
Spelling Games for Kids: Here’re Some Online & Offline Games You Should Know About

First of all, we can safely agree that English can be a confusing language to learn for kids. There are many difficulties in the language that might confuse kids a lot. English spelling for kids is one of the most difficult and challenging things to master. However, spelling is an important skill for kids to learn. Parents should encourage and motivate kids’ English spelling learning capabilities every step of the way.

Teaching English spelling to the kids can be hectic and difficult if done the incorrect way. You should always opt for change, and we bring to you new and innovative English spelling games for kids. Whether your kid is good at English spelling or not, the spelling games will make the learning process interesting, and easier. The method of teaching your kid through spelling games is going to be fun, effective, and interactive.

Cricket Spelling Game

Every kid loves a game of cricket, either they are watching it, or playing themselves. This activity is more fun with a group of children in a classroom. But you can always make an exception, and play this game with your kids.

#. First, split into two teams, you can be the opposing team. Make a cricket ground and pitch on a board, and add points for every word spelt right.

#. The kids will achieve 4 or 6 runs if they answer the difficult words right. The difficulty level should be set according to the age of the kids.

#. You become the fielding team first, and be the bowler, make your kid the batsman.

#. The bowler will ask the batsman the spellings of different words. The runs will be scored based on spelling difficulty.

#. If the batsman spells the word wrong, then they are bowled(out). And every batting team will have three wickets.

#. When the batting team gets all out, the fielding team gets the chance to bat, and then they have to chase the score set by the batting team.

You can go on playing as many innings as you want; you can also add a lightning-fast round as a super over if the match is tied. Ensure that you let your kid win some of the matches; it will help in boosting up their confidence.

Spelling Ball

This spelling game requires at least three players to play, but again you can customise and play with two players. You need a bigger ball like football to play with.

#. Stand in a circle, and one of the players will begin by calling out a word to spell for the next player and kick the ball to them.

#. The catcher should catch the ball, and spell out the word. If they are not able to spell the word correctly, they should pass it on to another player.

#. You can put up points for every word spelt right, and minus one point for every word spelt wrong or passed.

Like this, it will go around until a player achieves ten points. You can play this spelling game with two players following the same rules. To make things more interesting, you can add a rule that the points will be deducted if a player doesn’t catch the ball.

Stair Steps

Stair steps is one of the easiest and best spelling games for kids. It doesn’t require much physical activity as compared to the previous ones. Stair steps is a simple game that is played on a piece of paper. The game is a unique way to help your kid memorise the spelling of various words step by step.

You would be required to instruct your kid to write a word on the paper as if they are stairs. Instruct them to add one letter at every step, and complete the word in the last stair. Below is an example of how the words are supposed to be written.









If you want, you can also use alphabet magnets instead of writing the words on paper.

Spelling Train

This is another fun and simple spelling game for kids. Here too, the kids only need to write the spellings of the word on a piece of paper. If you want, then you can use alphabet magnets to make the activity more fun for the kids.

The instructions are that you would be required to give your child a word to write. First, they have to write the given word with correct spellings, and then they have to write another word that starts with the last letter of the first word given by you. And so on the trail will follow, and they have to write a word starting with the last letter of the previous word until they can’t think of any more words. Below an example is given:








You can ask them to write random words, or you can also instruct them to write only the names of animals, birds, vehicles, objects, etc.

Lily Pad Letters

Yet another simple game is Lily Pad Letters, which is fun and makes the kid more involved with its physical activity. The game requires you to have a large piece of construction paper or cardstock paper. Then you need to cut out 26 pieces in the shape of a lily pad. Then write all the 26 alphabets on those lily pads.

You would say a word aloud, and your kid will have to step on the right letters to spell out the word. Ensure that according to the age of your kid, you start with an easy word. You can ask difficult words after some time, but only continue if they can spell them.


Playing such offline spelling games will be a learning experience for your kid and be a physical activity for them and a bonding time for the whole family. You can also search for some online spelling games for your kids to play. Such fun learning activities are a must to make the learning process fun for your child.

Real School Of Montessori is the best destination for your kids to learn with fun. In such times when we are locked in our homes, parents are looking for reliable sources to help their kids learn from home. You can check our website, and verify yourselves. Join us today to ensure the best formative education for your kids!


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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