. Determiners

Example: Those Mangoes are very cheap.

#. Quantifiers

Example: I’ve visited a lot of countries

#. Numbers

Example: My sister has two crayon boxes.

#. Adjectives

Example: I love vintage cars.

All the underlined words describe their respective premodifiers. All of them are before the nouns, which makes them premodifiers.


Noun phrases are known to be “postmodifiers” if the explanation comes after naming in the noun phrase.

Postmodifers often include:

#. Prepositional phrases

A prepositional phrase is often used as a noun with prepositions like “in”, “on”, “at”, “to”.

Example: The girl in the pink dress

In the above example, “in the pink frock” explains how to identify the noun “girl” using prepositions.

#. -ing phrases

Example: The woman walking near the pool.

In this sentence, the noun “woman” is described used the postmodifier -ing word, i.e, “walking”

#. Relative clauses

Example: The woman we met at the school yesterday.

The noun “woman” is explained with relative clauses.

#. That- clauses

Example: I believe John that he is innocent.

In this sentence, that clause is used as a postmodifier to the noun John.

Expanded Noun Phrases

In some cases, nouns in some noun phrases are given an elaborated explanation before or after them which are called “Expanded Noun Phrases.”


I ran in the Sun

In the above sentence, the noun phrase is ‘the sun’. To turn this sentence into an expanded noun phrase, we can include an adjective that can modify the noun ‘Sun’. For example:

I ran in the Hot Sun

Now we have an expanded noun phrase which is ‘the hot sun’.

The structure of expanded noun phrase is explained below:

#. An article: The

#. An adjective(s): Hot

#. A noun: Sun

The expansion can also be done after the noun.

Found it Helpful?

We hope that this explanation has helped you understand noun phrases better. Collect various sentences and practise noun phrases for a better understanding of this topic.

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Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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