
Best Guitar for Kids: A Guide to get the Best for Your Kid

Kids get excited when they get the guitar as a gift. The best gift a kid can ever get is a guitar because it was something new for them. Kids, in addition, are curious to learn new things because that will increase their motor activity. While buying a guitar, the main thing buyers should keep in mind is the size of the guitar and the type of guitar.

The perfect size for a kid is the half-size or ¾ size. The standard size for guitar is full-size guitar, but that size was overwhelmed for kids under age 12, but above the age, 12 full size is best in guitar.

The guitar is available in a toy shop, but they do not have a classical guitar. So if someone wants to buy a classical guitar, then never go to the toy shop. But purchasing a classical guitar is much better than wasting money on a toy guitar.

Why is Classical Guitar Better Than Toy Guitar?

When kids recalcitrance for guitar, parents go to the toy shop, buy a guitar from there, and give it to their kids. Now let’s make this clear that classical guitar is always better than toy guitar. The reasons are as follows:

  1. The first guitar in toy shops is just toys, not a real guitar.
  2. With this guitar, a kid can never learn to play the guitar and can’t properly play it.
  3. The cost of both guitars is somewhat the same, so it doesn’t make any difference whether someone buys a classical guitar or a toy guitar.
  4. The toy guitar will only provide kids with a feeling of self-satisfaction.
  5. Classical guitars are easier than toy guitars because they are high-quality instruments.

Making the guitar hard to play will only make a kid demotivated and feel like it is impossible to learn guitar.

Also Read: How to Teach Hindi Writing to Kids

Some Best Guitars for Kids

1. Jasmine S35 acoustic guitar

It is a great-looking guitar for a kid with many features. The body of this guitar is made from wood. The sound of this guitar is very bold. It comes under the best quality guitar. The origin of S35 is in china.

2. Yamaha JR 1-34 acoustic guitar

This guitar is ideal for beginners and kids. Its ¾th size made this best for the kid. It is easy for kids to hold it and carry it. It is made with laminated wood rather than solid wood. As it gets older, the sound will become richer. The laminated wood makes it lighter in weight and affordable for better sound quality.

3. Luna aurora borealis ¾ acoustic guitar

The special feature of luna is that their guitar is in many colours, whether pink, blue, white, black and many funky shades. The choice of colours attracts kids to play it every day and learn it.

4. Hohner guitar: HAG250P

The size of this guitar is for younger kids. This guitar contains ½ size and many features for kids. The light gauge nylon strings are perfect for effortless fretting so that kids will not get discouraged.

5. Yamaha APXT2

The Yamaha guitar uses the tagline “small guitar with great big possibilities” that increase their sales. It was easy to use as it has only one pick-up that contains only two control- volume and tone.

6. Martin LX1 little martin acoustic guitar

The motive behind this is to create a great sound with the help of the smaller guitar. This guitar is somewhat more expensive than another guitar because of its sound quality.

7. Rogue acoustic guitar blue burst

This guitar was made by the Korean company sun. Its size and colour both made this guitar best for kids. However, the main disadvantage of this guitar is that the guitar strings are too hard on the soft finger of the kid.

8. Lagrima acoustic guitar

This guitar is best for that kid who only wants a guitar for entertainment purposes as it is affordable and somewhat the same feature.

9. Cordoba guitars coco x cordoba mini guitar

It is a mini guitar for kids, and the tone is adjustable in this guitar. The size of this guitar does not affect the sound quality.

10. Yamaha CGS102A ¾ classical guitar

The ¾ guitar size is perfect for the kid. The sound from this guitar is decent and soft. The sound quality of this guitar also focuses on playability and comfortability.

Also Read: How to Teach Numbers to Kids?

Why is Guitar Necessary for a Kid?

The guitar is very good for the mental health of the kid. The kid gets relaxed when he plays an instrument or dances. The sound gives kids the feeling of happiness and reliability. Music increases decision-making power as music can thicken the cortex, so the guitar can easily make the kid increase their decision-making ability. The guitar can keep your child away from depression. Most kids are impatient; they need everything in just a minute, but learning guitar can make a kid more patient. Learning guitar can also increase the mental activity of a kid. Kids can become more confident and creative while learning guitar as they will know more new things. A kid can make a great career ahead in this field by learning guitar.

Career for Kid after Learning Guitar

Many people think that they can only become rockstars after learning guitar, as most people get inspired by musicians or guitarists who keep rocking in the world. But there are many careers other than a rockstar; the kid can opt for it if he does not want to opt for a rockstar.

1. Music journalist:

Not everyone becomes a great rockstar; some want to enjoy music, so they adopt guitar, so the best way to enjoy music is while freelancing. As everyone knows about magazine articles, there is someone who writes for those magazines, and of course, that is no surprise. So why can someone not adopt this as freelance work? They can write about guitar and even write about music. The most important thing to become a music journalist is proper good grammar.

2. Guitar teacher

No one knows anything from birth. Everyone learns things from someone; they need a teacher who will guide them and tell them how to be better. So why not be a guitar teacher? It will allow you to make more money and also increase your knowledge and practice. Guitar teachers will always be in high demand in today’s society.

3. Studio/session guitarist

Studio guitarists are those who shoot in the studio for a music album. But for choosing this career, an individual must have good knowledge of guitar and should be professional. An individual will also get a chance to do a concert in different places and get a fan following. Therefore, an individual must have a good attitude towards the audience and be easy to work with. Most of the work will come to an individual because either someone knows your work or knows that you are the best in music.

4. Songwriter

Some people are good at writing lyrics for the song, and they love to perform on their music. So they like to write, but the main thing for professionally writing a song is to know how to write a song and the format of writing a piece of music.


Someone can open their own band and earn a lot of money only if they are very popular with people. On the other hand, individuals are the boss of their own will and go to weddings and bars.


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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