
How to Make Solar Panel for Kids Science Project? Introduce Your Kids to Natural Energy

As parents, engaging our kids in interesting activities to enhance their overall skills is one of the most important and concerning factors. Due to the ongoing pandemic, we might be limited from going out, but we are certainly not limited from making our kids learn the most amazing, creative, and innovative science project models at home.

It is very important to encourage our kids in science-related activities. These activities will aid them in developing critical-thinking abilities about everything around them.

Here is the easiest way to make a solar panel – one of the most fascinating science project ideas for kids which will help you take your kid’s boredom away. What is better than constructing a personal solar panel with our kids and enjoying our hearts out with this activity?

We all know that kids are very curious about every little thing. Here’s how you can feed their curiosity by constructing a solar panel in a few easy steps. But first, let’s understand the benefits of science projects for kids.

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Advantages of Science Project for Kids

Science projects have immense benefits in developing a kid’s drive to invent, especially their abilities at planning goals, analytical thinking, etc. It also nourishes rational questioning and encourages kids to produce innovative methods of examining questions. Also, kids tend to have a better perception of the universe.

Scientific projects are among the most fabulous activities for the kids to bring out the little scientists hidden in them. When we introduce such fun activities to them, they can eventually understand their interests and focus on working towards them.

Today, we will learn about an interesting science project, i.e., how to make a solar panel for kids science project? Sun is the source of sustenance for every life on earth. This astonishing source illuminates energy and renders life on earth with both heat as well as light. It is known as solar radiation.

The earth’s surface is adequate to absorb only half of the total solar radiation. The remaining radiations are reflected or incorporated by the environment or clouds. However, even this much amount of solar radiation is more than enough for life on earth. Solar energy is the form of energy that is enormous, endless, and reliable.

Let’s look into some more facts about solar energy before getting into the making of kids solar panels!

Amazing Facts about Solar Energy

These interesting points about solar energy will help your kids enhance their knowledge about the sun and its energy. In the future, every piece of equipment may function through solar energy. Hence let’s take a step to educate our kids more about this energy resource:

  1. Sun and its energy are one of the most beneficial energies and have an endless supply.
  2. Several devices like traffic lights, street lights, etc., are powered by solar energy.
  3. The light from the sun does not possess energy. The heat due to this light does.
  4. You can continue with all your daily activities by paying considerably less for electricity bills if you install solar panels on your rooftop.
  5. Solar power is used in the devices and the spacecraft inside the International Space Station.
  6. If we lay out proper solar panels worldwide for electricity, we can create a sustainable earth.

At The Real School Of Montessori, we offer free trial classes to help your kids learn such and more innovative facts. Join us today to ensure all-around learning for your kids with the professional experts dedicated only for your kids.

Now that we are thorough with these interesting facts, let’s get into the making of a solar panel for our young scientists without wasting a second.

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How to Make a Solar Panel for Kids Science Project?

Industrial solar panels are constructed of elements that can be found in a factory. Nevertheless, you can curate a different version of solar panels using the common materials found at home or local hardware stores.

  • Requirements

  1. Mason jar with a big mouth.
  2. Sandpaper.
  3. Salt (2 tablespoons).
  4. Alligator clip leads (Two).
  5. Sheet metal shears for cutting the copper flashings.
  6. An electric stove or an electric tabletop burner.
  7. Microammeter.
  8. Half a square foot of copper flashing.
  • Step to Make a Solar Panel

  1. Wash your hands clean before touching the copper flashing sheet.
  2. Take the copper sheet, cut it in a rectangle or a square shape, and place it on a high flame of an electric stove.
  3. Let it be on flame for about 30 minutes and let it cool down on the stove itself for the next 20 minutes.
  4. Some flakes may appear after cooling. Clean it off by running it underneath cold tap water.
  5. Cut another copper sheet of the same size and adjust it into a mason jar. Attach an alligator clip lead on it.
  6. Repeat the same steps with the heated copper sheet. Make sure that this sheet is facing opposite to the copper sheet and attach another alligator clip to it.
  7. Use the opposite end of the lead connected to the unheated copper piece, plug it into the positive terminal of the microammeter. Take the other lead of the heated copper sheet to the negative terminal of the microammeter.
  8. Lastly, combine the salt in hot water. Pour this mixture in a mason jar cautiously. Fill up the jar but leave an inch of the copper flashing plates above water.
  9. Place the jar facing the sun. Observe the needle on the microammeter; and viola! You have successfully created electricity with the help of solar energy.

Creating a solar panel is an easy science project for kids that they must try out. Don’t miss enjoying this super fun activity with your kids!

The Real School Of Montessori- An Apt Solution for Your Curious Kids

We at The Real School Of Montessori do not only teach your kids by just gamifying mathematics, adding animations to scientific topics, or such a show with some related videos but we look forward to working on your kid’s foundation of what they learn, how they learn, and why they learn.

Join The Real School Of Montessori today to make your child future-ready.


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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