
Mathematical Challenging Riddle Questions with Answers: Help your Kids Solve these Riddles

Mathematics is everywhere. From calculating the grocery bills to time, we need math everywhere. With such diverse use, Mathematics undoubtedly tops the list of most important subjects everyone should learn. However, teaching Maths to young kids is a tedious task, as they feel the subject is tough, get bored quickly, and lose concentration. To overcome all these hurdles, parents and teachers should find fun and engaging methods that will help in teaching young kids Mathematics. One such engaging, fun, and effective way to teach children math is by introducing them to some math riddles.

Riddles, by definition, are statements, questions, or phrases with a hidden puzzle or answer inside them. Solving that puzzle is the fun part! Math riddle questions will help students understand mathematics better, develop their critical thinking skills while making the learning fun and interesting.

Mathematical Riddle Questions with Answers

In this article, we will see some challenging math riddles with answers for kids. Challenge your kids with these riddles to help them learn Mathematics better.

Riddle no.1

Rohan was asked to paint the number plates on 80 houses of a town, which means he will have to paint numbers 1 through 80. Can you try and figure out the number of times he will have to paint the particular number 8?

Answer: 9 times

Explanation: we need to count all the house numbers with ‘8’ in them, i.e., 8, 18, 28, 38, 48, 58, 68, 78, 80.

Riddle no. 2

If you add six to nine, you get three. And the answer is correct, but how?

Answer: 3 PM

Explanation: Here, we add 6 hours to 9 AM, and the answer we get is 3 PM.

Riddle no. 3

Consider you and your brother live in houses with two-digit house numbers and both your house numbers have the same digits. But, the difference between both your house numbers is 72. What are your house numbers?

Ans: 19 and 91

Explanation: If you look at the answer, both the house numbers have the same digits ‘1’ and ‘9’. The difference of the house numbers is 72, i.e., 91-19 = 72

Riddle no. 4

Name the smallest whole number that will be equal to seven times the sum of its digits?

Answer: 21

Explanation: It’s simple if you observe the digits of 21, which are 2 and 1. The sum of 2 and 1 is 3 ( 2+1 = 3 ) and 7 times 3 is 21 ( 7 x 3 = 21 ).

Riddle no. 5

Name the smallest number that increases by 12 when it is flipped and turned upside down?

Answer: It’s 86.

Explanation: When you flip or turn the number 86 upside down, it becomes 98. And 86 + 12 is 98.

Riddle no. 6

What is the maximum number of times you can subtract 5 from the number 50?

Answer: Only once.

Explanation: It’s only once because when you subtract 5 from 50, it becomes 45 ( 50 – 5 = 45 ). So, it’s no more the number 50 to subtract another 5.

Riddle no. 7

In which way can we add eight 4s so that the total adds up to become 500?

Answer: 444 + 44 + 4 + 4 + 4= 500

Riddle no. 8

If seven people meet each other, and all of them shake hands with each other only once, then find the number of handshakes will there have been?

Answer: 21

Explanation: Here, each person shakes hands with the other person only once.

Riddle no. 9

A shepherd has 19 sheep on his land. One day, a big storm hits, and all but eight sheep run away. Now, how many sheep does the shepherd have left with?

Answer: Eight.

Explanation: The eight sheep ran away from the storm, which means they are not dead.

Riddle no. 10

In a town far away, half of 10 is 6. If the same proportion holds true, then what is 1/6th of 30 in this town?

Answer: 6

Explanation: It’s a little tricky one, half of ten is 5 (10 / 2 = 5), but in this particular town it’s 6 (5 + 1). Now, one-sixth of thirty is 5 (30/6 = 5), which by the town’s logic, is equal to 6.

Riddle no. 11

Guess the number whose multiplication with any number is the same and equal.

Answer: Zero

Explanation: Any number multiplied by zero is 0 and it’s equal with all the numbers multiplied by zero.

Riddle no. 12

A little girl gets 12 tomatoes from a farm. On her way home, all but seven tomatoes get mushed and ruined. How many tomatoes does she have left in good condition?

Answer: Seven.

Explanation: If you observe the question carefully, it’s said that all tomatoes but seven of them, which means 12 – 7 get ruined, i.e., five tomatoes get mushed.

Riddle no. 13

How can you make four with three matchsticks without breaking them?

Answer: IV

Explanation: Use the three matchsticks to form the pattern of Roman IV

Riddle no. 14

If one out of nine identical balls is overweight, how can that one be identified after two weighings?

Answer: Take a group of three balls and weigh them against another group of 3, then we will know which group of thee contains the heavy ball. Now, pick two balls from that group and weigh one against the other. We will know which ball is overweight.

Riddle no. 15

How can three matchsticks combine to become 11?

Answer: XI

Explanation: You can arrange them to form an X and an I, which is the Roman XI.


These are a few mathematics riddles that you can use to have fun math sessions with your kids. Do not rush with answers; help them visualise the situation, think about it, and then solve it. They will eventually enjoy solving and developing critical thinking, interest in the subject, and improve in mathematics.

Continue reading our blogs for more child-specific content to help nurture your kid in a good way. If you think your kid needs more assistance, consider enrolling them with a mentor from The Real School Of Montessori. The one-on-one online mentoring programme at The Real School Of Montessori will help your kids become problem solvers, thinkers, and innovators ready to face the real world. Personalised mentors help your kids with academics and work with them in every way to help them excel. For more details, visit our website, The Real School Of Montessori, now!


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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