
Indian Flag Drawing for Kids: Learn to Draw Indian Flag Like a Pro

This year marks the 75th anniversary of our country’s independence. This is an ideal moment to engage your youngster in exercises that educate them about India’s culture and history. One of the best activities and also a must learn knowledge is our Indian flag drawing for kids.

Our flag symbolizes the people of India’s oneness, despite the diversity in culture, language, class, religion, and so on. The Indian flag is distinguished by its horizontal rectangular tricolour. Along with learning Indian flag drawing for kids, it is important to know its history also.

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History of Indian Flag

Mahatma Gandhi proposed the Indian flag design to the Indian National Congress in 1921. In addition, Pingali Venkayya created our flag. A classic spinning wheel was placed at the centre of the flag. Almost everyone is familiar with Ganghiji’s spinning charkha pictures.

After that, the design was tweaked to add a white stripe in the centre. As India is a country with many religions, this change was made for the benefit of other religious groups as well as to provide a backdrop for the spinning wheel.

Nehru introduced the modern Indian flag, as we know it today, in the Constituent Assembly on July 22, 1947. The old khadi wheel was substituted by that of the Ashoka Chakra to reflect dharma and law, and it has three bands of saffron, white, and green. Jawaharlal Nehru (chachaji) was the one who presented to the assembly our flag – made of khadi silk and khadi cotton, which was resoundingly approved.

Life is found in movement, while death is found in stasis, according to the Ashoka chakra. It symbolizes the energy of a peaceful transition. India should not stop in its way of progress and has to move and progress.

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What Do the Colours Represent?

Every colour has a different meaning. Similarly, the colours on our flag also represent several meanings. Indian flag drawing for kids is incomplete without explaining the meaning behind it, so let’s find out.

1. Saffron colour

It represents sacrifice and courage. Our freedom would not have been possible without these two important factors. So it shows that our people are strong, brave, and ready to face any difficulties without fear.

2. White colour

It represents peace and truth. White is also a symbol of purity and wisdom.

3. Green

It signifies our land’s fertility, development, and auspiciousness. The green ring symbolizes our strong attachment to the soil, which is the source of all life-sustaining plants. Green is also a symbol of faith and chivalry.

The three shades also have an underlying meaning that is built on India’s secular values. Saffron denotes Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, whereas white denotes Christianity and green denotes Islam. The Ashok Chakra refers to the understanding of all religious teachings, particularly compassion and morality.

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National Flag Drawing for Kids

The Indian national flag is an important emblem for the country. The Indian national flag represents the nation’s pride, patriotism, and independence. So, one of the best and most important activities that you can do as a part of the Independence Day celebration is the Indian flag drawing for kids.

On the appearance, a flag may appear to be a simple colourful piece of cloth, but it may symbolize more than just the cloth it is made of. It may be used to symbolize a nation, an organization, a sports team, or almost anything else you can imagine off! Because of the absence of the physical form, learning national flag drawing for kids might be difficult.

Things you should have on hand before national flag drawing for kids are mentioned below.

  1. A Pencil
  2. An Eraser
  3. A paper
  4. A ruler
  5. colours

If your kid is feeling more confident, you can encourage flag drawing for kids with a pen, but it’s wise to leave the pencil lines in place until the finish. Starting to draw with a pencil, especially for little children, would be preferable because there is a risk that they may make mistakes. So if they make any mistakes, kids can easily correct them with an eraser.

1. Step 1: Draw the pole.

To determine the size of the pole, begin with a small ball at the top. As flagpoles are so tall, a huge circle at the top will use up a lot of space on your drawing paper. A smaller circle gives us a better idea of how lengthy the pole will be in the end.

Drawing a pole has a major role in flag drawing for kids. Make a couple of vertical lines which are parallel and near to one another with your ruler. Now connect the two ends of the parallel lines together.

A flagpole does not have a “particular” length. As a result, you get to pick the length that works best for you! You can draw nearly three times the length of a person (if there is a person) in the picture if you want to. Try different lengths of flagpoles to find which one you favour!

The waving of the flag on your flagpole is what gives it life. This is accomplished in part by pulling in a halyard (or rope) that protrudes slightly out from the flagpole, almost as if the wind were taking up the flag and blowing it off from the pole. So, if you stretch your halyard far from the pole while drawing your flags flying in the opposite way of that imaginary wind, it won’t make sense to the drawing.

Allow your flag to fly by following the direction of your halyard. That’s it. By this time you might have got a wonderful pole on your paper. Now let’s go to the second step in the Indian flag drawing for kids.

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2. Step 2: Draw the Flag

Carefully draw a wavy line over the top of the pencil rectangle. The line that extends from the base of the vertical line on the right will be wavy, much like the top line. It wouldn’t have to be identical to the top line; however, it must have a comparable intensity to the waviness.

Don’t forget to join the wavy lines to the rope attached to the pole. Instead of a wavy flag, you can also draw a rectangular flag. Indian flag drawing for kids can be easier if they try to draw a rectangular flag, especially for younger kids.

3. Step 3: Dividing the flag

Draw two wavy and horizontal lines over the flag to break it into three proportional pieces. If the flag is rectangular, draw two horizontal straight lines using a ruler.

4. Step 4: Draw Ashoka Chakra

In the middle of the central portion of the flag, draw a tiny circle. Divide the circle into four pieces of equal size. Draw 5 lines between each segment, resulting in a total of 24 spokes. Make sure there are 24 spokes once you’ve finished sketching the spoke, so count carefully.

5. Step 5: colouring

The final step in Indian flag drawing for kids is colouring. The flag’s uppermost portion is saffron, while the third section is dark green. The lines of the Ashoka Chakra should be navy blue. While colouring, don’t forget to tell your youngster what colour each represents and also the history of our flag. For that, you can use the above-mentioned details.

You can choose a grey colour for the pole’s parts. To make the drawing a little more attractive you can draw a stand and also a base. For the base give a green colour as it will look like grass and for the stand can give any colour you want.

National flag drawing for kids is ready!

Also read: Fun Facts about India for Kids: 13 Facts that will Blow their Mind

Summing Up

Hope you will get a wonderful flag drawing. Flag drawing for kids is one of the easiest activities. So celebrate a wonderful Independence Day by creating such wonderful memories. Happy Independence Day. Jai Hind!

Alka Gopi

Alka Gopi is an aspiring content writer who is in love with words and flicks. Being a final year MA English Literature student, words have always been a part of her. She spends most of her free time writing poems and watching movies. Alka is the co-author of two poetry anthologies. Feminist literature and holocaust are her favourite genres. Writing was a side hobby until joining for her masters, but then she started discovering that writing allows her to explore different topic areas - some even outside her comfort zone. Her strength is her family and her friends. Apart from writing, she loves painting too.

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