
What are the Ways to Avoid Wastage of Food? Here’s How to Avoid Food Wastage

Food is the fuel of every living being in this world. It is something that provides nutrients. As a result, we can perform all body functions – from breathing to digesting food and keeping warm with sufficient energy. Furthermore, it provides materials for the growth and repair of the body and keeps the immune system healthy.

But, there is a difference between healthy food and unhealthy food, and everyone should know the distinction. To lead a happy and disease-free life, you should have a good diet that includes every type of nutrients necessary for your body. Although proper food consumption is not taken seriously by people, it has resulted in the wastage of many foods, which brings up a serious topic: why should we avoid wastage of food? Is it a severe issue? If yes, what are the ways to avoid wastage of food?

The answer is yes! Food wastage is a serious issue for the world.

Why Should We Avoid Wastage of Food Answer

Food wastage does not only impact directly on the environment, but it costs us a huge loss indirectly too. Think of it this way, when food is produced from scratch, the number of different resources used is quite large: water for irrigating, land for planting and fuel to power harvest and transport.

Let’s Look at it More Clearly

#1 70% of the planet’s freshwater is used for agricultural purposes, including crop irrigation and livestock watering.

#2 Another limited and valuable resource of Earth is land. Approximately 28% of land in the world is devoted to growing food that is wasted or lost every year. Furthermore, deforestation caused by clearing land for agricultural use destroys the land, rips away wildlife habitats, and emits greenhouse gases.

#3 It is estimated that food waste generates 3.3 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalents each year, according to the FAO. Aside from oil and diesel used to power production machinery and transport vehicles, food waste itself is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. In landfills, waste rotting out gives off methane, the most potent greenhouse gas.

So you see, a little food loss can harm our environment to a huge extent.

Other Reasons

Let’s look at some other reasons that are important to get the answer of why should we avoid wastage of food:

#1 Food waste not only affects the environment adversely, but it also costs consumers, businesses, and the government much money.

#2 As millions of people worry about feeding their children, the world continues to waste vast amounts of safe, edible food. It is known that if people wasted just 15 per cent less food, there would be enough to feed 25 million people.

#3 Farmers’ efforts to feed such a huge population are wasted as well.

#4 If food is not wasted, the amount of land it takes to reside on can be reduced too.

#5 Last but not least, we can live without shelter but not without food. So, imagine if we continued wasting food that results in depletion of resources. The contribution of the farmers who toil so hard to feed such a huge population is also wasted.

How to Avoid Wastage of Food?

Now that the reasons are pretty clear to you on why we should avoid wastage of food, it’s high time to know what are the ways to avoid wastage of food.

We have come up with 9 easy tips that you can follow or even ask your kids to follow.

Stick to Your List When You Shop

How often do you fail to follow this advice? Have you ever shopped without a list? If you put something in your cart that isn’t on your list, you are buying on impulse. You can avoid it by writing a shopping list ahead of time. Stick to it when shopping, and you’ll avoid food waste at home.

Use Everything

Whenever possible, make sure to use every bit of whatever you’re cooking. For example, consider leaving the skins and stems on cucumbers and potatoes, as these components are often rich in nutrients.

Food Should be Stored Properly

Organize your cupboard or refrigerator, so older products are placed at the front while new ones are at the back. To prevent insects from getting into open food, ensure all packaging is closed and kept in airtight containers in the fridge.

Make Good Use of Your Food Waste

Compost your food scraps instead of removing them from the food supply. As a result, the soil is benefited from nutrients, and the carbon footprint is reduced.

Don’t Waste Leftovers

Don’t let leftovers go to waste; incorporate them into your meal routine. Make a lunch out of them, have leftovers one night a week, or freeze them when you’re ready to take a break. You must use them up before they go bad. You can also feed those who are unable to afford food.

Keep Track of Your Trash

It is recommended to keep a pad of paper in the kitchen and note items thrown out due to going bad. After a few weeks, you’ll be shocked when you see the things that can be addressed and corrected. For example, if bananas are getting wasted way too much, consider buying less fruit at the store or slicing bananas rather than throwing them in the garbage whenever they spoil.

Consume Local and Seasonal Foods

Fresh food holds its shelf life longer than canned or frozen food, reducing food waste. In addition to allowing local and seasonal foods to be favoured over-packaged products, farm to table also has lots of other advantages. A seasonal diet can be more affordable, while locally produced food is fresher for longer, reduces the miles that food has to travel (reducing emissions) and benefits the community and the farmers.

Have a Proper Diet

When you and your family follow a proper and balanced diet, it is more likely that food wastage is reduced. It also avoids unnecessary or unhealthy food whose packaging can be harmful to the environment.

Why is a Balanced Diet Important?

A balanced diet is essential for your organs and tissues because they require proper nutrition to function properly. When you don’t eat properly, your body is more prone to disease, infections, fatigue, and poor performance. In addition to growth and developmental concerns, children with a poor diet are likely to have poor academic performance and can develop bad eating habits throughout life.

Learn The Labelling of Information on Packages

Often, we discard food items whose expiration date has passed. To avoid this, whenever shopping for groceries, one should be sure to read the food labels. By reading the “manufacturing” and “expiration” dates of food items, you will know when to consume them and how long the food will remain fresh.

Learn About More Topics with The Real School Of Montessori

It’s important to pass on the knowledge you gain to your kids and to make it easier. The real school Of Montessori has all the solutions for you. Our fun learning environment provides all the necessary guidance and teaching to make your child a responsible citizen. We also make sure that they are getting updates on serious topics that need to be looked upon.

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Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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