Categories: Learning

Social Development Activities for Kids: How To Raise a Happy Child?

Teaching your child to be a better person is the first responsibility of every parent and guardian out there. Children develop life-skills through their family, environment, education, activities, relationships, and media exposure. Social and emotional development begins at a very tender age. Give the right shape at the right time, and see these qualities carve the character of your child! This article will help you understand how you can develop social skills and improve the emotional quotient in your kids through various social learning activities for kids.

How to Observe Social and Emotional Development Lacking in Kids?

As this is a tender stage of their character development, children have different needs based on their understanding and skill sets, Every child functions uniquely, but there are some standard practices you can adopt to get a better insight into their social and emotional development. One way to understand a child’s social and emotional development status is by:

  • Keeping a Close Eye and Observing Their Lifestyle and Behaviour

Parents and teachers need to monitor their behavioural patterns with changing situations along with their adaptation abilities. Developmental delays are hard to identify but eventually, it can become obvious as the child grows through situations. When noticed, these traits must not be ignored.

  • Hire Consultation Agencies and Experts

Hire professionals to help you understand how your kid lacks in social and emotional development.

  • For Special-needs Children, Opt for IFPS (Individual Family Service Plan)

Sometimes, children face challenging and complex life situations that are out of their understanding or their parent’s understanding. In such cases, an intensive and dedicated service plan is needed. Such children need to be imparted with the right knowledge, understanding, and resilience to handle different life events.

How Can Technology Affect Children’s Social Development?

With the world evolving faster with technological advancement, technology has taken an incredibly significant place in children’s lives.

But one may wonder, is technology good or bad for my children?

Here’s an interesting way to look at both sides of the matter!

Advantages – Technology Fosters Positive Social Connections & Support Systems

Not all technical aspects are harmful. In fact, young children or teenagers who struggle with social anxiety, social engagement, or associated conditions can resort to online communities on social media that strive to encourage healthy social interactions.

Good use of social media can help your child voice his/her feelings, help them grow their emotional quotient as well as spike up their confidence in public expressing.

Disadvantages – Misuse of Technology Can Lead to Harmful Social Disconnection

Yes, unfortunately, not all children gain the maturity of using technology and online mediums to their advantage, i.e., in a productive manner.

It can lead to excess screen time, having zero value or benefits. Moreover, there are chances that it may create toxic traits in children like disruptive social presence, cyberbullying, and so on. Many others even become victims of these malpractices and end up deteriorating their social and emotional development.

As Buddha once said, Anything in excess is poison, adults must find this applicable in aspects of technology also! Give your child the right and protected exposure to technology for beneficial results.

Social Development Activities For Kids

Now that we know the significance of social and emotional upbringing in children, let’s see some measures to nurture these skills in them.

Here are a few child learning activities for social-emotional development kids can be engaged in!

Developing Problem-solving Skills

Problems are an inevitable part of life. Some people can deal with serious problems calmly, while some sit panicking at minor issues. To master the art of problem-solving, you need to start as soon as possible, as shaping a mindset requires time. Start with your kids today.

Books, movies, series, etc. all have characters who fall into some kind of problem and deal with it in a particular way leading to associated consequences—stress on such concepts.

How to Teach Problem-solving to Kids?

Give the children any major or minor life problems. For example, three children bullying one kid. Once you do, go over these points and follow them!

  • Recognition is the first step! Show them how to identify the problem.
  • Sit with them and brainstorm various possible solutions.
  • Gather children and ask them to give solutions to the same problem. Discuss various answers and show diversity in understanding.
  • Debate and agree upon a single best solution.
  • Weigh the consequences and implement the solution to show the kids what the aftereffect of a decision can look like.

Involvement in Family Affairs

‘Change begins at home’

Family plays a vital role in carving the character and development of a child. Relationships within the family can potentially scale up or down a child’s social skills.

Involve children in family activities and events. Give them responsibility by assigning them fun tasks such as entertaining the guests, hosting games at a party, performing a bit in front of audiences, giving them the stage, decorating the house, arranging playdates, deciding the dress code for an event, and so on!

No matter how old your child is, they can always do a great job when it comes to planning and doing fun activities. Such involvement will show you, your kid’s creative side as well as show how well your kid can mingle socially and emotionally. Such frequent practices will improve your kid’s social-emotional development over time.

Prioritising Friendships

Children are more inclined towards their peers and friends. They tend to ape them or are highly influenced by them. Hence, it is important to give your kid the right kind of knowledge regarding choosing friends and adopting their lifestyle.

Making the right kind of friendship bonds can do wonders in your child’s development! Having the right attitude, generosity, understanding, and love for one another in a friend circle helps every person grow in a healthy manner leading to positive maturity.

Here are some popular tips that you can use for teaching your kids to ace any friendship!

Tips On Social Development Activities for Kids

  • Give them toys and books that teach social skills & interactions. For example board games, karaoke set up, puppets, value-based story-books on friendship, cooperation, emotions, empathy, etc.
  • Tell them the difference between a good company and a bad company. Share your personal experiences with them.
  • Build dedicated play areas where more children can play along together.
  • Teach them the practice of sharing as well as turn-taking during activities.
  • Ask them to write and enact any play. Drama and literature have a great impact on a kid’s emotional and social development.
  • Teach them the power of complimenting each other often during the day.
  • Have emotional conversations with your kids and open them up in sharing their emotional sides too.
  • Assign a bunch of kids with certain responsibilities or a group project. Model them to learn the art of team management and leadership skills.
Final Words

 The Real School Of Montessori is the best place to help you scale up your kid’s all-round development. We have crafted a revolutionary curriculum that imparts persuasion, social perceptiveness, empathy, and brainstorming skills, among others, to empower cooperation, teamwork, and self-expression in kids. Visit our site to know more!


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