
10 Amazing & Fascinating Facts about the Human Body: Updates for Your Inquisitive Kids!

As parents are constantly looking forward to teaching their kids new things, keeping them updated beyond their textbooks is not a cakewalk for sure. However, teaching kids new facts has become easy with the increase in the knowledge pools around us. But what new facts can we teach our kids amid this pandemic within the four walls?

How about teaching your kids some of the most interesting & amazing facts about the human body? Isn’t it the coolest idea! We live in our bodies for our whole lives, and understanding more about our own bodies will not only add consciousness but will also develop a scientific attitude towards our bodies.

So without wasting much time, let’s check out 10 amazing facts about human body! These facts will help your kids understand their body from head to toe-tip interactively.

Brain Related Facts

We all know the human brain withstands tremendous power! We have got some fun facts about the CPU of the human body, aka our brain. 

The Brain is Faster than Supercomputers

Imagine a small particle is about to enter your eye; what is your body’s immediate response? It blinks in an instantaneous moment. Hence, no supercomputer can match this speed.

The Brain can produce Electricity!

Did you have any idea that the brain possesses the power to light up a bulb? Wouldn’t it be fascinating to power up a light bulb with your brain! Someday soon, we will be able to access such technology.]

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Lung Related Facts

Breathing is the process that includes inhalation and exhalation. Without a respiratory system, a living organism cannot survive. In humans, the lungs are the organ that aids respiration. There are many facts related to lungs; let’s take a look!

If Opened Flat Lungs can Cover a Whole Tennis Court

You may believe or not believe this fact. However, if the lungs are opened flat, its surface area can cover a complete tennis court. 

Lungs are the Unique Organ in Human Anatomy to Float above Water

There are over 300 million balloon-like formations present in the lungs known as alveoli. These formations are present only in the lungs for the exchange of gases. Thus, the Lungs are the unique organ inside a human body to float above water.

Ear Related Fact

Your ears are the path that allows you to listen to what is happening around you. Ear not only helps to listen but also maintains your body’s balance. Let’s take a look at some fun facts about the ear.

The Ears Never Stop Listening

Yes, ears never stop listening. They function 24*7 even when you are asleep. Your ear just tends to ignore all the vibrations or sounds when your body is asleep.

The Ears Push the Earwax Out on their Own

You don’t need to clean your earwax. In the first place, you must never choose to clean your earwax as when required; ears push the earwax out on their own.

Eye Related Facts

Without eyes, we cannot enjoy the beauty of this magnificent world. They act just like cameras. Eyes capture the image and deliver it to the brain to process the image to help you see. Let’s look at what the eye has to add to the facts about human body!

  1. The muscles present to control your eyes are most active.
  2. The eyes are the 2nd most perplexing organ in the human body after the brain.
  3. Per-minute, you blink approximately 12 times.

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Digestive System-related Facts

We all know the human body consists of various organs which form numerous life systems. The digestive system is one of them. There are many interesting facts about the digestive system. Without further ado, let’s indulge in it!

  1. For the food to reach your stomach from the mouth, it takes only seven seconds.
  2. A male’s small intestine is smaller than that of a female.
  3. If you decide to stretch the entire digestive system out, its length would be approximately 29 feet.

Join us at RealSchool to help your kid cope up with general facts about human beings through our interactive masterclasses. We understand the competition between the kids is increasing day by day; hence we look forward to providing personalized schooling for every student.

We firmly believe in teaching beyond the four walls of the classroom, and thus we’ve introduced a revised syllabus for the new age kids. Don’t miss this golden opportunity of giving your kid a fantastic platform to learn interactively. Join us today!

Heart-related Facts

The heart is a pumping machine inside your body. A heart never stops pumping blood to your entire body. You can imagine a heart size by looking at your fist. Let’s look at the additional facts about the heart!

A Male’s Heartbeat is Slower than that of Female Heartbeats

Per-minute, an average female’s heartbeat is 78 beats, and for men, it is just 70 heartbeats. Isn’t it one of the amazing facts about human body?

Capillaries Present in the Heart are Very Tiny

To attain the size of a hair strand, you would require around 10 capillaries present in the heart.

Bone Related Facts

We all know the framework of our body is because of the bones. Not only that, it helps to protect various vital organs inside the human body. Let’s have a tour of some fascinating facts about bones.

  1. Babies have more bones than adult human beings.
  2. You might not believe it, but this is true. Babies are born with 270 to 300 bones. As we grow, the bones fuse, and the number is reduced to 206 bones.
  3. The Largest bone in your body is present in your Thigh and is known as Femur.
  4. The Smallest bone in your body is present in your Ear and is known as Stapes, aka Stirupp bone.
  5. The largest number of bones are found in the ankles, hands, feet, and wrists.

Some other Facts about Human Body

  1. The skeletal system considers Teeth as its part, but they are not considered as the bones.
  2. The brain accounts for 2% of body weight/mass, but the oxygen supply required for it is 20% of the total.
  3. A human body is made up of 60% of water.
  4. The number of nerve cells present in each human brain is more than that of stars inside the Milky Way.
  5. Per-minute, we lose about 30k to 40k dead skin cells.

In Conclusion

These are some of the most interesting facts about the human body. These facts can help your kids better understand the human body in a fun way. It is very important for kids to learn about the facts of their human body and the do’s and don’ts to take the utmost care of their body for future prospects. Indulge your kids in these facts to bring the best out of them. You can also find several such facts in the various genres to furthermore enhance your child’s skills.

RealSchool, your kid’s real education partner!

We at RealSchool, offer a personalized, futuristic, as well as engaging syllabus beyond the textbooks to uplift your kid’s future to higher elevations!

Join us today and let your kid experience one of the best online schoolings!


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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