
List of Rhyming Words for Kids: Early Language Development

We all have memories of our childhood learning nursery rhymes and rhyming stories. Some people still remember the whole rhyming poem with the tone of it, this teaches us that rhyming words for kids are essential objects to develop early language abilities such as listening and speaking. Children with strong language abilities are shown to develop rigorous reading and writing skills.

Helping your child with recognition and identification of rhyming words helps them dually with verbal language polishing and the variety of vocabulary of the language. Introducing rhyming words to your younger ones also helps them with literacy in that language. Children learn to rhyme in three stages, they are not distinct from each other as they overlap with each other.

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Stages of Rhyme Learning

  1. Exposure – Introducing them with rhyming words can be as simple as singing a nursery song, hearing the particular pattern in the song can aid the learning of the song by the kid. Exposing them to a variety of rhyming songs while reading and singing them together.
  2. Recognition – After singing and hearing the song child should be able to recognize the pattern of the rhyme also called rhyme recognition.
  3. Production – After exposure and recognition of rhymes your child will be able to produce rhyme themselves. Asking questions to rhyme simple daily used words such as jug, door, the cup will make them curious to explore more.

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How to Teach –

Many methods and materials are available to start the learning with rhyme for kids. Using multiple ways to teach them the concept of rhyming and introducing them with new words works better and kids also enjoy it.
Following are the common ways that can be used as an introduction with rhyming words for your kid list.

  1. Reading rhyme books, poems, and songs.
  2. Puzzles containing rhyming words.
  3. Clipping cards
  4. Lap books
  5. Rhyming dictionaries

Also read: Jolly Phonics Tricky Words for Kids: How to Teach Them to Kids?

List of Rhyming Words for Kids –

The following list of rhyming words is useful for nursery level and first-grade kids, as your child makes gradual improvement you can switch into more complex rhymes.

A) Rhyming words with “at”

  1. Bat
  2. Cat
  3. Fat
  4. Hat
  5. Mat
  6. Pat
  7. Rat
  8. Sat
  9. Vat
  10. Slat
  11. Brat
  12. Flat
  13. Chat
  14. Splat
  15. That

B) Rhyming words with “an”

  1. Ban
  2. Can
  3. Fan
  4. Man
  5. Pan
  6. Ran
  7. Tan
  8. Van
  9. Flan
  10. Plan
  11. Span
  12. Scan

C) Rhyming Words with “ab”

  1. Cab
  2. Dab
  3. Drab
  4. Fab
  5. Flab
  6. Grab
  7. Jab
  8. Nab
  9. Lab
  10. Slab
  11. Tab
  12. Crab

D) Rhyming Words with “ad”

  1. Add
  2. Bad
  3. Clad
  4. Dad
  5. Fad
  6. Had
  7. Lad
  8. Mad
  9. Pad
  10. Rad
  11. Sad

E) Rhyming Words with “all”

  1. Ball
  2. Call
  3. Fall
  4. Hall
  5. Mall
  6. Shawl
  7. Tall
  8. Wall
  9. Thrall
  10. Gall

F) Rhyming Words with “ag”

  1. Bag
  2. Flag
  3. Drag
  4. Gag
  5. Hag
  6. Nag
  7. Rag
  8. Sag
  9. Tag
  10. Wag

G) Rhyming Words with “ip”

  1. Ship
  2. Chip
  3. Clip
  4. Dip
  5. Drip
  6. Flip
  7. Grip
  8. Hip
  9. Kip
  10. Lip
  11. Nip
  12. Pip
  13. Rip
  14. Sip
  15. Slip
  16. Skip
  17. Snip
  18. Tip
  19. Trip
  20. Zip

H) Rhyming Words with “ap”

  1. App
  2. Cap
  3. Clap
  4. Flap
  5. Gap
  6. Lap
  7. Map
  8. Nap
  9. Rap
  10. Scrap
  11. Slap
  12. Snap
  13. Strap
  14. Snap
  15. Tap
  16. Trap

I) Rhyming Words with “id”

  1. Bid
  2. Did
  3. Hid
  4. Kid
  5. Lid
  6. Mid
  7. Rid
  8. Sid
  9. Grid
  10. Slid
  11. Skid
  12. Squid

J) Rhyming Words with “op”

  1. Bop
  2. Cop
  3. Crop
  4. Clop
  5. Drop
  6. Flop
  7. Hop
  8. Mop
  9. Plop
  10. Prop
  11. Shop
  12. Stop
  13. Swap
  14. Top

K) Rhyming Words with “am”

  1. Clam
  2. Cram
  3. Dam
  4. Gram
  5. Ham
  6. Jam
  7. Lamb
  8. Ram
  9. Slam
  10. Spam
  11. Tram

L) Rhyming Words with “ig”

  1. Big
  2. Dig
  3. Fig
  4. Gig
  5. Pig
  6. Rig
  7. Twig
  8. Swig
  9. Wig
  10. Brig

M) Rhyming Words with “ar”

  1. Are
  2. Bar
  3. Car
  4. Far
  5. Jar
  6. Scar
  7. Star
  8. Tar
  9. Ajar
  10. Guitar

N) Rhyming Words with “aw”

  1. Awe
  2. Caw
  3. Claw
  4. Draw
  5. Flaw
  6. Paw
  7. Raw
  8. Saw
  9. Straw
  10. Thaw

O) Rhyming Words with “ay”

  1. Bay
  2. Clay
  3. Day
  4. Gray
  5. Hay
  6. Jay
  7. Lay
  8. May
  9. Pay
  10. Play
  11. Pray
  12. Say
  13. Stay
  14. Spray
  15. Sway
  16. They
  17. Way
  18. Trap

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P) Rhyming words with “ell”

  1. Bell
  2. Cell
  3. Dell
  4. Fell
  5. Gel
  6. Sell
  7. Shell
  8. Smell
  9. SpellPTell
  10. Well
  11. Yell

Q) Rhyming words with “en”

  1. Den
  2. Men
  3. Pen
  4. Ten
  5. Then
  6. When
  7. Wren
  8. Zen
  9. Ben
  10. Ken

R) Rhyming words with “et”

  1. Bet
  2. Get
  3. Jet
  4. Let
  5. Met
  6. Net
  7. Pet
  8. Set
  9. Wet
  10. Yet

S) Rhyming words with “ew”

  1. Blue
  2. Blew
  3. Brew
  4. Chew
  5. Clue
  6. Crew
  7. Cue
  8. Dew
  9. Drew
  10. Ewe
  11. Flew
  12. Glue
  13. Grew
  14. Knew
  15. New
  16. Phew
  17. Shoe
  18. Shoo
  19. Stew
  20. Through
  21. Threw
  22. True
  23. Two
  24. View
  25. You
  26. Who
  27. Zoo

T) Rhyming Words with “in”

  1. Bin
  2. Chin
  3. Din
  4. Fin
  5. Grin
  6. Inn
  7. Pin
  8. Shin
  9. Skin
  10. Spin
  11. Twin
  12. Thin
  13. Tin
  14. Win

U) Rhyming Words with “it”

  1. Bit
  2. Fit
  3. Hit
  4. Kit
  5. Knit
  6. Lit
  7. Mit
  8. Nit
  9. Pit
  10. Sit
  11. Quit
  12. Skit
  13. Slit
  14. Spit

V) Rhyming Words with “od”

  1. Cod
  2. Bod
  3. Odd
  4. Nod
  5. Plod
  6. Prod
  7. Rod
  8. Squad
  9. Trod
  10. Pod

W) Rhyming words with “og”

  1. Bog
  2. Blog
  3. Cog
  4. Clog
  5. Dog
  6. Fog
  7. Frog
  8. Hog
  9. Jog
  10. Log

X) Rhyming words with “op”

  1. Top
  2. Chop
  3. Cop
  4. Crop
  5. Drop
  6. Flop
  7. Hop
  8. Mop
  9. Pop
  10. Shop
  11. Stop

Y) Rhyming words with “ot”

  1. Blot
  2. Cot
  3. Clot
  4. Dot
  5. Got
  6. Hot
  7. Knot
  8. Not
  9. Plot
  10. Pot
  11. Rot
  12. Shot
  13. Spot

Z) Rhyming words with “ow”

  1. Bow
  2. Brow
  3. Cow
  4. How
  5. Now
  6. Pow
  7. Sow
  8. Row
  9. Vow
  10. Wow

The rhyming words occupy the majority of our childhood, teaching kids nursery rhymes makes them more receptive and fun to learn. Learning rhymes is way more than just learning the words, it helps children with language development which is considered as one of the vital skills of communication, making them language smart. The successful implication of these rhyme words in front of the children can make them smart in spoken language.
Building a rhyming skill little by little through nursery rhymes, reading rhyming stories, everyday object rhyming, and including other activities such as lap book, puzzles, word games. Teaching your kid rhyme words will solidify the foundation of their literacy, and give them an advantage of developed language skills.  Hopefully, you found this article helpful. You can share your view with us by commenting in the below box.

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Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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