Nature Drawing for Kids: body of water surrounded by trees

Welcome to the exciting world of rhyming words! Let's play with words that sound alike in this fun web story.

Rhyming Words for Kids

What are Rhyming Words?

Rhyming words are words that have the same ending sounds. They make language fun and musical!

Nature Drawing for Kids: body of water surrounded by trees

Examples of Rhyming Words

"Cat" and "hat" rhyme, and so do "dog" and "log"! Try saying them out loud.

white and brown cat wearing white and pink party hat

More Rhyming Words Examples

Look at words like "sun" and "fun" or "cake" and "bake" – they rhyme too! They make language sound playful.

woman in white long sleeve shirt kissing girl in white long sleeve shirt

Playing with Rhymes

Let's have some fun! Can you think of words that rhyme with "ball" or "tree"? Rhyming is a game of words that sound similar!

close-up photography of girl during daytime

Creating Rhymes

Can you create your own rhymes? Try matching words that sound alike, and see what fun combinations you can make!

black pencil on white printerpaper


We've had a blast with rhyming words!

Nature Drawing for Kids: body of water surrounded by trees
The Real School Online Learning Activities for Kids Children