
How to Make Volcano for Science Projects for Kids? Creative Steps to Make Homemade Eruptive Volcanoes

Science is cool. It becomes even cooler when your child gets to experience it by taking part or contributing to the practice of science. By that, we mean experimenting. There are several safe and fun experiments out there that can help your child satiate their curiosity.

Making a volcano and then having it erupt is something your child would want to try out. Be it for a science fair or a personal entertainment and knowledge project, building an eruptive volcano can be fun. The process is highly informative and involves a lot of creativity.

Here, we have a simple and super engaging step-by-step process on how to make a volcano for a science project for kids? But before that, let’s look at the various benefits that come with doing an easy science project for kids like this.

Benefits of Science Projects for Kids

Helps in Mental Development

Involving oneself in a science project often pushes them to think and acquire new skills. This is sure to contribute positively to one’s mental growth. This involves remembering things, learning about the ingredients and the possible outcome, evaluating what may have gone wrong, and similar other common things; especially while conducting a cool experiment like making an erupting volcano for kids.

This then helps them think about participating or conducting more complex experiments. Also, since they are learning something new from the experiment, it contributes significantly towards them understanding science properties and theory more clearly.

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Helps in Developing Overall Health

There is a lot of running around to get the ingredients correct and in place before the experiment starts. Since they also have their school, some sort of lessons, sports clubs, and social life to take care of, they will follow a routine by waking up early or not wasting time watching nonsense over the Internet. It positively reflects on their physical health, which is a plus in conducting such experiments.

Improves Social Skills

Kids are often excited to share their interests and skills with their friends and peers. This also serves as the best conversation starter in many cases. Talking about their DIY science project will bring forward confidence within your child that is sure to affect their social skills for the better. This will also help attract the right crowd, the one that shares similar interests and skills. This will surely make them happy and want to learn more to share it with everyone even more.

Science Project of the Volcanic Eruption

In this blog, we have taken inspiration from a real volcano situated in Hawaii, known as the Mauna Loa. Here are some interesting facts about the Mauna Loa:

. Mauna Loa is the biggest subaerial volcano. (by both volume and mass).

. It is located in the Pacific Ocean and is one of the five volcanoes that belong to the State of Hawaii, U.S.

. Historically speaking, this volcano is considered the largest volcano.

The Real School Of Montessori believes in teaching kids things that matter in real life rather than just letting them cram theoretical textbooks. Researching and finding out astonishing facts is a part of the out-of-the-box curriculum that we promote. We holistically help your kids on how to make science projects for kids and how to master them.

Materials Needed to Make the Papier Mache Volcano h3

–        Newspaper

–        A small bottle (depends on the height you want)

–        Water and plain flour paste

–        Masking tape

–        Paints (preferably plastic)

–        A box to contain the eruption residues

–        Waterproof varnish (optional)

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Materials Needed for the Volcanic Eruption h3

–        Bicarbonate of soda

–        Red food colouring

–        Vinegar

–        Warm water

How to Make the DIY Water and Plain Flour Paste?

  1. Mix two-part water with one part flour. Use measuring cups for the same.
  2. Pop the mixture in a microwave and check the same for the next 2-3 mins.
  3. Cover and let the mixture set in the refrigerator for the next 2-3 days.

Step by Step Process to Make the Erupting Volcano

  1. Cut the cardboard box resembling a tray to contain the volcanic fluids. Make sure to seal all the holes and gaps that may have remained in the cardboard.
  2. Place your plastic bottle in the centre of the cardboard tray and secure it with the help of some masking tape. Remove the lid from the bottle.
  3. Start layering the newspapers into bunches in the shape of a mountain slope. Secure with masking tape running up and down.
  4. Once you are satisfied with the volcano’s shape, layer the flour-water mixture and pieces of newspaper (roughly around 12 cm to 5 cm) to the surface of the scrunched-up newspaper slope of your volcano mountain.
  5. Let it dry. Add another layer after the present one dries completely if needed.
  6. Paint your volcano as you want with acrylic paints (red and black in this case). Add a layer of waterproof varnish. This will help preserve the volcano a bit longer, even after the eruption.

Now let the Science Fun Begin

#1. Pour 3 tea-spoons of bicarbonate of soda with the help of a paper folded in the shape of fennel into the plastic bottle.

#2. Mix red food colouring with half a glass of warm water and pour the mixture into the bottle.

#3. Finally, pour a glass full of vinegar. Stand back and watch the fun.


Science projects are not only a source of knowledge and information but also entertainment and creativity. Just like making an eruptive volcano, there are several other science project ideas for kids that are definitely worth your child’s efforts and time. Make sure to be a facilitator to your kids to think out of the box. Encourage them to try new things regularly.

The Real School Of Montessori works on a real-life curriculum that focuses on teaching your kids the essentials and beyond that to face the real world. Every child is special and has a different interest than that of its peers. We have tailor-made classes just to accommodate their needs and interests. It is our responsibility to help nurture them into responsible and strong citizens in the future. Join us to avail the benefits of our free classes today.


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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