
Science Project For Kids At Home: Checkout Cool Project Ideas using Home Materials Only

If you are looking for a science project for kids at home, here is an article that got you covered. The article’s list covers all areas of science, ranging from space to dinosaur to chemistry.

For each project and experiment mentioned below, we include a description of which area of science it covers. How to make science projects for kids? How difficult the experiment is for kids? and How messy can it be?

The Floating Egg

The experiment is for preschoolers and primary school kids using home material only. The experiment is under the easy category.


1- Water

2- Salt

3- Egg

4- Two Transparent Glass Container


All you need to do it, fill the two glass containers with water. Now mix salt in any one of the glasses and put the egg in both glasses.


The egg in the glass with salt mixed water floats while the one in the pure water is dipped to the depth.


It shows that as the egg is dipped in both of the water containers, the egg with saltwater has a higher density than that of normal water. For the same reason, the sea and ocean have saltwater float boats and ships more efficiently compared to river water.

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Waterproofing with Candle

It is a medium-difficult experiment as it consists of working with fire which will need parents assistance.


1- Any object that can get wet in water

2- Candle

3- Glass Container

4- Water


First, light the candle and hover the object you have taken (For example, Egg) over the candle, so it gets the ashes to mark on it. Cover the egg half with these burnt ashes. Now dip the egg into the water.


The area where the ashes are marked does not let water touch the surface of the egg. This is due to the reason that the burning candle produces Wax as its ash which is water repellent. As you dip the egg in the water, the water repellent property comes up and saves the egg from getting wet.

Loving Toothpick

It is under the easy science project for kids category of experiments and can be considered for all age groups. The project covers both biology and physics.


1- Five Toothpicks

2- Water

3- Dropper


Break the toothpicks in half so that they don’t completely detach from each other but bend to an angle less than 45 degrees. Now place them all in a pattern so they form a star. Now with a dropper, put drops of water at the centre of the star so that it touches all the toothpick corners.

As the water is dropped at the centre, it starts to shift till the end of the toothpick. The Toothpick is made up of dry wood. As you put water into it, the dry wood absorbs water and with capillary action, it shifts the water to the tip of the toothpick. Capillaries are microscopic tubes that pass water in the plant from the root to the leaves and other parts of plants.

You broke it from the centre, but it tries to expand and straighten up due to the absorbed water. It expands till it meets the other toothpick tip kept adjacent to it, and a star shape is made.

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Charged Bubble

This is an easy experiment and can be performed by preschoolers too. The project is based on the property of physics.


1- Plastic ruler scale

2- Straw

3- Soap water


Put the soap water on a clean plane surface (preferably kitchen shelf). Dip the straw in the soap water and blow it over the soap surface to form a bubble on the surface. Now rub the ruler on a clean cloth or kid’s hair so it gets charged and brings it close to the bubble.


Due to the rubbing of the ruler, it gets charged, and as you bring it close to the bubble, the bubble made of soap water has salt content in it and tries to move towards the charged ruler.

Bouncing Egg-

It is an easy project for all age groups of kids. This experiment is a part of chemistry.


1- Egg

2- Vinegar

3- Glass Tumbler


Put the vinegar in a glass tumbler and put the egg into it. Keep it idle for 3 to 4 days.


The egg becomes unbreakable when dropped from 3-4 inches of height. It is due to the reason that the vinegar can mix calcium carbonate and penetrate inside to make the yolk get hard and the egg become bouncy.

Leakproof Bottle

The experiment is hard for preschoolers and requires a careful hand to perform.


1- Hard Water Bottle (Preferably glass bottle)

2- Tissue paper

3- Water


Fill the bottle with water to the tip of the mouth. Place the tissue at the top of the bottle, so it soaks the water at the top. Tear remove the extra tissue from the edge of the glass bottle top and leave only the tissue that is covering the mouth of the bottle. Now with careful hands, flip the bottle upside down.


The water will not leak out of the bottle even after flipping the bottle filled with water. This is a very good example of surface tension. As the water is soaked by tissue and the extra tissue is removed, it seals the bottle, and as the bottle is incompressible, it doesn’t leak any water out even after toppling it upside down.

Heavy-Duty Glass Container

It is a medium-difficult experiment and requires careful hands to carry out.


1- Serving Tray

2- Paper

3- Water

4- Candle

5- 5 glass containers


Place the paper in the water and soak it for 2-3 minutes. Now place the paper on the tray and let it stick to the tray. Place a candle on the top of the paper, put an inverted glass container on the candle, and press it until it is off. Keep the pressure on for some time. Now place fully filled glass containers on the four corners of the tray. Lift the centre inverted glass.


The whole tray and glass container set up is lifted with the centre glass lifting making it one of the best science projects for kids. This is because the gas contained in the centre glass container was hot when the candle was burning, but on getting it off, the gas gets cooled. Cold gas takes less space and tries to contract. Since there is no inlet of more gas in the glass container, a partial vacuum is created, making the centre glass attached to the tray firmly.

Plastic Bottle Rocketry

It is a hard yet cool science projects experiment, especially for secondary class students.


1- Spray Deodorant

2- Plastic Bottle

3- Lighter


Take the plastic bottle and punch a hole in the cap. Now open the lid and spray 5-6 times with the spray deodorant into the bottle. Now close the lid cap of the bottle with a hole and place the bottle on the floor. Lit the lighter and bring it close to the mouth opening of the bottle cap.


The bottle shoots forward. This happens because the gas spray is a compressed gas that is flammable and light. When we bring lighter fire near the gas, it gets heated up and tries to expand. Since there is only one hole opening on the cap of the bottle, it expands out of the hole, and the bottle is forced to move ahead.

There are many such experiments that can be performed by the children staying at home. At The Real School Of Montessori, we teach the children more and more about such science project ideas for kids with simple tricks and objects available at home. For further information and reading more such articles, do visit our website.


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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