Welcome to a cosmic adventure in art! We'll guide your child through drawing the mesmerizing solar system, helping them explore the wonders of the universe on paper.

Solar System Drawing for Kids

Materials Needed

1. Sketchbook or plain paper,  2. Colored pencils or markers, 3. Imagination and curiosity

The Sun

Start by drawing a large, bright sun in the center of your paper. This will be the center of the solar system.

The Planets

Place the planets around the sun, drawing them in different sizes and colors. Remember, the solar system has eight major planets!

Orbits and Rings

Add elliptical orbits for the planets to show their paths around the sun. Some planets, like Saturn, have beautiful rings.

Stars and Asteroids

Dot the background with tiny stars to represent the vastness of space. Include some asteroid shapes for added realism.

Color and Details

Now comes the fun part. Add vibrant colors to the planets, sun, and space background. Don't forget to add details like craters on the moon or the Great Red Spot on Jupiter.


Congratulations! Your child has created their own solar system on paper.