
How do Children Develop Social Skills? Promoting Positive Social Skills Among Them

Most people think that kids who have learning troubles battle with scholastics but numerous guardians and teachers don’t realize that having a learning issue can too influence a child’s social skills and prevent them from having cheerful relationships with family members, peers etc. 

The impact of social skills varies with the child, depending on his temperament and the nature of difficulties they face. And being able to get along with others is as important as getting along in school, so kids with learning issues need to develop social skills 

So here’s this article which would help you recognize what kids struggle with social skills, and what can act as a helping hand to get out of this trouble.

Also Read: How to Motivate Your Children to Learn New Things? 3 Important Life Skills for Your Kids.

What Can Cause Trouble With Social Skills?

While children with ASD( Autism) face problems being socially active, others may be only mildly affected. 

According to researchers children with ASD faces problems like-

  • Avoiding eye contact with people.
  • Responding abnormally to other’s affection feeling
  • Feeling difficult to sleep.
  • Having a hard time predicting and understanding others’ actions.
  • Facing problems with continuing a conversation.
  • Talking about random topics without noticing the listener’s interest.
  • Using an unusual monotone or sing-song tone of voice
  • Are delicate to commotion, clothing surfaces, light, or temperature.

Also Read: What are Fine Motor Skills in Child Development? Examples of Motor Skill Activities for Kids 

Ways Parents Can Encourage Positive Social Development


Communication is the capability to connect with others. Most children learn to inquire about what they got, to communicate how they feel and to set up and keep up interaction with grown-ups or other children.

Though the development of communication skills is not the same for every child, there are several other things that we can observe that serve as indicators that the child is making developmental progress.

Communication starts from birth, through sounds, body development and facial expressions. Sometimes recently a child learns to say there, to begin with, a word, they create ways to communicate their needs.

Children will move from crying and cuddling to chattering, cooing, screeching and gestures/body developments, moving legs in energy or trouble, and afterwards, motions like indicating, eye contact, grinning and frowning.

So give them a chance or enrol them in camps and programs which primarily focus on building skills like these. 

As this is something kids get from birth, they don’t need that much effort to put into this. Just guidance that can nurture them would be enough for building communication skills.

Being Part of a Group

Teamwork promotes problem-solving to get to a common goal and one of the main benefits of participating in a group activity for children is learning how to become part of a team. 

Another positive aspect of teamwork for children is the development of social skills. 

Children will be able to memorize more approximately discourse and how to utilize it to induce what they need or require.

Active participation in group activities will naturally teach children when to back down and they will also understand that not everything will go their own way. 


Kids face a variety of problems ranging from academic difficulties, peer issues, problems on the sports fields, difficulty completing a task, or even deciding what outfit to wear can benefit from a formal solving process.

Learning problem-solving skills provides kids with assurance in their ability to make good decisions. When kids dearth problem-solving skills they avoid doing anything to figure out the issue. 

Other kids who have deficit problem-solving capabilities may additionally not assimilate, that they even have alternatives in solving problems. Such kids may also react irrepressibly barring wondering through their choices. 

For instance, a kid who doesn’t cognize his options when his friend takes his toy may get indignant about hitting due to the fact he thinks this is the sole component to get his preferred toy back.

Assisting kids to analyze how to locate their preferences can be a useful resource for them to agree that they are making the right choices for themselves. 

So getting to know problem-solving capabilities is also an indispensable component in creating social skills.

Listening: A Two-way Street

Listening is a crucial skill for young children to acquire and it is one of the basic building blocks of language and communication and, particularly in the early years of instruction, one of the best vehicles for a child’s learning.

It’s worth asking children to listen. It’s worth asking,  can you hear my voice; can you listen to the words I’m saying; can you look at me or the object; can you filter out the background noise of other people talking or environmental sounds; can you see the visual stimuli; can you break down my sentences and understand their meaning and can you sustain all of these at the same time?

It’s normal if our children struggle to listen. And we are asking them to take part in a complex process that at any point can be disrupted by factors such as the child’s stage of development, cognitive ability, state of mind or health.

Also, children don’t acquire the ability to listen overnight.  As with any aptitude, it needs to be polished and empowered.

Understanding the development can help us to nurture these skills. So give them a chance, encourage them and be there for them if they need help.

Standing Up For Yourself

Getting kids to speak up can be a challenge. Being able to put your thoughts in front of someone takes practice and there are many ways parents can help.

While it’s great to encourage kids to speak up for themselves, don’t push kids into doing they aren’t comfortable with.

We should also let kids know to believe that they’re capable of speaking up both to friends and other adults but there’s no need for forcing them. First, let them be comfortable so that they can themselves initiate the step.

Managing Conflict

Having someone with whom you can share all your secrets and who’s there to support you in every situation is pretty good to have. 

But constructing friendship is a procedure and there are typically a few bumps along the avenue and these ups and downs may also seem minor.

Sometimes damaging feelings between friends make their friendship sour. In such cases having cooperative and solving skills play an important function in healthy friendship improvement.

Sometimes due to frustration kids do actions that they shouldn’t do. Since they don’t know how to resolve their conflict with their friend, they don’t do anything and don’t even know what to do.

And of course, nobody wants to lose anyone precious just due to the fact of stupid misunderstandings. Thus managing conflict plays a vital role in a kid’s social skills. 

Also Read:  Is School Enough for Kid’s Holistic Development? Check out the Better Learning Ways Here 


Young children with more developed social skills are more likely to live healthier, successful lives as adults whether in terms of education and jobs they attain and their overall quality of life. 

So only parents can help their kids in getting out of their comfort zone and actively participate and initiate socially as children’s social skills are a primal building block of any couth.

Hopefully, this article might have helped you in getting to know how to promote positive social skills among children. For more articles like this, you can visit our website. Also, you can share your thoughts by commenting in the box given below.

Prachi Tiwari

Think of the foremost theoretical thought you can, totally incommunicable by words. Prachi excels at putting the complexities of the thought into words. A Content Writer by profession, she is currently pursuing a degree in Economics and English literature from the University of Delhi.She has worked as Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing Associate in reputed firms for a short time.She has also been part of NGOs and volunteered for the education of unprivileged children and tribal girls.She is a literature lover and loves to read poetries. When not working hard at work, she enjoys Singing, Painting, and Dancing.

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