
Biological Facts about The Human Body: Facts to Shape Your Kids Brain

The human body looks simple from the outside, doesn’t it? But, science has taught us how complex our bodies are.

Right from the very start of human evolution, our ancestors have been through beautiful changes. The minor changes through years and years have bought us here today. Our ancestors were similar to animals. We used to hunt to feed our stomach. We stayed in caves or trees.

Gradually, nature gifted us different qualities that are not seen in any animals till now. Being able to communicate through a language, upright walk, and a powerful brain differentiates us from other animals.

The study of living beings holds some interesting biological facts about the human body. Read on to know more about the human body, an intriguing part of mankind. Nothing would be possible in this world if our body doesn’t perform in the way that it performs today.

Here are some important facts to know about the human body which are worth knowing for your kids.

The Human Brain is Bigger Than a Dinosaur’s Brain

The Human Brain is Bigger Than a Dinosaur’s BrainThe Human Brain is Bigger Than a Dinosaur’s Brain

You must be wondering that dinosaurs were enormous when they were alive. Yet, their brain was a tiny part of their body. It often weighed only one-thousandth of their enormously huge body mass. In contrast, humans’ brains are one-fifth of their average body mass.

The weight of the human brain is about 1.4 Kg.

The human brain was not the same from the beginning. Our ancestors had small brains back then.

Due to the evolution of their body, their brain gradually became bigger too! With the evolution of sizes, the brain became sharper and innovative.

It was a turning point and led to the beginning of humankind.

An Adult Body Contains Five to Six Litres of Blood

Our body has blood to transfer millions of important cells along with water. And not only cells, but it also helps transport oxygen to the entire body.

As you know, oxygen is vital for surviving. Without blood, it wouldn’t be possible to transport it to every organ present. It extracts the waste products from our body, turning them into carbon dioxide. This keeps the blood clean and healthy.

Human blood is red, and an adult’s heart pumps almost around 7000 litres of blood every day!!

One other Interesting and important Fact to Know

Octopus’ blood’s colour is blue. Their bodies have copper, which turns the colour of their blood into blue rather than red.

Our Small Intestine’s Villi will Spread to an Area of Almost Three Large Apartments!

The simple work of a small intestine is to digest food and carry it over to the large intestine. Its length is very long, which makes the food stay for more time. This, in turn, helps the body digest the food properly.

Villi is present in the inner wall of the small intestine. It helps the small intestine absorb the primary nutrients for the bloodstream. Villi are tiny in size, but the function it performs is essential for our body.

Also Read Amazing Facts about Animals for Kids: Animal Facts Every Kid should Know

Human Bones Weigh Approximately Nine Kilogram in Total

Everyone knows that an adult body has 206 bones.

And if we weigh it all together, the result will come out to be 9 kg. This means your bones contribute almost 10 kg of your body mass. Although, this is the case of an adult.

A baby has 350 bones, some of which are not fully grown. For example, the skull of a baby is fragile; the reason being an underdeveloped body.

One of the Bones of the Human Body is not Connected to the Skeleton

Yes, you read it right. One of the bones of the human body is not connected to the skeleton. It is the hyoid bone. It is present at the root of the tongue. It helps in moving your tongue and eating your favourite meal!

The hyoid bones are connected to our body with the help of muscles and ligaments.

Our Eye Muscles Move almost 100,000 Times Per Day

Wonder how many times you blink your eyes in a day or even in a minute. Pretty much very often, right?

And the movement happens along with the muscles.

The most astonishing part is that most of the muscle movement occurs when the human body is asleep!

By Seeing Your Blood Sample, Doctors can Predict Whether the Human Body has been Infected or not

By observing the rate of blood cell samples sinking in a test tube, an expert can identify whether the human body is infected or not. If the rate is fast, there is a possibility that the body is infected.

Blood helps doctors identify tons of infections as almost every nutrient and microbes flow in it.

Millions of New Cells are Formed in the Human Body Each Second

About 25 million new cells are regenerated each second inside the body. This helps in removing unwanted cells from the body and keeps them away from disease.

Human Feet and Hands Cover almost Half of the Bones Present in the Body!

The fact that the hands and feet are just a little part of the human body, yet it contributes half of the total bones is impressive! It is the most used part of our body.

In total, the hands and feet have 106 bones, which is even more than half! If you count the numbers of bones in one hand and foot, it is 27 and 26 respectively.

This was a pretty amazing biological fact about the human body.


Above were some important facts to know about the human body. The human body that is our body is fascinating in itself. The way we talk, eat, run and all the other activity we perform is made possible because of it only. Each body part and organ is crucial for our lives. Every function of the body is interlinked.

Do you know why your kids can learn so many things? Because of their body. The brain present within is miraculous. It has the ability of fitting loads of information.

We hope that all this information would help your kid in learning biological facts about the human body. If you want your kid to learn more, check out The Real School Of Montessori website. This school ensures a good all-around exposure for your kids, including the topic explained in the blog article. With The Real School Of Montessori, your child can learn even more interesting biology facts about the human body

Also Read Interesting Facts about Wild Animals for Kids: Help Them Gain Knowledge

Wondering Why The Real School Of Montessori is the Best Option?

Today, competition has grown dramatically among students and to make your kids able to compete, it’s crucial to prepare them for the outside.

The The Real School Of Montessori will provide your kid with one-on-one online mentoring and guidance from experts to your kids for their career.  Their study pattern includes setting real-life goals that will prepare them for the future and rock the outer world.

To make studies even more fun, they have included games. This will keep your child away from boredom. Plus, they’ll get benefited as they’ll learn along with it!

Help your kid grow in a fun way and try out the free trial classes of The Real School Of Montessoril to get assured of the quality they would provide to your kids. Say hello to happy learning for your kids!


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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