
Science Questions For Kids: Top Brain Development Questions for Kids

When kids understand new concepts and then try them out practically, they start learning. For the same reason, people focus on practical activities like projects and experiments to teach their kids. For the same reason of getting children involved in the practical knowledge, the questions and answers section is included at the end of a chapter. It helps kids get to understand the basic concept of where and how to learn.

But, just solving the syllabus questions won’t help the kids learn better and stay open to the vast knowledge around the world. Here are some of the best science questions for kids which can influence them to think more than their syllabus.

In the article, we will focus on science questions that are not mainstream but can make the child curious about the world they live in. Solving science questions also influences children on understanding how everything around us is related to science. This is exactly how kids are taught at The Real School Of Montessori, where the teachers encourage them to think outside the box and learn more than usual.

List of Science Questions

What if Earth Stops Rotating?

The rotation of Earth determines many things, like changing of day and night, change of season, and sustenance of life on Earth. If the Earth stops rotating on its axis, the sea and ocean water will shift to the poles due to the action of gravitation. Eventually, mega-continents will form at the poles.

List of Science QuestionsList of Science Questions

The day areas will have searing heat, which will burn anything within minutes, and the night areas will become freezing cold. No trees and plants would be able to survive in these extreme conditions. Humans will have to shift to areas where there will be evening sunlight forever, and water is available.

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Why is the Conservation of Ecology Important for the Future?

Ecology is the environment, plants, and animals living with us on this Earth. Conservation of ecology is the stream of biology that focuses on the preservation and management of natural resources. Conservation of Ecology should be the first priority for both the current and the future generation.

The world was given equally to every species, but humans have over-utilised the resources to cause damage to the natural ecological cycle. The conservation of ecology is based on various principles of ecology by preserving genetics, population biology, systematics, and other disciplines.

What will be the Future of Fossil Fuels?

Fossil fuel degradation is not a new phenomenon to the world. The rise of renewable energy, electric vehicles, etc., are on the rise, but we haven’t completely shifted to renewable resources. We still depend on fossil fuels for more than 86% of the energy needs. It is one of the most important science questions for children to know about fossil fuel and its future.

Burning fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide. If humans continue to use fossil fuels at the same rate, by 2050, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will increase from 0.4% to 0.8%. The value doesn’t seem alarming, but it is responsible for the increase of global warming on Earth.

The Earth has already witnessed a 2-degree rise in temperature since the last decade, and we are witnessing a depletion of icebergs at the poles. With 0.8% of CO2 in the air, the polar ice will melt at an increasing rate, which would cause a rise in sea levels to sink many coastal cities and islands around the world.

Secondly, overuse of fossil fuels will deplete the level of fossil present in the Earth’s crust. It took over a million years for this level of fossil to be produced. We need to think and shift renewable and reliable sources for the future to be sustainable.

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What if there were No Plants?

If there were no plants on Earth, life sustainability would be highly impossible. According to Darwin’s theory, life was possible on Earth due to the correct amount of Nitrogen and Oxygen in the atmosphere. Nitrogen is a cold gas that helps in maintaining the cool temperature. Due to its gravitational pull, the Earth is fixed at a perfect distance from the Sun, which helps maintain its temperature. When sunlight strikes Oxygen and hydrogen with the right amount of heat, the formation of water is possible on Earth.

This water evaporates and mixes in the cloud. The clouds condense and form rain. The rainwater combined with the weathering rock is called soil. A form of life was evolved on the stones and soil in the form of Algae and Moss. This is how life started on Earth, and eventually transformed into a plant and then a tree.

Evolution took thousands of years to form the first tree, and thousands of years later, the first life form was developed in the form of a single-celled water organism. If there are no plants on Earth in the future, life will eventually vanish from the Earth as there will be nothing left to convert Carbon Dioxide to Oxygen for living organisms. Secondly, there will be no food for herbivores, and eventually, for carnivores to feed upon.

What Happens if Humans can See Sound?

Try to vibrate a long extended metal rod and if you can see the vibration, then you can see sound too. But you might think, we have seen the rod vibrating but not the sound; however, the phenomena is the same. Sound is just the vibration of air particles that transfer from one point to another by the colliding of these vibrating air particles. Since air particles are small compared to the metal rod, it is impossible to be seen with naked eyes; hence, we cannot see the air particles moving.

What if the Moon Fell Down?

If we assume the moon falls, there will be some consequences. By falling, we mean that the moon leaves the Earth’s orbit. The most drastic changes will be in the Earth’s climate. The Moon is a major cause of tides formation on Earth. These tides help in the redistribution of heat on Earth. Secondly, the tides induce precipitation of air humidity, resulting in rain.

There will be different tides on oceans, as the gravitational force will vary at the equatorial regions, which are closer to the moon. Other than that, there will be no light in the night sky, as well as no solar and lunar eclipse.

Why Humans Cannot Regrow Body Parts?

This is one of the most interesting questions from the science quiz for kids at primary school. Humans can also regrow missing body parts like we regrow the cut on our finger or repair our knees when we fall and scratch. But humans are not given the capabilities of regrowing our bones and major muscle groups as seen in animals like salamanders. This is because of a lack of stem cells in human bodies that can grow back limbs or any other body part containing bones.


With so many more questions and bizarre brain teasers, the article mentions questions for the kids from subjects like biology, space science, physics, chemistry and geology. You can visit our website, The Real School Of Montessori to read more blogs and articles on such topics.


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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