
Patriotic Poem for Kids: Learn about 5 Famous Freedom Fighters of India

One of India’s most prominent national festivals is Republic Day. To honour the implementation of the Indian Constitution on January 26, 1950, it is commemorated with great magnificence and grandeur. Our nation was also declared a complete sovereign, democratic, and republican state for the first time.

Massive parades, performing national music, hosting cultural activities, and reciting poems are all part of the festivities. On Republic Day, renowned poets have penned a multitude of poems that represent patriotism and togetherness. On this important day, these are repeated during programmes held or telecast over the television.

Here are some patriotic poems for kids to make them love their nation wholeheartedly.

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Patriotic Poem for Kids in English

Find some patriotic poems for your kids in English and Hindi below:

Patriotic Poem for Kids in English: The Gift Of India by Sarojini Naidu

Is there ought you need that my hands withhold,

Rich gifts of raiment or grain or gold?

Lo ! I have flung to the East and the West

Priceless treasures torn from my breast,

And yielded the sons of my stricken womb

To the drum-beats of the duty, the sabers of doom.

Gathered like pearls in their alien graves

Silent they sleep by the Persian waves,

Scattered like shells on Egyptian sands,

They lie with pale brows and brave, broken hands,

they are strewn like blossoms mown down by chance

On the blood-brown meadows of Flanders and France.

Stanza 2

Can ye measure the grief of the tears I weep

Or compass the woe of the watch I keep?

Or the pride that thrills thro’ my heart’s despair

And the hope that comforts the anguish of prayer?

And the far sad glorious vision I see

Of the torn red banners of victory?

when the terror and the tumult of hate shall cease

And life be refashioned on anvils of peace,

And your love shall offer memorial thanks

To the comrades who fought on the dauntless ranks,

And you honour the deeds of the dauntless ones,

Remember the blood of my martyred sons!

Patriotic Poem for Kids in English: Bande Mataram by Sri Aurobindo

Mother, I bow to thee!

Rich with thy hurrying streams,

Bright with thy orchard gleams,

Cool with thy winds of delight,

Dark fields waving, Mother of might,

Mother free.

Glory of moonlight dreams

Over thy branches and lordly streams,

Clad in thy blossoming trees,

Mother, giver of ease,

Laughing low and sweet!

Mother, I kiss thy feet,

Speaker sweet and low!

Mother, to thee I bow.

Who hath said thou art weak in thy lands,

When the swords flash out in twice seventy million hands

And seventy millions voices roar

Thy dreadful name from shore to shore?

With many strengths who art mighty and stored,

To thee I call, Mother and Lord!

Thou who savest, arise and save!

To her I cry who ever her foemen drave

Back from plain and sea

And shook herself free.

Also Read: New Year Resolutions for Kids: Start 2022 with Full of Energy, Fun and Excitement

Stanza 2

Thou art wisdom, thou art law,

Thou our heart, our soul, our breath,

Thou the love divine, the awe

In our hearts that conquers death.

Thine the strength that nerves the arm,

Thine the beauty, thine the charm.

Every image made divine

In our temples is but thine.

Thou art Durga, Lady and Queen,

With her hands that strike and her swords of sheen,

Thou art Lakshmi lotus-throned,

Pure and perfect without peer,

Mother, lend thine ear.

Rich with thy hurrying streams,

Bright with thy orchard gleams,

Dark of hue, O candid-fair

In thy soul, with jewelled hair

And thy glorious smile divine,

Loveliest of all earthly lands,

Showering wealth from well-stored hands!

Mother, mother mine!

Mother sweet, I bow to thee,

Mother great and free.

Patriotic Poem for Kids in Hindi

Patriotic Poem for Kids in Hindi by Vandana Sharma

हम नन्हें-मुन्ने हैं बच्चे,

आजादी का मतलब नहीं है समझते।

इस दिन पर स्कूल में तिरंगा है फहराते,

गाकर अपना राष्ट्रगान फिर हम,

तिरंगे का सम्मान है करते,

कुछ देशभक्ति की झांकियों से

दर्शकों को मोहित है करते

हम नन्हें-मुन्ने हैं बच्चे,

आजादी का अर्थ सिर्फ यही है समझते।

वक्ता अपने भाषणों में,

न जाने क्या-क्या है कहते,

उनके अन्तिम शब्दों पर,

बस हम तो ताली है बजाते।

हम नन्हें-मुन्ने है बच्चे,

आजादी का अर्थ सिर्फ इतना ही है समझते।

विद्यालय में सभा की समाप्ति पर,

गुलदाना है बाँटा जाता,

भारत माता की जय के साथ,

स्कूल का अवकाश है हो जाता,

शिक्षकों का डाँट का डर,

इस दिन न हमको है सताता,

छुट्टी के बाद पतंगबाजी का,

लुफ्त बहुत ही है आता,

हम नन्हें-मुन्ने हैं बच्चे,

बस इतना ही है समझते,

आजादी के अवसर पर हम,

खुल कर बहुत ही मस्ती है करते।।

भारत माता की जय।

Patriotic Poem for Kids in Hindi 2 by Ramdhari Singh Dinakar

नमो, नमो, नमो।

नमो स्वतंत्र भारत की ध्वजा, नमो, नमो!

नमो नगाधिराज – शृंग की विहारिणी!

नमो अनंत सौख्य – शक्ति – शील – धारिणी!

प्रणय – प्रसारिणी, नमो अरिष्ट – वारिणी!

नमो मनुष्य की शुभेषणा – प्रचारिणी!

नवीन सूर्य की नई प्रभा, नमो, नमो!

हम न किसी का चाहते तनिक अहित, अपकार।

प्रेमी सकल जहान का भारतवर्ष उदार।

सत्य न्याय के हेतु, फहर-फहर ओ केतु

हम विचरेंगे देश-देश के बीच मिलन का सेतु

पवित्र सौम्य, शांति की शिखा, नमो, नमो!

तार-तार में हैं गुँथा ध्वजे, तुम्हारा त्याग!

दहक रही है आज भी, तुम में बलि की आग।

सेवक सैन्य कठोर, हम चालीस करोड़

कौन देख सकता कुभाव से ध्वजे, तुम्हारी ओर

करते तव जय गान, वीर हुए बलिदान,

अंगारों पर चला तुम्हें ले सारा हिंदुस्तान!

प्रताप की विभा, कृषानुजा, नमो, नमो!

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Patriotic Poem for Kids in Hindi by Sajivan Mayank

आज तिरंगा लहराता है अपनी पूरी शान से।

हमें मिली आज़ादी वीर शहीदों के बलिदान से।।

आज़ादी के लिए हमारी लंबी चली लड़ाई थी।

लाखों लोगों ने प्राणों से कीमत बड़ी चुकाई थी।।

व्यापारी बनकर आए और छल से हम पर राज किया।

हमको आपस में लड़वाने की नीति अपनाई थी।।

हमने अपना गौरव पाया, अपने स्वाभिमान से।

हमें मिली आज़ादी वीर शहीदों के बलिदान से।।

गांधी, तिलक, सुभाष, जवाहर का प्यारा यह देश है।

जियो और जीने दो का सबको देता संदेश है।।

प्रहरी बनकर खड़ा हिमालय जिसके उत्तर द्वार पर।

हिंद महासागर दक्षिण में इसके लिए विशेष है।।

लगी गूँजने दसों दिशाएँ वीरों के यशगान से।

हमें मिली आज़ादी वीर शहीदों के बलिदान से।।

हमें हमारी मातृभूमि से इतना मिला दुलार है।

उसके आँचल की छैयाँ से छोटा ये संसार है।।

हम न कभी हिंसा के आगे अपना शीश झुकाएँगे।

सच पूछो तो पूरा विश्व हमारा ही परिवार है।।

विश्वशांति की चली हवाएँ अपने हिंदुस्तान से।

हमें मिली आज़ादी वीर शहीदों के बलिदान से।।

Also Read: Quiz on Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose for Kids: Amazing Facts on Subhash Chandra Bose

5 Famous Patriots of India

#1. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is one of India’s most famous freedom fighters, without whom the country’s struggle for freedom would have been completed. One of India’s greatest liberation warriors, with exceptional traits and abilities.

He was born in 1875 and earned the moniker ‘Sardar’ for his heroic part in the Bardoli Satyagrah. He was brave and valiant from a young age. He was dubbed the “Iron Man of India” as a result of his courageous efforts.

Sardar Patel, a former lawyer, left his practise to defend India in a battle against British authorities for freedom. He was chosen as India’s Deputy Prime Minister after independence and worked to integrate princely states into the Union of India.

#2. Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru is another prominent Indian freedom warrior on our list. He was the only child of Motilal Nehru and Swarup Rani, and was born in 1889. Nehru began his profession as an attorney before becoming a prominent Indian independence activist and politician.

Mahatma Gandhi’s efforts to free India from British oppression inspired his yearning for Indian independence. He initiated the independence movement, rose through the ranks of the Indian National Congress to become its President, and was eventually named India’s first Prime Minister after the country gained independence. Because he enjoyed children, Nehru was given the moniker Chacha Nehru, and his birthday is celebrated as Children’s Day.

#3. Mahatma Gandhi

Without this heroic liberation fighter, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, or Mahatma Gandhi, India’s march to independence would have been impossible. He is one of India’s most prominent liberation fighters. Gandhi was born in Porbandar on October 2, 1869, and is called the “Father of the Nation”.

#4. Lal Bahadur Shastri

Lal Bahadur Shastri is another prominent Indian freedom warrior. In the year 1904, he was born in the state of Uttar Pradesh. He was given the title “Shastri” Scholar after finishing his studies at Kashi Vidyapeeth.

He actively participated in Civil Disobedience, Mahatma Gandhi’s Quit India, and Salt Satyagrah activities as a modest but committed independence fighter. He also spent a considerable period of time in prison.

#5. Subhash Chandra Bose

India has a long list of great freedom fighters who gave their lives and sweat to ensure our country’s independence.

Subhas Chandra Bose is popularly known as Netaji. He was born in Orissa in 1897. The Jallianwala Bagh Mass killing may have upset him and caused him to leave England in 1921 for India. He was a member of the Civil Disobedience Movement and the Indian National Congress, among other organisations.


Patriotism is defined as love for, respect for, and loyalty to one’s nation. Instilling patriotism principles in children will assist them in becoming responsible citizens. India is a wonderful country with a diverse culture and history. Parents must do all possible to develop in their children a love for and respect for their motherland.

Find more poems on our country in The Real School Of Montessori blog section.

Also Read: Republic Day Drawing for Kids: Drawing Ideas, Fun Activities and More

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Madhurjya Chowdhury

Madhurjya Chowdhury, a web content writer in Ufaber EduTech has a very strong passion for writing and alluring the readers. You can find him writing articles for the betterment of exam aspirants and children. With immense interest in research-based content writing and copywriting, he likes to reach out to more and more people with his creative writing style. On the other side, he is an Electronics and Communication Engineer from LPU, Jalandhar. In his leisure time, he likes to play badminton or read about space discoveries. Apart from this, he is a pro gamer on PC, PS and Mobile gaming platforms.

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