
100 Action Words in English: For Kindergarten to Class 1

Kids learn lots of primary concepts during their playing activities. One such concept is action words. However, it’s not easy to embed its concept in kids. Since it is an essential thing to learn, you should start teaching it to kids during early childhood.

Through this article, you will learn action words for kindergarten and action words for class 1. This article also deals with action words sentences for kids and fun ways to teach them to kids.

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What are Action Words?

Before looking at the examples of action words for kids, you should know the definition of action words? In simple terms, those words that represent mental or physical actions are called action words. For example, blinking is an action word as your eyes are doing a physical moment. Also, thinking is an action word because it is a mental action.

As a parent, you should start giving them lessons on action words at the age of 3. Every one year, their stock of action words should increase. At the age of 2-3, 40-50 action words are enough. However, if your kid starts speaking late, he/she should have at least 5-10 action words by the age of 3. After each subsequent year, try to add 10-15 action words to their vocabulary.

Also Read: Opposite Words in English for Kids: Ways to Help them Improve their Vocabulary

Action words form a significant part of sentence building. Hence, your kid should learn them as soon as possible. Lack of action words may impact a kid’s learning and development process. They may lag behind their classmates in terms of English speaking and writing skills.

Ways to Teach Action Words for Kids.

Teaching kids is not easy. However, with these steps, the learning process of your kids will go smoothly.

Firm Introduction

The first step is to introduce them with action words. If you write down the action words in a notebook, kids might not find it interesting. However, showing them action words by performing some activities will attract them. For example, start with a term, say walking. Roam around the room and show them the meaning of action. They will find it exciting and try to learn it.

Make a List of Action Words

You can make a list of action words based on your kid’s age. You can divide action words for kindergarten and action words for class 1 according to your kid’s mental age. Read these words loudly. You can include some non-action words in the list and look at whether they recognize them or not. For example, you can add money to the list of action words and wait for them to correct your mistake.

Draw a Picture

The impact of images lasts longer than texts. Instead of writing an action word, make action words pictures for kids. For example, you can draw a man running in a park or garden. The kids have to guess the action performed and the word used for that action. You can also play it as a game with your kids. It will give kids two-way benefits. Firstly it will increase their vocabulary. Also, it will develop their motor skills.

Also Read: Jolly Phonics Tricky Words for Kids: How to Teach Them to Kids?

Sing with Rhymes

Many rhymes include action words. Sing those rhymes with your kids. It will help to learn examples of action words for kids. Kids will also learn new rhymes. These rhymes retain in their memory longer than simple texts. Some of the traditional verses to learn action words are:

  • Teddy bear, teddy bear
  • One, two, buckle my shoe ( this rhyme focus on action words and counting)
  • Row your boat
  • Hop a little
  • Incy wincy spider
  • Rub-a-dub-dub

Word Association

One of the most approaching methods is to connect things. You can teach kids action words with body parts by correlating them. For example, you can show them their eyes and ask them what they do with their eyes? It will let them quickly learn many action words. You can also connect their day-to-day movements with action words. For example, if they are rolling on the floor, explain to them about the action they are performing.

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Keep Reminding

It is crucial to remain consistent with training. Don’t teach everything at the same time. Teach 5-6 words regularly. Continue this process for a long time. Also, keep reminding your kids about action words. For example, whenever they wake them ask them about the action they performed. It will help them to remember action words for a long time.

Through these steps, your kids will learn and remember action words. It will help them to make sentences easily.

Uses of Action Words for Kids

If you don’t see action words as something worth learning, you should know about the uses of action words. Some of its applications are:

  • You are surrounded by action words. It is almost impossible to make a sentence without an action word in it. Your kid will need it in nearly everything they perform.
  • If your kids are interested in storytelling, they will need a good stock of action words. Stories involve a lot of actions and require action words to describe them. For example, both running and walking are almost similar actions with only a difference in speed. But your kid should know the difference. Otherwise, they might misinterpret running as walking. It might change the meaning of the story
  • A time will come in your kid’s life when they will need a resume. They will need bulk of action words for it. Undoubtedly, in the early stages, kids do not learn the action words used to make resumes. However, it will still help them to remain updated with action words.

You can feel the significance of action words for kids by looking at their vast applications.

Also Read: How to Learn English for Kids? Prepare Your Kid for the Competitive World

Examples of Action Words for Kids

Here is a list of action words for kindergarten and action words sentences for kids.

Action Word for Kindergarten

  • Walk: People are walking in the park. You can teach these action words by either drawing a picture of it or taking kids to a park and show them people walking.
  • Play: Kids are playing cricket on the ground. You can take your kids to the garden and show them the game. It will also help them to know about cricket.
  • Eating: I am eating mango. You can ask kids to describe their actions with the food they are eating. It will help to increase their stock of action words and food vocabulary.
  • Run: Players are running on the field. You can show this through a picture in a magazine or newspaper.

Action Words for Class 1

  • Think: The government is thinking to re-open schools for kids. It is a sentence they could connect with their life. Hence, it will remain in their memory.
  • Write: I am writing a speech for the morning assembly. When kids are doing any writing activities, remind them about the action word for it.
  • Bake: My mother is baking a chocolate cake for my birthday. You can bake a cake or cookie to show them the use of action words.
  • Prepare: I am preparing for my final exams. When they are working hard for their exams, give them extra lessons with fun.

Through these simple words, you can start their training for action words. You can increase the difficulty of the term as they grow up. You may find 100 action words in english through the unlimited resources available on the internet.

Also Read: How to Teach English Speaking for Kids? Start at an Early Age to Excel in Future


Every living being is performing actions continuously. There are two major types of activities. They are:

  • Locomotion
  • Movement

Locomotion is the moment of living beings from one place to another. On the other hand, movement involves the actions of body parts. They are further sub-categorized into visible and non-visible moments. Non-visible moments occur at the molecule level and, hence they are not visible through human senses. Some of the examples of non-visible movements are the heartbeat, breathing, etc.

No matter what the type of action is performed, actions are the basis of life. Action words describe actions. Hence, it is vital to learn action words for kids.

Hopefully, you found this article helpful. You can share your view with us by commenting in the below box.

Janvi Khetan

For over two years, Janvi Khetan has been working in the field of blog-content writing. She had worked as a digital content writer for an established company for six months and a Business Development Manager in a reputed firm for a short time. As a blog content writer, her goals include creating content to help individuals to grow as a whole. Her field of expertise is writing on sustainable parenting. In addition to this, Janvi Khetan has earned recognition for her extraordinary commitment to the truth. She has been bringing the truth on various issues in front of the audience with facts, statistics, and candid writings.

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