
How to Teach English Grammar in the Easiest Way to Children? Importance of Grammar for Kids

Grammar is a set of principles that describe how a language changes through time. Every language has its own rules. Grammar rules define what kinds of terms are used and how they fit into a sentence.

Grammar lays out the rules for speaking and writing properly. Although it is an important component of learning, knowing how to communicate is even more important. Grammar instructs students on how to properly write and speak the language.

The grammar includes instructions on how to use the terminology correctly.
Children learn some very difficult grammar principles around the age of three, while some children may need up to six years to master them. In this article, we have focused mainly on how to teach English grammar in the easiest way to children.

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How to Teach English Grammar in the Easiest Way to Children?

We all know how important grammar is for kids. Below, you will go through some methods which will help you teach English grammar to your children.

Establishing a Routine

Make a schedule for your English study time at home. Short, frequent sessions are preferable than long, infrequent ones. For small children, 15 minutes is plenty. As your kids get older and their attention span improves, you can gradually lengthen the sessions. To retain your child’s interest, keep the activities brief and varied.

Make an effort to do some things at the same time each day. When children know what’s coming, they feel more at ease and confident. You could, for instance, conduct an English game after class every day or share an English tale to your kids before night.

If you have room at home, construct an English zone where you can keep everything related to English, such as books, games, DVDs, or anything made by your kids. Children frequently need to hear words and phrases several times before they feel prepared to develop them on their own.

Also Read: Funny and Easy Tongue Twisters in English: Interesting Way to Learn and Enhance Your Skills

Playing Games

When kids are having fun, they automatically learn. Flashcards are an excellent tool to teach and relearn vocabulary, and you can play a variety of games with them, including Memory, Kim’s game, Crackle, and Happy Families.

Using Everyday Situations

The benefit of teaching English at home is that you may practise the language spontaneously and in context by using ordinary scenarios and real objects from all over the house.

Using Stories

Children’s books with vibrant colours and appealing images are particularly popular with younger children. Together, look at the photos and say the words as you point to them. You can subsequently ask your child to point to different objects, such as “Where is the pen?” Urge them to speak the words by asking, “What’s all this?” after a time. Your youngster will become accustomed to the sounds and melodies of English by listening to stories.

English Kids’ cartoon stories are a great way for kids to practise their reading and listening skills. Older kids can use the free exercises to test their understanding.

Using Songs

Songs are an excellent tool for learning new vocabulary and improving pronunciation. Songs with actions are especially beneficial for very young children since they can participate even if they are unable to sing the song. The actions frequently demonstrate the significance of the song’s words.

Teaching Grammar

It is not necessary to directly teach grammar rules to smaller kids; instead, get them acclimated to hearing and using various grammar rules in context, such as ‘have got’ while discussing someone’s looks or’ must/mustn’t’ when discussing their school rules. Learning explicit grammar from a young age will help your child utilise it appropriately and effortlessly as they get older.

You can use the grammar practise part of LearnEnglish Kids for older youngsters. Videos, quizzes, and games assist children in learning in an enjoyable and comfortable manner.

For older children, teaching their siblings or other relatives can be extremely beneficial. Teaching someone else how to utilise grammar will assist you in developing it yourself.

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Grammar Kids Learning Games

Nowadays, being able to communicate in English is a source of pride. His or her peers respect and admire someone who speaks and writes in grammatically perfect English. As a result, everyone should have a good understanding of grammar.

Sentence Building Game

Eight differently coloured crayons or pens, one piece of paper, and identification cards are required. Make a list of the eight most common components of speech on your piece of paper, then go over them with your kid.

Nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections are examples of these. Then, with your pencils or pens, assign a colour to each of the 8 parts of speech.

Spot the Mistakes

Making your youngster edit writing for spelling and grammatical errors can be a fun task. On a piece of paper, jot out one or two paragraphs.

Make an effort to write something that your youngster would like reading or find interesting or hilarious. Include a single typographical or grammatical error per two or three phrases as you write.

Play the Simon Says of Grammar

A multisensory way of learning works well for many children. While learning, movements and motion can aid to consolidate conceptual comprehension. Allocating a distinct action to each segment of speech is a fun game to play with your youngster.

Capital letters

This game is best played in groups of three or more persons, with one reader included. For each player, you’ll need a cap and a brief picture book, tale, or simple music lyrics to read aloud. Instruct the kids that they must put on their caps whenever they hear an uppercase.

Present and Past Tense Matching Game

This game is a fun method to enhance your child’s knowledge of present and past verb tenses. Compose the past and present conjugating verbs of different nouns on notecards with a pen on paper, one word per card.

Jump and leapt, see and saw, game and play, and dash and run are some instances. Write present tense verbs with a purple pen or pencil, and past tense verbs with an orange pen or pencil, so that each pair of matching words contains one purple word and one orange word.

Place your cards in a box and mess them up. Allow your youngster to pick up the cards one at a time and read each word loudly. Place the cards face up on a hard surface once they have been read aloud. Ask your students to match each gold card to the appropriate red card when the cap is empty.

Also Read: Logical Ability Questions: How You Can Make Learning Fun for Kids?

Importance of Grammar for Kids

How important is English for kids? Why should you teach grammar to them? Grammar is at the heart of both our oral and written communications, allowing us to be made clear by everyone.

Poor grammar can cause messages to be confusing, affecting our capacity to communicate and hindering the development of relationships, which is a vital skill for children to learn.

Correct grammar, on the other hand, facilitates others’ hearing and reading improves communication and has a favourable impact on relationships.
Grammar also allows kids to improve their vocabulary by teaching them new and fascinating methods to express and deliver information.

Learn English at an Early Age

Higher Test Scores

Numerous studies have shown that children who have studied a foreign language perform significantly better on standardised examinations than their monolingual classmates, including all portions of the SAT.

Advanced Reading Skills

According to a study conducted by York University in Canada, multilingual youngsters who know a second language have an advantage in learning to read.

Gain Confidence

Kids are constantly exploring different things, and learning a foreign language comes more readily to them and is more enjoyable for them since they learn through play. This achievement also provides them with the confidence they require.

Also Read: Logical Ability Questions: How You Can Make Learning Fun for Kids?

Bigger View of the World

Travelling overseas is a rewarding experience for everyone, but being able to travel and speak the local language offers you the confidence to explore various cultures.


Every language has its own set of rules for building meaningful sentences. In this approach, English grammar can be thought of as a set of rules that govern people’s language conduct. It’s an important feature of the English language. And someone with a thorough understanding of English grammar may correctly speak and write the word. Syntax, morphological, and phonology are all part of grammar, which is generally supplemented with semantics, phonetics, and pragmatics.

People have been observed to be judged by many others based on their language skills. If a person is unable to communicate effectively, he or she is deemed uninformed or illiterate.

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Madhurjya Chowdhury

Madhurjya Chowdhury, a web content writer in Ufaber EduTech has a very strong passion for writing and alluring the readers. You can find him writing articles for the betterment of exam aspirants and children. With immense interest in research-based content writing and copywriting, he likes to reach out to more and more people with his creative writing style. On the other side, he is an Electronics and Communication Engineer from LPU, Jalandhar. In his leisure time, he likes to play badminton or read about space discoveries. Apart from this, he is a pro gamer on PC, PS and Mobile gaming platforms.

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