
How to Program a Robot in Python for Kids? Best Python Based AI Programs For Kids

Python is a high-level programming language that has made its space in the top 10 programming languages due to its simplicity. It is easy to read and understand a language that uses English words for its command instead of binary operations.

In essence, python dwells upon a simple programming approach without any prior knowledge or reading. With its simple text-based programming, it is used to develop innumerable software applications.

It is far from a machine language making it a suitable choice for kids.

It is easier to grasp and much easier to operate. It can instil a passion for coding and can lead them to improvise their ideas in coding and programming.

Python Programming for Kids

Python is a kid-friendly programming dialect and kids can explore with various code pieces to compose programs to form their video diversions and animations.

When your kid is ready for a bit more challenge and a lot more freedom, it’s time to step up to a traditional text-based language. But which one?

If you don’t want to make web apps, the easy top choice is Python. No language so neatly spans the vast ocean between beginner programming and serious work, stretching from simple games to data science.

If you don’t need to form web apps, the simple best choice is Python. No dialect so flawlessly ranges the endless sea between tenderfoot programming and genuine work, extending from basic diversions to information science.


  1. It’s perfect for beginners.
  2. kid-friendly.
  3. It’s easy to set up.
  4. A highly demanded programming language among developers.
  5. It’s here to stay.

Also Read:  5 Most Innovative Kid’s Activities for a Productive Use of Their Time: Creative & Outdoor Activities

How to Program a Robot in Python for Kids?

Kids love Robots and thus making Robots with the language Python which is so easy to operate is the best option. Also, python has Lots of Libraries which is a plus point of choosing it as a language to code your Robot.

Basic things you need:-

  • Raspberry Pi 3
  • A Motor controller board
  • 2 – 3V – 6V DC motors
  • 2 -wheels
  • 1 -AA battery holder (for 4 AA batteries)
  • 4 -A batteries
  • ABall caster
  • Wires
  • A USB Battery pack
  • A screwdriver
  • A Soldering iron and solder
  • Some Wire strippers
  • Finally a Small cardboard or plastic box and glue or tapes

Optional additional components

  • A Breadboard
  • An ultrasonic distance sensor
  • 2 -line following sensors
  • A18650 battery, some battery clips and a USB power bank

You can easily find these components online.

Software required 

The latest version of the Raspberry Pi and an operating system.

Additional excesses which are required

  • Small cardboard box
  • Adhesives (duct tape/putty/glue)

Steps To Program A Robot Using Python:

  • Assembling the motors and board: The very first step is to connect the motor controller board to the Raspberry Pi, battery pack and motors to test their working.
  • Soldering wires to your motors: Usually, most of the motors we buy don’t have wires, so the next step is to solder the wires to our motors. You have to trim the tips of the wire so that they don’t touch the metal casings of the motor. Also, it would be better, if you wrap the ends of the motors in tape to stop them from breaking.
  • Connect the motors to the board: After soldering, you need to connect the motors to the board. And for this, you will require a small screwdriver. With the help of a screwdriver, you have to lose the screws in the terminal and insert the stripped ends within terminal blocks.
  • Powering the motors: For providing power to the motors to work, you will need four AA batteries. Then you have to lose the screws la labelled VCC, GND, and 5V in the terminal box and insert the red wire into VCC and black into the GND terminal block. You Need to be careful and do this step correctly.
  • Connecting the board to your Raspberry Pi: The next step requires the board to be wired to the Raspberry Pi. On the board t, there will be pins labelled ln1, In2, In3, and In4, as well as two GND pins. In this project, GPIO 7, 8, 9, and 10 have been used and it’s up to you to choose whatever you want. Then you have to connect the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins to the pins on the motor controller board.

GPIO pins connects it to board pin

  • 7 <–> In1
  • 8 <–> In2
  • 9 <–> In3
  • 10 <–> In4
  • GND <–> GND
  • Left, Right, forward and backwards: Now you have to choose one of the motors and with the help marker pen, have to label it ‘right’ and draw an arrow on it to indicate the directions of the forward way. And label the other motor ‘left’ and draw an arrow on it pointing in the same direction as you did in the first one.
  • Now open mu from the Raspberry Pi Programming menu: Now type the input given below to import the Robot class and create a Robot object. You can call it by any name you want. In this activity, we are calling the robot “robby.”

from gpiozero import Robot

robby = Robot(left=(7,8),

  • Next, you have to open a python window by clicking the terminal icon in the taskbar at the top of the screen, then type ‘python’ and press Enter. For moving the motors to go turn, you need to write this input.


You can stop them by typing robot.stop().

  • As the ‘left’ and ‘right’ feature has been sorted, now you have to work on forwarding and backwards features.

Now drive both motors in the forward direction.


  • In case your right-hand motor turns in the wrong direction, then you can alter your robot object by switching the order of the GPIO PINs. For example, you can do this:-

## e.g. change

robby = Robot(left=(9,10), right=(7,8))

## to

robby = Robot(left=(9,10), right=(8,7))

  • Assemble your robot: For assembling your robot, there are few things you need to keep in mind like the chassis needs to house the Raspberry Pi, motor controller, and batteries. The chassis must allow the mounting of a pair of wheels. And even you may want to later add a couple of line sensors, and an ultrasonic distance sensor or a lidar sensor to the chassis. Thus, It will be beneficial to build a prototype chassis first. In this project, we are using a cardboard box to place the motors inside in a rough manner. You must also make sure to give your wheels enough space to spin around.

Then you have to use adhesive tape to hold motor parts and then for attaching wheels to the axles. At last, you can also use a power bank to power up and charge your raspberry pi.

  • Challenge: program your robot

Now comes the last step to write a program for controlling your robot and make it do the things you want. You can take the help of the function given below to write the program.

from gpiozero import Robot

robot = Robot(left = (7, 8), right = (9, 10))

while True:







It’s your best chance to program and make changes to your robot. You can pick some challenges like driving your robot in a zigzag pattern or circle to make it more fun. But do remember there are only some basic command to move your robot and those are:-






Hurray! Your first Raspberry pi- python robot is ready!!!

Also Read: Painting can Increase Your Kids Patience and Focus: Five Best Painting Ideas for Kids

Python Tutorial for Kids

Kids should consider Python-like English. But that does not mean you’ll start writing, My Name is Rohan and My favourite cartoon is Oswald. No!!!

The computer is dumb, it’s not going to work until we put some input into it. We have to teach it and only then it will work.

Thus, it’s your responsibility to make yourself familiar with the basic python terms like Variable, syntax, semicolon etc and their functions.

Programming is not just limited to coding it’s also all about solving real-life problems. But for now, let’s just not talk about these big issues.

Let’s dig into the most fundamentals of programming that are addition, subtraction, multiplication or division of two numbers.

In this activity, we will be multiplying two numbers, 5 and 6 with the help of python.


  1. Open the Python.
  2. Input the coding given below in the shell or window screen.


  • num1=int(input(“Enter the first number: “))

#input value for variable num1

  • num2=int(input(“Enter the second number: “))

#input value for variable num2

  • mul=num1*num2;

#perform multiplication operation

  • print(“the product of given numbers is: “,mul)

#display the product


When the above code gets compiled and executed, the  following result is produced

  • Enter the first number: 5
  • Enter the second number:6
  • the product of the given number is 30

Input and Print, both are simple words, which any could understand very easily.

This program uses two inputs, the first number and the second number and gives the output in the multiplication result of the first and second. Here kids need not focus on complicated syntax. They can easily focus on the logical solution to the problem. The syntax is too simple.

Thus Simple syntax, Easy English friendly functions name, assists kids in focussing on logic and futures their logical and reasoning aptitudes.

Also Read: Five Best General Knowledge Question Banks for Kids: Here are the Best Sites for GK


Concluding on, It doesn’t matter whether you are  2 years old or 22 or is someone who’s looking for a new challenge, Coding is something which introduces a great pathway to a rewarding, inspiring pastime and better personality.  People who can program can solve any problem quickly and effectively.

Not all of the world’s issues can be fathomed with innovation alone, but innovation can empower communication, collaboration, mindfulness, and activity at a scale and speed never before envisioned. In case you’ll be able to code, you can tackle all the global issues. Problem-solvers can form the world distant better; a much better way to live and change the world, so begin coding today.

And presently is a great time to let your kids explore Python Programming. It’ll not only benefit their studies but will also clear the way to an effective future career. Indeed in case, your kids don’t wish to require computer programming within the future, learning Python presently will offer assistance to create aptitudes and skills that are fundamental for life.

The Real School Of Montessori is a platform that provides the best coding classes to kids along with an interactive session with teachers that excels the child learning pace. You can find more about the details of the Coding classes and boot camps on our website

Hopefully, this article has cleared all your queries. For more such articles you can check our website’s blog section. You can also share your views by commenting in the box given below.

Prachi Tiwari

Think of the foremost theoretical thought you can, totally incommunicable by words. Prachi excels at putting the complexities of the thought into words. A Content Writer by profession, she is currently pursuing a degree in Economics and English literature from the University of Delhi.She has worked as Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing Associate in reputed firms for a short time.She has also been part of NGOs and volunteered for the education of unprivileged children and tribal girls.She is a literature lover and loves to read poetries. When not working hard at work, she enjoys Singing, Painting, and Dancing.

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