Categories: Learning

Preschool Fun Learning Games for Kids: Let’s Learn All Subjects with Games

During the lockdown, every child wants to play all the time. Thus the parents are very conscious about their child’s learning. You felt the problem; Real School has brought the solution. We have brought preschool learning games. The motive of Real School is learning with fun. And fun learning for kids.

Not surrounded by books or study hall, having remained at home brought many games to play for your little one. Days transformed into months, and well, months into close to a year. All in all, how would you wake up your child from play mode? Think about what! You don’t need to! Real School will make everything easier for you. Let us learn about various preschool fun learning games for kids.

Great learning is to know while playing as an experiment teaches more than mugging up. Kids can learn to like any of the subjects by the below-given learning activities. Moreover, preschool is the age of learning and exploring while playing.

Also Read: Best Maths App for 6-Year-Olds: Make Learning Maths for 6-Year-Old Kids Fun

Why Fun Learning Essential for Kids?

Fun learning is essential for every kid as their day-to-day life becomes monotonous, like going back to school and coming back home. This is very essential for every kid. Learning with fun does not make a child’s life boring. Therefore, Real School has brought many ways by which learning has become very easy as the motive of Real School is learning with fun.

Fun Learning Activities for kids

1. Tall Total

What number of stories is high in your family? Add everybody’s tallness (more youthful children can utilize feet without inches), including grandparents and cousins if you need. Then, at that point, compute how tall your “family constructing” would be (figure ten feet for each floor). By this, your kid will practice addition in a fun way.

2. Senseless Speak

Utilize silly rhymes and similar sounding word usage for the day, proposes Sheila Clonan, Ph.D., collaborator educator of instructive study at Colgate University, in Hamilton, New York. You may depict your youngster’s sandwich as “Lunch, lunch, stunning little lunch” or make a straight-coloured solicitation like, “Kindly put on your moos – I mean your boss – no, your shoes!” You can likewise make your kid snicker by beginning every one of your words with one letter. This will add to their vocabulary and pronunciation.

3. Customized Plates

Have your kid consider words beginning with the letters on a tag. For instance, 7-year-old Kevin Iwai of Mountain View, California, says that the “EGG” on his mother’s tag means “Elephants Hug Hippos.” This will add to learning with fun.

4. Sing It

Make up a tune including your youngster’s name. Rather than B-I-N-G-O, attempt “A fortunate mother had a young lady, and Katie was her name-o, K-A-T-I-E, K-A-T-I-E . . . .” Add kin and companions (“A young lady named Maggie had a sibling, and Caleb was his name-o . . . .”).

5. Pounds of Pets

Gauge your youngster, then, at that point, have him get on the scale with every one of your family pets to perceive the amount they gauge. If they can’t get one, check what they weigh on the last excursion to the vet. Do an aggregate and make examinations. For instance, does your child + your two beagles = Dad’s weight? This makes their problem-solving and analytical skills better.

6. Animation Balloon

Utilizing pictures from old magazines or papers, draw animation speech balloons for individuals in the promotions and let your youngster think about the content. Contingent upon your kid’s age, possibly she or you can write in words. They will make their skills of making a story better.

7. Finger Phonics

Structure a letter with your fingers and ask that your kid thinks about what it is. Then, think about a word that starts with that letter. Suppose you make ‘M’ ask your child five words from the letter M. Kids usually love these games.

Also Read: Fun Warm-up Games for Kids.

8. Imagine This

Portray letters outwardly and see whether your youngster can figure the letter. You may say, “It would appear that two mountains pushed together,” or “It’s round like a donut.” While playing this game, their thinking skills will increase.

9. Word Detective

Before pursuing your kid, track down a specific word, for example, the or you, in the book. Point it out and illuminate it boisterously. As you turn the pages, ask as to whether she can discover the world. Give her clues (“I see that it’s on this page multiple times”). Or, on the other hand, discover a word for her to follow all through the book and see whether she can choose words that rhyme with it (The Cat in the Hat functions admirably for this one).

10. Great Measure

Make a blueprint of your kid’s foot on a piece of cardboard. Remove it, and let her do things. What number of “feet” long is her bureau? Or then again, give her a measuring tape and request that she discover two things in the house that are a similar length or sort out, which is longer, the love seat or her bed.


These are some games of fun learning for kids. So now you have learned how to make learning fun for kids? Try these games with your child, and they will be happy, and secretly they will practice so many things such as imagination and self-expression. It will also help add physical qualities, like fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, for learning more about them. You people will enjoy it, and your kids will perfectly learn the most while playing. As shown above, every game has its niche, which can help in moulding the kids in one and the other way. Stay connected with Real School.


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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