
Applied Robotics and the Corporate World of the 21st Century: How To Prepare Kids For Future?

According to a report of the International Federation of Robotics, the concept of robots in the corporate world will experience sharp growth. Robotics has emerged as an influential and large market. Robots are the future of the world. Therefore, it becomes necessary to introduce kids to the concept of robotics at an early age in their education.

Kids are like raw mud. Like a potter shapes clay and makes beautiful pots with a lot of effort. A kid becomes an asset to society with the efforts of parents and teachers. Kids grab things quickly if you prepare them from an early age. So early childhood is the best time to spark interest in your child about coding and robotics.

Through this article you will learn what is robotics for kids and its various aspects.

What is Robotics for kids?

Robotics is a cross between technology, engineering, and science that creates machines, known as robots. Robots are complex machines that perform various actions automatically. They are a substitute for human behaviors or a replica of them. They are either controlled externally through remotes or internally through integrated circuits.

With progress in technology, the scope for robotics is also expanding. Now you can see humanoids in robotics. They look like a caricature of real things. These humanoids have mechanical and intellectual capabilities. By the year 2005, 90% of robots were in use in the automotive industries. The number has only increased since then.

Also Read: What is Robotics for Kids? Introduction of Electronics Lessons for Kids

Features of a Robot

  • They include mechanical construction. The robot fulfills its intended task through it. For example, robots designed for space are of motorized structure to sustain the rough terrain of planets.
  • Like every other machine, robots run on an electric current. It gets the required electric current from a battery. Current acts as food to it.
  • Robots work on coding. They remain coded with computer languages. They perform various functions according to code. The coding is to get the desired output of a particular input.

Summarizing the above features, you will find that the element which distinguishes robots with other devices is their coding. Each software works on coding. So, before interacting with Robotics for kids, it is significant to focus on coding for kids.

Also Read: What is Kids Coding? Why is Coding Important for Your Kids? 

Why is Robotics Important for Kids?

Along with future perspectives, robotics provide benefits that they can use in any field. So if a kid is not interested in coding, machines, or robotics, then also he/she should understand its concept for the following perks:


Along with being a consumer of digital technology, they will grow their technology. For making a robot or any gaming device, they will need innovative skills. Thus, they develop creativity.

Computational Thinking

With coding for kids, early buds develop computational thinking that includes sequential and logical thought processes and cognitive skills. They will learn to test codes, spot errors, and then correct them through efficient solutions. They will apply the same skill in real-life problems.


Kids need to realize the power of unity. While coding, they will work with their peers. They might be from different caste, color, creed, and gender, yet all will share a common interest. Technology will act as a thread binding small pearls.


Your success depends on how you communicate your ideas, thoughts, and feelings to others. While coding, kids have to extensively communicate, ask, and share their robotics ideas with their mentors. Then they hear the views of the opposite party and work accordingly. This way, they become a good listener as well as communicator.


Your kids are living in the digital world. To walk step by step with the world, they have to learn Robotics for kids. It will change the way they understand and interact with technology. Also, new possibilities will be open to them.


Logical thinking is an essential part of coding. Kids have to give a step by step process to the robot for the desired outcome. Each step requires logic and strategic planning.

For your kid’s bright future, it has now become essential to impart them with the understanding of coding for kids. Learning STEM is the first step towards their bright future. The world is walking on the internet. So if they become capable of creating things on the internet, there will be an endless opportunity for them.

Also Read: What Are Best AI Programs For Kids Using Python? Easy-To-Understand Tutorial For Kids

Ways Should Kids Take an Interest in Robotics?

Learning starts from home. Little steps taken by you can push your kids’ interest towards robotics. You can work on their skills at home. But most of the parents are themselves unaware of the concept of robotics and coding for kids. Therefore, you have to provide your kids external help. There are various institutions available offering online mentorship for coding and applied robotics. Five strategies these institutions work on are:

  • Explore

Instead of being biased towards any particular student, they allow everyone. Thus, give them a sense of community. Further, they try to contribute towards the development and objectives of the community.

  • Create hype

Most kids are competitive. If not competitive, they usually try to copy their fellow mates. The institutions create test papers that could trigger the internal coder in them. Also, sometimes the winning candidate gets a gift. Kids love the gift element of working harder for success.

  • Element of self-respect

In the age group of 5-10 years, kids value their community. So, the institutions put their rank in front and compare it with other institutes in a healthy manner. It will build an environment of healthy competition. Thus, kids start performing well.

You now know that community is the biggest strength of students. But how to trigger those sentiments. Most institutions use strategies like customized T-shirts with the name of the kid and institution printed. These strategies are an effective way to develop an interest in coding for kids.

Also Read: Javascript for Kids: Introduction to the World of Programming

Things to Do!

Don’t feel that you can do nothing in the progress of your kids. There are many do’s to follow if you want your kids to be involved in Robotics for kids. They are:

  • To get started, buy robotic projects that come with a basic training or course manual.
  • Start with simple and easy projects. Then, after the completion of each project, buy a new project. The new one should be more difficult than the last one.
  • Kids lose interest quickly. They will remain excited only if they can solve and complete projects. Therefore do not push them too hard towards robotics.
  • Reward them, say chocolate or cook their favorite dish, after completion of each project. These small rewards will attract them. Then they will try to finish as many projects as possible.
  • If you are also a sci-fi person, try to sit with your kid and solve projects. It will provide a two-way benefit. Firstly your kids will open up more to you regarding their problems. Secondly, you both will get some quality fun time together.


The corporate world needs creative minds with problem-solving abilities, and coding for kids fulfills both purposes. So, no matter what profession they choose, what career path they go for, coding with helping them in every sphere of the corporate world.

Janvi Khetan

For over two years, Janvi Khetan has been working in the field of blog-content writing. She had worked as a digital content writer for an established company for six months and a Business Development Manager in a reputed firm for a short time. As a blog content writer, her goals include creating content to help individuals to grow as a whole. Her field of expertise is writing on sustainable parenting. In addition to this, Janvi Khetan has earned recognition for her extraordinary commitment to the truth. She has been bringing the truth on various issues in front of the audience with facts, statistics, and candid writings.

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