
Interesting Facts about Wild Animals for Kids: Help Them Gain Knowledge

We all know kids love to know about animals. They are always curious about them. The reason behind this is their different appearances. They enjoy going to zoos and national parks. Similarly, they would be interested in knowing their different behaviours too.

Animals contribute to many living species on earth, and so are the number of interesting facts about wild animals for kids. And not just wild animals, every type of animal has come up with a speciality on the earth.

Birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and fish all have various traits and uniqueness in themselves. They contribute to some of the amazing facts every kid should know.

Animals, like us, have their own family too. You must have heard about the cat family or the dog family. Similarly, there are night flyers, flying mammals, water mammals, the cattle family, the horse family, flightless birds, etc.

The list is never-ending, and so are the never-ending amazing facts about them.

From the never-ending list, we have come up with 19 amazing facts about animals and birds for kids:

Not All Birds can Fly

You are familiar with the fact that not all birds can fly even though all of them have wings. Every bird has wings of different significance according to its living style. The one obvious reason is flying.

Then what about those who don’t fly? One of the most important reasons is that it helps them in escaping from their predators. Birds are often targeted as prey; hence they need to be quick.

One fact every kid should know: In penguins, the wings are used to swim underwater, and the feathers keep them warm in cold regions.

Ostrich is the Fastest Bird Runners

Ostrich is the fastest non-flying bird in the whole world. Despite being flightless birds, their speed is unbeatable. They are even faster than the racehorses! They can run at the speed of 75 km per hour with only their two toes.

Note that no bird in the world has two toes other than the ostrich.

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Crawling Insects make 95% of all Animals

Crawling insects like butterflies, snails, and caterpillars are in abundance on this planet. They are small in size, and that is why most of them are not seen.

One more amazing fact about this animal is they don’t have spines. Due to this reason, even if they fall from a certain height, they won’t get injured.

Beetles Skeletons are Outside

Unlike other creatures having skeletons inside, beetles have their skeletons outside. It can be seen from the naked eye. This outer skeleton protects them as it is very hard. It also helps them give shape. It contains hair-like structures which help them to feel the surroundings.

Note: Outer skeleton, in scientific terms, is known as an exoskeleton.

A Mammal that Lays Eggs!

All mammals give birth to their child, but there is one exception. A platypus is a mammal that lays an egg. Their eggs are soft, unlike other eggs and come in the size of a marble.

Howler Monkeys are the Loudest Land Animal on the Earth

Howler monkeys can scream to neighbouring groups. Their screams can be heard even if their groups are miles away.

Cats are Sleepy Heads

Cats are the sleepiest animal in the world. They can sleep over 19 hours a day, which is even more than a newborn human baby’s sleep hour. The cats and the entire cat family can also be seen napping under a tree!

Think about the lion you have seen in zoos or on television. What do they do most of the time? Probably sleep.

There are 8 Types of Bear in the World

Including polar bears and brown bears, there are only eight types of bears all around the world.

The list of the other six bears are as follows:

  1. Spectacled bear
  2. American black bear
  3. Sloth bear
  4. Giant panda
  5. Sun bear
  6. Asiatic bear

40% of all the Mammals are Rodents

Rodents are the types of mammals that include mice and rats. They can be seen in various sizes and shapes. Some of the examples of rodents are squirrels, hamsters, porcupines, and voles.

Another fact every kid should know: Porcupine is unique because of its sharp spikes present all over its upper body. They used it to protect themselves from danger.

Bat: A mammal with Wings!

Mammals don’t have wings on their body. But bats being an exception,land to fly have wings attached to their body. They flap their wings to fly from one place to another.

Although, their wings are different from birds. It is a long arm with skin stretching between each finger. No feather is seen on it.

Baby Elephants are Fond of Playing

Like human babies, elephant babies also love to play with each other. It’s an important activity for their growth. They enjoy throwing sticks and chasing one another.

Zebra’s Every Stripe are Unique

Zebras belong to the horse family. They are also known as stripey horses because of the black and white stripes present in their body. Like our fingerprints, zebra’s stripes are unique too!

Giraffe Find it Difficult to Drink

The giraffe is the tallest animal. It has a long neck which makes it easy to reach any tree. These animals are taller than the three humans standing on each other’s heads ( forming a vertical human chain)!Due to their long neck, they find it difficult to bend it to the water level. They usually spread their legs before drinking water. This makes them a bit shorter.

Isn’t it an interesting fact about wild animals for your kids to know!

Dolphins Tails are Extremely Strong

Their tails help them to lift themselves high above the surface. That’s why you have seen them jumping above the water bed. This helps them to avoid enemies faster.

Birds Fly by Two Methods Flapping and Gliding

Flapping is done when there is a need of flying up to the sky or landing down to the earth. Through flapping they can change their speed. Gliding is done when they want to maintain a constant speed in the air. Some birds either use one method or some of them both.

Swan Babies R]ide on Their Mother’s Back

Swans take care of their babies for up to five months, both mother and father. Although, before they are born, only the mother looks after the baby’s egg.

More fact every kid should know: Swan (female) can lay up to eight eggs.

Reptiles Eat Once

Reptiles eat a huge amount of meals and can stay without food for days.

Reptile Skins are like our Nails!

Our nails are made up of keratin and so are their skins. Not exactly the skins, but the scales present in their skin.

A Snail can Sleep for Three Years!

You may know snails are one of the slowest and laziest animals in the world.  They are unbothered animals and can sleep three years long!

Isn’t all of the facts are amazing! Some birds can’t fly while one of the mammals can!

Also Read Facts about Antarctica Animals: Biodiversity of the Land of the Unknown


For knowing more interesting facts about wild animals for kids, check The Real School Of Montessori classes.

It’s a new age school that provides one-on-one classes from expert mentors and ensures all-around exposure for your kids, including the topic which is explained in the blog article.

The most amazing part of The Real School Of Montessori is they set real-world goals. Through this, they aim to help your kid become problem solvers, thinkers and innovators by personalized and project-based learning.

With expert teachers and fun games, your kid’s learning process will become easier. Try out the free trial classes organized by the The Real School Of Montessori. It will give your kid a top-notch studying environment from home!


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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