
Interesting Science Facts for Students: Compelling Science Facts that will Intrigue Children

The basis of Science is Curiosity and Wonder. Children possess that in abundance. There are always numerous questions coming about like “what are rainbows made up of? Why is the sky blue?” The list is endless. So, we need to nurture their curiosity by creating an interest in Science. This can be done by learning what topics they prefer more; identifying their interests and leading them towards a pathway that will build their careers and prepare them for the real world.

You can make science more interesting and fun and give them practical examples that make them realize the importance of science in our day to day life. So, let us look at some amazing science facts, which will intrigue the children to learn more:

Fun Animal Facts

  1. There are about 1 million ants for every human in the world.
  2. An adult elephant needs to drink more than 200 litres of water every day.
  3. How far do you think you can hear a lion’s roar? It can be heard up to 8 kilometres.
  4. Koalas have fingerprints just like humans.
  5. A group of ferrets is known as Business.
  6. The eyes of a Reindeer turn blue in Winter.
  7. In Sea horses, the male seahorses give birth to young ones and not the female ones. Weird fact isn’t it?.
  8. An Octopus has three hearts and an earthworm has five hearts.
  9. Did you know Rats laugh?
  10. The polar bear has black skin underneath its hair, and the hair is colourless. It just reflects the light making the bear appear white.

Also Read: Applied Robotics and the Corporate World of the 21st Century: How To Prepare Kids For Future?

Fun Bird Facts

  1. Hummingbirds can fly backwards.
  2. Owls can rotate their heads up to 270 degrees whereas humans can only rotate their heads about 80 degrees.
  3. A barn owl can swallow a whole large rat. After the meal is digested, the owl coughs up the rat’s fur as well as bones.
  4. A flamingo eats with its head upside down.
  5. A chicken with red earlobes produces brown eggs, and a chicken with white earlobes produces white eggs.
  6. The heart of a bird beats 400 times per minute while it rests and the heartbeats up to 1000 beats per minute when it flies.
  7. A different but important fact is there is a poisonous bird whose name is Hooded Pitohui of Papua. It is seen in New Guinea. The poison is present in its skin and feathers.
  8. The fastest bird in the world is the Peregrine Falcon. When it is hunting it dives and can reach a maximum airspeed of 389 kilometres per hour i.e. (242 mph).
  9. An albatross can sleep while it flies. It even takes a nap while flying at almost 25mph.
  10. Penguins can jump as high as 6 feet.

As we are looking at some interesting science facts for kids, let us reflect on the fact that how much our kids learn when going to school. Are they learning or has it simply become a chore that they need to do every day. Especially in these tough times, where they are not getting any practical experience. Are they learning something? Or they are just getting literate en masse. Here we need a platform that understands the concept of education and provides a holistic approach to a child in learning. The Real School Of Montessori is a platform where they do not follow the “Business model”, but a transformational program concentrating on all the aspects of education, and especially in the Real-world.

So let us continue our exploration of interesting science facts that nobody knows, providing you with a thrill and curiosity in exploring science.

Fun Human Body Facts

  1. Almost one litre of saliva is produced every day in our mouth.
  2. Our brain is sometimes more active when we are asleep.
  3. In an average lifespan, the human heart beats even more than three billion times.
  4. The human eye can detect and differentiate over 10 million colours.
  5. Eyebrows play two vital roles: they protect against rain, dirt and sweat while also helping us express our feelings.
  6. A fully grown human adult has 206 bones in the body, whereas a newborn baby has 300 bones. These bones fuse and develop as the baby grows.
  7. The total surface area of adult lungs can be up to 75 square meters. It is around the size of half a tennis court!
  8. A more interesting fact is in case if all the blood vessels in an adult’s body are laid out end to end, they will cover and circle the Earth’s equator four times.
  9. If all the DNA in the human body is uncoiled and put together, it would be about twice the diameter of our whole solar system.
  10. The fingernails of an average human being grow about 1.4 to 10 cm per year.

Our Solar System has always been a curious, mysterious and exciting topic for children as well as adults. So today, let us look at some interesting scientific facts about our Solar System:

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Fun Solar System Facts

  1. The Sun is almost 93 million miles away from Earth.Earth is made up of rocks, but other planets like Jupiter are made up of gas.
  2. If you could fly in an aeroplane to Pluto, the trip would take almost 800 years.
  3. There are more stars in the universe in comparison to grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth.
  4. The sunset on Mars appears blue.
  5. The Moon orbits around the Earth in the same way that the Earth orbits around the Sun. It completes one orbit in 28 days. The Moon is situated 239,000 miles away from the Earth.
  6. Jupiter has at least 66 moons.
  7. All planets were named after Roman and Greek Gods and Goddesses, except Earth. The name ‘Earth’ is almost more than 1,000 years old and it means ‘ground’.
  8. The highest mountain known to us is on an asteroid called Vesta. Measuring about 22km in height, it is about three times as tall as Mount Everest.
  9. The Solar System formed around 4.6 billion years ago.

Now that we have taken a look at some interesting and amazing science facts for students, let us look at some real facts. We know that our children have faced the pandemic and adapted themselves to this new normal. We do need to prepare them for an uncertain future, but they can still mould it to their necessity with the help of their skills.

The Real School Of Montessori provides you with this opportunity accompanied by their realistic and futuristic attitude. We provide a multidisciplinary and hands-on approach to our programs. These programs help our children grow with real skills and prepares them to face the ever-changing world. So, Book the free trial class provided by The Real School Of Montessori today and let your child explore the fun and new way of learning.


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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