
9 Fun Typing Games for Kids: Improve Your Kid’s Typing Skills in a Fun Way

Typing may seem to be a less useful ability today than it was previously. We’re becoming more used to talking to our computers thanks to inventions like Google Home, Alexa, Cortana, and Siri.

Even if we talk more through our phones and computers, typing will continue to play an important role in our lives for many years to come, but learning to type is never a waste of time. Let’s take a look at some of the best fun games for kids.

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Importance of Typing for Kids

Computers have also changed how students learn in the classroom. Computer literacy is a part of the curriculum in many schools. Computers have been licensed and are intended to be used to complete assignments in certain cases. For homework, extra practice, and research, the internet is almost always used.

This is a welcome development, given the prevalence of computers. Typing on a keyboard, on the other hand, is an element of computer usage that is often overlooked. Some believe that teaching kids how to type should wait until high school or be skipped entirely. There are a variety of reasons why your child learns to type earlier in their academic career.

Here are a few reasons why learning through fun games for kids to type quickly is so useful in everyday life and at work.

Typing Allows Children to Work More Effectively

Better typing allows children to work more quickly because they don’t have to look down at their fingertips to find the right characters to click.

They will be able to concentrate solely on getting their ideas out on the computer, rather than wasting energy and time trying to locate the elusive letter on the keyboard, whether they are working on a school assignment or a home project.

Typing will Help You Develop Your English Skills

As a very challenging motor skill, good typing engages different cognitive facets of a child’s brain. As a result, the child will be much more concentrated and aware of what they are typing, as they will want to spell it correctly.

The child may have written English skills and spelling will develop as a result of their increased attention and commitment.

Typing Gives Children a Leg Up in their Future Careers

Jobs requiring a keyboard and typing skills have not been limited to administrative positions for many years. With technological advancements, the rise of robots, and a constantly shifting job market, the ability to type will become much more important in the future.

Children who learn to touch form would certainly benefit in their adult lives in terms of job advancement and opportunities.

Typing is Beneficial to Children Who have Unique Learning Disabilities

Children with serious learning disabilities, such as ADHD, dysgraphia, and dyslexia, may benefit from learning to type because they struggle to write by hand.

Although learning difficulties are not a representation of a child’s intellect, they can cause anxiety, embarrassment, and frustration in the classroom. In situations like these, learning to type and using the keyboard efficiently may be beneficial.

Typing, for example, may assist children with ADHD who may otherwise generate sloppy written work due to a lack of concentration while writing by hand.

Typing is a Valuable Life Skill that Children can Never Forget

When your child has mastered typing, it is an ability that they are unlikely to forget, similar to learning to ride a bike.

Younger children have a greater capacity to absorb information quickly, and learning to touch style will become ingrained in their muscle memory, much like so many other things they are learning at this age.

Many Schools do not Teach Typing

Even though computers and keyboards are now ubiquitous in classrooms throughout the UK, typing is rarely taught as a skill.

This is in contrast to other countries where keyboard skills are taught in schools, such as Australia and the United States.

You Save Time by Typing Quickly and Efficiently

Simply increasing the typing speed from 25 to 50 words per minute would effectively cut the time it takes you to complete a written task in half.

For teenagers, this may mean doing homework and tasks more quickly, reducing the amount of time they spend in front of a computer screen.

Also read: How does Technology Affect Children’s Brain Development? Here’s What You should Know

Fun Typing Games for Kids

Children need to know how to type in today’s digital world. Learning to write, on the other hand, does not have to be a hassle. Here are nine fun typing games to get your child’s little fingers going.

Dance Mat Typing

The Dance Mat assists children in learning where all of the letters on the keyboard are located. Little typists get acquainted with the “home row” keys in the first stage (A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K, L). The kids then progress to the second and third stages, where they learn the keys above and below the home row with the help of some animal friends.

It then demonstrates how to add the letters X and Z, render capital letters with the “change” key, and type the apostrophe, slash, and duration in the final level.

This game will also teach kids how to properly hold their hands on the keyboard, which is an important skill to learn early on before they develop difficult-to-break bad habits.

Keyboard Climber 2

Kids will assist the monkey in this game by jumping up rock platforms by recognizing the letters that appear on the screen. The monkey receives a banana bunch for each letter correctly typed. If they make a mistake, a coconut will fall on the monkey’s head, and the level will have to be restarted.

Since there is no timer in this game, it is ideal for younger children who are learning the alphabet for the first time.

The Typing of Ghosts

This is the game for an older child who is already proficient at typing but wants to improve his speed. The Typing of the Ghosts aims to type the words that appear on the screen quickly enough to avoid being approached by the ghosts in the background.

You have five lives total, but each ghost can take one from you if you aren’t fast enough.


Can you recall Pac-Man? This typing game is based on the same idea. Move Key-Man around the maze to eat all of the dots before the colorful ghosts catch up to him. You access Key-Man using the letters that appear above, below, and to the sides of him, rather than the arrow keys.

The catch is that each time you pass, the letter-navigation keys change. This retro-meets-educational game is so entertaining that kids won’t know they’re developing their typing skills at the same time.

Alpha Munchies

The game Alpha Munchies is based on Atari’s Space Invaders. The aim is to shoot the pixel aliens until they reach the blocks that shield you and your belongings (in this case, your lunch). You must, however, shoot them by typing the letters that appear above each alien in this edition.

Alpha Munchies is ideal for students learning the alphabet in elementary school, but it’s also useful for older kids who want to improve their typing speed (you can pick the difficulty level).


The goal of the game is simple: pop the balloons until they float away into space. Your child must type the letter that appears on the balloon to accomplish this. You have five lives, but each balloon that escapes will cost you one.

Your score will be deducted if you type an incorrect letter. This game is great for people of all ages (including parents) who want to develop their typing skills.

Typing Ninja

You cut the fruit in this game by typing the letter you see on it. Slice your way through each letter, but be careful not to slice any bombs that come your way, or one of your three lives will be lost. There are several modes and difficulty levels to choose from.

Type Type Revolution

Dance Dance Revolution lovers, rejoice! Here’s a game that will have your child’s fingers dancing and learning at the same time. By the time it reaches the top row of letters, the game aims to have reached the correct letter. Players can choose from a list of ten songs to dance to.

This game puts the key recognition skills to the test, so it’s perfect for older kids who want to improve their typing without looking.

Typing Chef

This game aims to work your way up to different kitchen jobs as an apprentice under the supervision of a master chef by typing the words that appear on the screen. You begin by scrubbing dishes and typing the words that appear on the growing bubbles before they reach the screen’s top.

You must, however, act quickly because you only have five lives! This game is ideally suited to older children who want to boost their typing speed.

Also Read: How to Teach Coding to Kids? Path to a Greater and a Brighter Future


Typing is still a basic skill and one of the most important programming skills you can learn. Learning to type quickly and accurately can help you in several circumstances, and it should be considered a required skill for everyone who plans to use a computer in some capacity (which is almost everyone!).

In today’s keyboard-driven world, the ability to enter data easily and confidently on a device is critical. According to studies, students who learn the dynamic method of typing develop not only their typing speed and accuracy, but also their reading, vocabulary, and spelling.

The information presented above will provide you with the necessary information to assist you in helping your kid practice typing through games to improve typing skills.

Hopefully, you found this information helpful, and if you have any questions, please leave a comment below and let us know. Also, look into our other blogs.

Nishtha Nagar

Nishtha Nagar has been working in the field of content writing for over 3 years. Among the readers, she has been praised for her unwavering dedication to the facts. She holds an engineering degree, and brings a tech perspective to whatever she writes. She aspires to continue her journey as a writer and add value to her reader's life, through quality and innovation. Her faith and family are the most important things to her. When she's not working, you'll almost always find her with her dog or reading one of her books or listening to some of her favourite pop songs.

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