
Maths for Kindergarten: Tricks to Make Math Fun for Your Kid

There are so many adults who not only hate maths they are also afraid of it. They avoid going towards the way where maths is. But when we ask them what if you were given proper guidance and were taught properly in your foundational years, would have there been any change? The common answer that is found is that the guidance would have made the scenario much better. If they have got the proper guidance and somebody worked hard on making their foundation strong, then definitely they would have been a mediocre student in maths instead of being a poor student. Learning from such cases, it has become important for today’s parents to work harder towards building their kid’s foundation for each subject, especially for maths which seems tough for many adults and kids.

Math for Kindergarten

There are so many fun ways to teach math to a kindergarten kid. As the syllabus for a kindergarten math subject is not so tough it is as simple as how to count, identify numbers up to 10, and sort items. They learn more and less the principles of ordinal numbers, simple addition and subtraction, and the development of patterns using concrete advice. kids will learn about time and calendars and cover them daily. Not just burdening the teachers, parents can also make fun activities to make their child revise the concepts taught in the class. A few of the fun activities that can be designed are:-

1. Play Cards

With the help of play cards, a child can learn any subject. Within the spectrum of subjects comes Maths too. Play cards can be used for teaching any concept to the child. You can use it for teaching numbers, shapes, calendars, and any math concept.

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2. Shape Scavenger Hunt

You can organize a scavenger hunt game with your kid. This game is convenient to be played with children at home. You can find easy places to hide the shapes or hide the card with numbers and then let the child find it without any help. This way the child is intrigued to find the shape or the card align with learning the concepts. Kids can learn from such interesting activities and retain the learnings for a longer period of time.

3. Cup Hoarding

For this, you will need many cups in which you have to write numbers from 1 to 100. You can play this game in various games and you can do improvisations accordingly. One way is to ask your kid to arrange the numbers from ascending to descending order or you can arrange them from descending to ascending order. You can ask the kid to make a pyramid from 10 cups and 20 cups and then count them together. This is a very interesting way and kids really like to play this activity.

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4. Playing Card Addition

You can play this game by taking a deck of cards and shuffling all the numbers between 1 and 5. Allow your kindergartener to take two cards at a time and add the numbers together, continuing until she has gone through the entire stack of cards.

How to Teach Mental Math for Kindergarten?

We all have heard of mental maths at one or the other instances but what is mental maths? Mental maths is the ability to manipulate numbers to calculate in different ways. And numerically, a student’s progress in algebra has been proved in turn. In essence, we do the same with algebra variables as students will learn to do with lower grade numbers. There are so many mental math activities for kindergarten, with which a kid learns maths in a short span of time and with greater retaining ability.

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Here are some activities that you can play with your kindergartener

1. The Rolling Dice

You can give dice to your child and get the game on. Ask your child to roll the dice on the table and keep a count of the number that appears. He/she can roll it for any number of times, but tell the child to keep on adding the numbers in his/her mind. If the child gets 1 he/she starts with 0. At last, he/she needs to sum up the number and as a parent make sure that you are also keeping the track of the numbers to see if the answer is right or wrong. It is better that you play it with the kid to increase competition. If playing as a competition the one that reaches 25 first wins,

2. Board of Math

For this use a white or a blackboard, chalk, and a duster. As a parent, you have to write a number to subtract and add on the board. Ask your child to answer it in the 30s, if he/she is not able to answer it he/she loses the marks. If the child gives the correct answer, give her/him 1 point, and if he/she doesn’t then give 0 marks. After you end the game give total marks to your child and accordingly you can present a reward to her/him. You can give the child his/her favourite toy or chocolate.

3. Bridge to Numbers

This is an interesting game where you can make cards with the numbers written from 1 to 10. Ask the child to make a bridge by taking two numbers that add up to a certain digit like 10. You can start with 10 and tell your child to pick up 2 cards that sum up to be 10. This way the child learns the addition. You can also take up subtraction.

This is an interesting game and you can make it more interesting by making cue cards with different colours and with different stickers. This way children also find the association of the number and the colour or the number with the sticker. This helps kids to work smartly and find the numbers in less time.

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Math is one of the subjects that scares a large proportion of adults and kids. But a kindergarten is unaware of what is hard or difficult, the way you teach them determines whether they like the subject or not. If you teach math in an interesting way, you make sure that you build the foundation of math for the kid. This way kid grew up with the feeling of liking math and working towards achieving a high score in math.

There are so many activities that you can design and executive with the kid. In this article, you will learn about math concepts for kindergarten and you will get to know some math puzzles for kindergarten or some activities. You can try out these simple yet so interesting activities with your kid and enhance their mathematical skill from the beginning.

Kirti kumar

Kirti is a passionate content writer. With psychology and an MBA degree, she presents a complete persona of an empowered lady. She is an explorer who takes up a new journey, every time she takes a new turn. She has agility in her attitude with versatility in her action. She is a creative person who loves to unfurl the beauty of life through writing. She has a deep interest in dance and art & craft. She has developed a positive persona through her exciting and vast life voyage. Kirti is a person who is closely fused to her people and a hearty person open to building on new memories to cherish.

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