
Why Workshops on Vedic Maths, Phonics and Grammar are Important for Children? Click to Know

Children who are taught at a young age frequently benefit from the following methods: greater social skills, fewer or no special education needs in succeeding years, good grades, and longer attention spans.

Similarly, other studies have found that young children participating in preschool programmes are more likely to complete high school, attend college, have less behavioural issues, and avoid becoming involved in crime during their adolescence and young adult years.

So why should children attend workshops on Vedic maths, phonics and grammar? Let’s find the answers in the article below.

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Why Should Children Attend Workshops on Vedic Maths, Phonics and Grammar?

A skilled speaker delivers their expertise in a captivating and eloquent manner at a workshop. They frequently offer a few personal experiences to motivate others. Students in attendance may be inspired by their journey, methods, and ideas to raise their productivity and develop their abilities and thoughts. Making new personal and professional contacts is a vital element of growing up.

Workshops provide you with the chance to meet new people and build a network. Workshops are designed to teach you about technological advances, new approaches to achieve your goals and new innovations. The workshop’s expert tries a variety of approaches to entice attendance.

Vedic Maths for Kids

Vedic maths makes it easier for students to learn equations and tables, and it is one of the quickest ways to grasp computation. Learning Vedic math methods allows youngsters to perform calculations faster and even solve simple arithmetic sums such as additions, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

This is mostly based on 16 Vedic sutras (formulas). They allow students to tackle these problems using a simple and visual manner rather than the traditional method. If your child is having trouble with math problems, you should look into Vedic approaches.

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Benefits of Vedic Maths For Kids

Vedic mathematics encourages youngsters to practise mental math. When this strategy is used in all of its straight forms, it can assist children in solving tough math problems. This strategy has various advantages for children, some of which are listed below:

Make the Calculation Easier

This is a method for making math calculations easier. Children who enjoy math calculations take a step forward in resolving problems more quickly. However, children who are not strong in the topic of math believe that solving arithmetic is a difficult task; however, they must do the questions regardless, so these tricks help them resolve their conflict and provide a strategy with which they may easily solve the questions.

Rephrase the Steps

Memorizing formulas and steps for large calculations consumes a large portion of one’s brain capacity. However, Vedic maths is a basic solution that includes only the bare minimum of measures for remembering the procedures and formulas. This technique also improves attention and memory.

Easily Solve a Number

Vedic maths not only teaches you amazing tricks, but it also improves your mental ability to solve issues of all kinds, from simple to difficult. It increases one’s ability to solve problems at a higher level of the subject. It trains the youngster to accept things that are above their level of understanding.

Develops Concentration

Vedic Maths increases a child’s pride and focus. You’ll have to be more cautious if your child starts doing calculations faster. It allows children to improve their attention span.

This branch encourages children to concentrate more on their schoolwork and even boosts their self-esteem. It also relieves a child’s load of remembering a variety of facts, such as number tables and the multiple tough stages required in an issue.

There is no stress on the youngster to master the lengthy procedures, which somewhat saves a lot of time but also energy that may be used to recall irrelevant information.

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Enhances Creativity Skills

Creativity is a skill that is in high demand in both the workplace and the classroom. Children are expected to be very inventive. Using both the left and right sides of the brain, this strategy increases one’s creative side. Vedic maths equip youngsters with the ability to solve tough problems in a unique way.

Phonics for Kids

Among the most important things for a parent is to see their child succeed in school and in life, and becoming a competent reader is a critical stepping stone on that route. It’s the same for instructors, according to the Department of Education, because phonics education can help students develop culturally, socially, and emotionally at a young age.

Phonics, when properly taught, is one of the most efficient ways of teaching children and can create a solid basis for a child’s future success, according to research.

Phonics for Kids Benefits

Reading is Good for the Brain

Reading is a difficult mental task in and of itself, but it aids in the development of a young reader’s intellect by forming new neural connections in the brain. Phonics enables youngsters to see personal letters on a page and equips them with the necessary tools to comprehend them. It helps youngsters develop general thinking abilities such as reasoning and reasoning by analogy in addition to reading and writing.

Regular Practise Makes it Better

The old adage “practise makes perfect” holds true for phonics, which is an important aid in the development of children’s reading fluency. Over time, children could become fluent readers, quickly recognising familiar words and pronouncing out new words they meet.

The Ability to Recognise Sounds as Symbols Improves

A child who learns to read with phonics will have a high level of phonemic awareness, or the ability to hear, recognise, and interpret letter symbols in relation to their pronunciation.

Reading Improves a Child’s Patience and Focus

When a youngster is practising reading, they are usually required to remain still and silently so that they can concentrate on the job at hand. They also progress as students over time by following directions from a teacher.

Reading Enhances Vocabulary and Linguistic Comprehension

Children’s language and general knowledge grow as a result of extensive reading. Young readers can use phonics to improve their reading comprehension and comprehend new words while reading. This motion gets so automatic with practice that kids may readily absorb the overall meaning of a word while reading.

Children That Receive a Phonics Education are More Inventive and Empathic

Children begin to picture how they might feel in a setting as their reading skills improve and they learn about persons, places, and events that are not familiar to them. They have a different outlook on the topic and are more able to perceive what they read.

The Structure of Syllables is Taught to Children

When a learner learns phonics, he or she gets more familiar with the structure of syllables. Recognize that a tight syllable has a brief syllable and finishes in a consonant, whereas an open phrase has a long vowel and finishes in a consonant. Through phonics learning, English structures become more apparent and understandable.

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Higher Reading Abilities Lead to Greater Academic Accomplishment

Children that obtain Phonics instruction become more enthusiastic about reading, which improves them in many subjects, not just English. Other forms of knowledge from across the curriculum are easier for children to acquire. It’s a great learning experience!

Children’s phonics instruction is frequently designed to be enjoyable and engaging. Games, for example, are frequently linked to lectures, and the images that accompany the learning are typically quite colourful.

This method is intended to improve the learning experience and, as a result, to improve the general development of reading and writing skills.

Grammar for Kids

The key to speaking English smoothly and confidently is to use proper grammar. Knowing your grammar will keep you from making mistakes that make native speakers think your English is weird.

Grammar is also crucial in social situations. The last thing you want while meeting new people or visiting new places is to be misunderstood! You must have a good understanding of how to organise your sentences in order to avoid confounding your pals or purchasing more beverages than you planned.

With that said, keep in mind that it’s acceptable to relax your grammar in certain situations. It’s fine to use casual or simplified language while messaging a close buddy, for example.

Best Tips for Kids Development

Increasing Your Child’s Self-Confidence

When children experience themselves via their parents’ eyes, they begin to establish a sense of self. Your tone of speech, body language, and facial emotions are all picked up by your children. More than anything, your statements and actions as a parent have an impact on their developing self-esteem.

Praising accomplishments, no matter how minor, and letting children do things on their own will make them feel powerful and strong. However, insulting statements or unfair analogies of one kid to another will make kids feel worthless.

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Set Limits and be Consistent

In every household, discipline is required. Discipline is intended to assist children in selecting appropriate behaviour and developing self-control. They may test the boundaries you set for them, but they require those boundaries in order to mature into responsible people.

Setting house rules assists children in understanding and developing self-control. No TV until homework is completed, and no hitting, name-calling, or nasty teasing are permitted.

Make Time for Your Kids

Sitting down for a family lunch, let alone spending meaningful time together, isn’t always simple for parents and children. However, there is probably nothing that children would enjoy more.

Get up 30 min earlier in the morning to eat breakfast with your kid, or leave the dishes in the kitchen after supper and go on a walk. When children do not receive the attention they desire from their parents, they often play out or misbehave in order to be noticed.

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Be a Good Role Model

By seeing their parents, young children can learn a lot on how to act. They’ll pick up on your hints more if they’re younger. Consider the following before you strike out or lose your cool in front of your child: Is this how you like your child to act when he or she is upset? Keep in mind that your kids are always observing you. Kids who hit have such a role model for aggressiveness at home, according to studies.

Respect, kindness, honesty, compassion, and tolerance are all traits you want to instil in your children. Demonstrate selflessness. Don’t expect something in return when you help people. Thank you and provide praise. Above everything, nurture your children the way you would like to be treated.

Make Communication a Priority

You can’t demand your kids to do everything because you want them to “So say it,” as a parent. “They, like adults, seek and deserve answers. If we don’t take a moment to clarify our values and motivations, children will begin to question whether they are valid. Reasoning with children allows them to understand and develop in a nonjudgmental manner.

Make it clear what you expect. If a problem exists, describe it, share your feelings, and encourage your child to help you find a solution. Consequences must be included. Make recommendations and provide options. Also, be receptive to your child’s ideas. Negotiate. Kids who are involved in the decision-making process are more likely to follow through.

Show That Your Love is Unconditional

You have the responsibility of correcting and guiding your children as a parent. However, how you deliver corrective feedback makes a huge impact in how a youngster responds to it.

When confronting your child, avoid accusing, condemning, or identifying faults, as these actions can lower self-esteem and cause resentment.

However, even when disciplining your children, attempt to nourish and encourage them. Make sure they understand that, while you hope for and expect more the next time, your love will always be there for them.


School-acquired knowledge isn’t always sufficient. Workshops assist students in achieving success by allowing them to use their academic and practical knowledge. Attending workshops, summits, and seminars hosted by experts can provide some of the most meaningful lessons a student can have.

Students have the opportunity to form new professional ties, make new friends with like-minded people, and obtain new and innovative ideas in addition to learning something new. In other words, expert-led workshops provide an opportunity to hone your skills while also learning new ones.

Want to improve your kids learning? Visit The Real School Of Montessori portal now!

Madhurjya Chowdhury

Madhurjya Chowdhury, a web content writer in Ufaber EduTech has a very strong passion for writing and alluring the readers. You can find him writing articles for the betterment of exam aspirants and children. With immense interest in research-based content writing and copywriting, he likes to reach out to more and more people with his creative writing style. On the other side, he is an Electronics and Communication Engineer from LPU, Jalandhar. In his leisure time, he likes to play badminton or read about space discoveries. Apart from this, he is a pro gamer on PC, PS and Mobile gaming platforms.

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